What do you guys think of the new Anti-Immigrant Law SB 1070 in Arizona?


Active Member
hey ppl :blsmoke:

first of all, this is with no bad intentions at all, i just want to open a discution to see what people thinks off this thing.

im mexican, so u can see im not against my raza... and usa has given me a lot of fun, find stuff that i cant find here, etc... i actually like usa.

i live in baja and i go a lot to SD...

2 years ago i was working in a SUBWAY in mission beach, sd ... is an example of the thousand of mexicans working there, the owner just got mexicans working and 2 americans, the keep the chek-inspector cool.

so that way he can avoid taxes and paperwork i think... and just payin us cash.


ps. sorry for my english :P
well color the way the 16 pages read no one gets hassled unless a crime is committed , so i'm all for it , anyone committing a crime should have to prove citizenship regardless of ethnicity
well color the way the 16 pages read no one gets hassled unless a crime is committed , so i'm all for it , anyone committing a crime should have to prove citizenship regardless of ethnicity

i can assure my friend that 100% of the mexicans living and working illegally would give their lifes to pay taxes and be legal, but what happens is a guy goes to IRS and try to pay?, thats right, he get his ass deported in that very moment!! ..... my father have been trying to get residence for 20 years now!!! get get more $$ than requested by US law to get residency, and why is he still waiting?? so many people in line for 20 years?? dont think so... he has called soo many times and went to the offices ... they just dont say anything... just : "ur request is in line sr."....

mexicans dont mind about being exploited in labors, almost all of the people crossing the border are poor village people that work in construction 16 hrs 7 days a week for 1500 pesos... avergae

like 100 bucks for 112 hrs of REAALLY HARD WORK!!

in usa every work for them is much easier forthem and get payed like 500-1000 % more , working less hours, resting 1 day, and all those fancy construction tools that make work easier that mexican construcion bussines cant afford...

just my humble opinion

any color , please listen ,this law is meant slow down the home invasions ,kidnappings ,and street gang violence not people working at popeyes or finishing concrete
take a look to this video please ppl , its a little bit more that what u think.....

i think its pretty damn stupid actually. the ICE has already stated that they're not going to be enforcing this to the extent that Arizona wants. they say that they "wont necessarily" be acting on the cases sent to them from this new law. and the state cant deport anyone themselves because the Feds are the ones who have info about whether a person is illegal or not. BIG waste of time and money. probably just a way for politicians there to try and get votes. this isnt going to actually *do* anything. because without the support of the Feds, no action can be taken. and the Feds really dont support this law. heres a short article... http://www.azcentral.com/news/artic...rizona-immigration-law-ICE-chief-opposes.html
damn.... and mexico cant do nothing about it.....

maybe if the MEX.GOV. protest or something to USA.... we can loose our country like when u took CA, AZ, NM, TX .... u.u
this is the lamest come back you mex use, please ,16 september mean anything , give mexico back to the spanish who you stole it from and we'll talk about ca, az,and nm , texas stays
All illegals should be deported, no questions asked.

really, what if they were helping the us to get rid of drug cartels, the drug cartels came for them, so they crossed the border illegally, if u send them back they get killed, illegal immigrants need to be deported i agree, but still, the reason those mexicans go to the us is coz ur rich bastards and they see it as a chance to support there family, in any case, legalise all drugs, nationalise all banks, the problem will go away, would u go to mexico if your standard of living wouldnt change, no, and vice versa, the guy with the massive bank account causes these problems, not the broke ass mexican guy who just wants his family to have a better life.
I don't understand the debate:-?. If anyone can just jump across "the boarder" and have the same rights and liberties as the citizens of this country; Then whats the point of having citizenship? Whats the point of having a boarder? Hell, whats the point of having a country? lol

Illegal immigrants are ILLEGAL.:blsmoke:
If you read up on things Mexico has the exact same policy as Arizona. If an illegal gets caught commiting crime they are deported.
take a look to this video please ppl , its a little bit more that what u think.....


Illegal aliens awarded $78,000 in damages against Arizona rancher
Rancher cleared in rights case - Washington Times

The body of Rancher Rob Krentz and his dog were found shot to death on his ranch. Krentz, who always was good-natured and willing to help people, had called in that he had found an illegal alien at one of his watering holes and was assisting him. That was the last that was heard from him before his body was discovered.
Sonoran Alliance: Arizona Politics for Conservatives » Border Rancher Rob Krentz And Dog Found Shot To Death After Aiding Ill...
take a look to this video please ppl , its a little bit more that what u think.....


I know you're a cool fellow Floyd fan and all... but what those cops did is NOTHING compared to what I would have done, had I seen THIS in person.

Definitely a situation in MY mind that warrants SHOOT ON SIGHT and SHOOT TO KILL as these people I would consider invaders of my homeland, and violent invaders at that.

this is the lamest come back you mex use, please ,16 september mean anything , give mexico back to the spanish who you stole it from and we'll talk about ca, az,and nm , texas stays

what??!?!? learn a little mexico history man!!! spain is the one who stole all this lands....