What do you guys think of the new Anti-Immigrant Law SB 1070 in Arizona?

it took my wife 10 years to get her green card , they make it so hard to get , she is canadian and is a licensed rn
it took my wife 10 years to get her green card , they make it so hard to get , she is canadian and is a licensed rn

yeah!!! i mean thats what sucks, how hard is to get legal

its sooooo much easier to get residency.... (then work for citizenship) if u marry an american guy/girl, average here in san diego-san ysidro border 3 years to get legal...

and its eaasier too if u have a lot of $$$$, because its what they looking too, the people with more money of mexico te spend it there..... and thats so true

also all Europenas and Canadians and all those 1st level countries have certainly more possibilites and preference by the migration, dont argue with that!!!!!! thats why there are zillions of people over the world living in america: UK, france, japan, germany, canada, spain, denmark, russia..... no BOLIVIA, GUATEMALA, EGYPT, COLOMBIA and i can keep going with poor countries like MEXICO...

obviuously the gov. inmediatly "throw those petitions to the gargabe".... what the point to have poor guys living here??? they dont have money..... we better have europeans(or canadians) because they have more money....

the average mexcian do 1/10 de $$ reg. american do in a week , and the PRICES ARE ABOUT THE SAME!!! i mean food, water, elec, and all the $$ u need to spend for living.... have you seen the worst living conditions in mexico??? its awuful people woth no water or light from the city. living in houses made of garbage... and have to support a 2 children family that lives in a single 5 m x 5 m area and working 3/4 of the day to get shit!!! just barely survive, and forget about byuing "stuff"... theres no money fr them to be happy....thats the story of milliions mexicans, officially in 2000, 60% of the pop. in mexico was living in extremely poor cond. (like i mentioned above)

thats why 89465418965 mexicans are dying in the desert trying to have a better life, than his parents ......

u guys are saying that yeahh..... if they made money, or have careers they could do the legal process..... but they dont even finished primary education (6th) a lot of them dont know how to read (and i mean a lot, my father is architect, and all the contruction workers are coming from south mexico,i have seen how they can read)

i mean its a big chain involved, because they didnt have the mediums to have a career and a better style of life.... because they parents, and their parents.... and so long...

thats the main problem i think of the 3rd lev. countries.....

in 2000, just 2 of every 10 kids that start school in mexico, end with a career. there is a tv commercial going right now were i saw that lol (we are having elections and all the politics comercials are around)

think in the 1980's or 70's...... how many of them could have been to school????? 0.4 of every 10 mexicans???

do you guys think all the illegals preffer to risk they lifes and expose to loose their new family in usa to be deported??

NO!!! if they had the chance, or if the requirements were waaaay lower than now, they are gonna choose the legal way.... because noooow they can afford it..

and look howw easy i got a work in SUBWAY ..... its also the employers fault to hire them, avoid taxes, maybe pay them 1/2 reg. american do.... (still HEAVEN for average mexican)


ps. again excuse my english :)
... i have ann aunt, that married an american guy, she got legal quckly, they were living in san diego.... they had a great style of life, had "ranchos" , horses, they owned few companies, and some real estate comp, they use to race horses (like hipodromo caliente here in tijuana) A LOT!!! also gambling prob..... the thing is that they got broke like 15-20 years ago, from that time the process of my dad being legal, to get a green card, stopped!!! and it has been the samee story always ..... ( ur request is in line sr... r.r )

its an example of how the gov. gonna take 1st level request more than lower countries....
you guys are missing the fact that this law isnt actually going to do ANYTHING lol. Arizona themselves cannot deport anyone. the states dont have access to people's status as citizens. the FED does. all Arizona can do, is question people, and if they dont have proof of citizenship, then they're forwarded to the ICE. the ICE has stated that they're not a fan of this new law and they "wont necessarily" be processing all the new cases from Arizona. this law is pretty useless. all this law has done is make it illegal to be an illegal in the state of Arizona...hahaha.

edit to add* im not supporting illegals in any way really. i understand the impact they can have on a country and its economy. im just stating that *this* particular method is ridiculous because its not gonna do much.

WRONG!!! Sheriff Joe has already said if ICE won't take them he will built "Tent Cities" to the California border (or Mexico's) if necessary. If they are "law-breakers" they will be arrested. He and many of us are tired of the Federal Gov.'s "Catch and release" program. So if your here after the Law takes affect. Your screwed...your headed back to Mexico or Jail.
They did...correction, they DO.....nothing f'n funny about it.

pff..... its about the southpark episode when the future american came and.... TOOK OUR JOOOOOOB!! ..........

don't post things if u dont read carefully dude....
WRONG!!! Sheriff Joe has already said if ICE won't take them he will built "Tent Cities" to the California border (or Mexico's) if necessary. If they are "law-breakers" they will be arrested. He and many of us are tired of the Federal Gov.'s "Catch and release" program. So if your here after the Law takes affect. Your screwed...your headed back to Mexico or Jail.
tent cities? and what do they plan to do with those? just send anyone suspected of being illegal to live in tents? sorry for the questions. i hadnt read that yet, so im just a bit curious as to how thats supposed to work :)
tent cities? and what do they plan to do with those? just send anyone suspected of being illegal to live in tents? sorry for the questions. i hadnt read that yet, so im just a bit curious as to how thats supposed to work :)

No... not anyone SUSPECTED of being illegal... anyone who can't provide proof they're here legally.

Which, if you're here legally... there is TONS of proof to show that.
glad you think its not a problem LOL:blsmoke:

It's not, we've already had war with the Mexicans in the past... this time it'll be even easier.

Been itchin' to scalp a few myself ever since I saw them burning and stomping on my country's flag...
i can assure my friend that 100% of the mexicans living and working illegally would give their lifes to pay taxes and be legal, but what happens is a guy goes to IRS and try to pay?, thats right, he get his ass deported in that very moment!! ..... my father have been trying to get residence for 20 years now!!! get get more $$ than requested by US law to get residency, and why is he still waiting?? so many people in line for 20 years?? dont think so... he has called soo many times and went to the offices ... they just dont say anything... just : "ur request is in line sr."....

mexicans dont mind about being exploited in labors, almost all of the people crossing the border are poor village people that work in construction 16 hrs 7 days a week for 1500 pesos... avergae

like 100 bucks for 112 hrs of REAALLY HARD WORK!!

in usa every work for them is much easier forthem and get payed like 500-1000 % more , working less hours, resting 1 day, and all those fancy construction tools that make work easier that mexican construcion bussines cant afford...

just my humble opinion


These illegals from mexico should be viewed as terrorists and treated as such. They come over here and terrorize our people, terrorize our public support and health care systems, and terrorize our polititians by keeping them fearfull of losing the mexican vote by demenstrating each time they get a whiff of something they don't like. We need to stop this envasion that is overcoming arizona. Thats bullshit that you say most of them would pay taxes if they could. All of them are law breaking scorge of the earth and if it were up to me I would pass a law that says shoot on sight. My quality of life as an arizonan has been majorly compromised because I have to live amoung these terrorists. What about my rights?
tent cities? and what do they plan to do with those? just send anyone suspected of being illegal to live in tents? sorry for the questions. i hadnt read that yet, so im just a bit curious as to how thats supposed to work :)

The "Tent Cities" I'm referring to are actually "Tent Jails." Arizona has many "outdoor tent jails" - with lots of desert to expand! Sheriff Joe doesn't believe lawbreakers should be living in air conditioned cells at taxpayers expense. The "indoor" jails are already full! He says (and I agree) our Soldiers are fighting in much the same miserable hot weather wearing pounds of equipment, and they don't bitch about it. So no one here has "sympathy" for lawbreakers. In fact, to watch TV they have to peddle a bike that generates the electric. AND BEFORE YOU BLAST ME for saying it's BS. Take a minute and Google it yourself.