• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Five myths about immigration

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Well-Known Member
Profiling works with record arrests and it would be stupid not to do it! If the police pulls a lime green candy paint job having, 26 inch wheels, With a gold tooth having driver he is not being racist. The car most likely has crack in it! If it does not the dude's license is most likely suspended. If there is no problem then he will get to go home. No big deal.

Big P

Well-Known Member
my point about how we will end up like greese is everyone thinks there some sort of endless supply of money we are popping at the seems and the politicians are more than happy to add more fuckers on our public rolls

its like if america was your apartment building, you and your fellow renters are paying dues and your land lord starts giving away freebees while increasing your rent, then there are all these transients just walking into you apartment building and setting up shop, and the landlord just allows them to chill there for free, while he raises your rent to cope with the extra up keep he needs to do to the apartment building because he ia allowing all these non paying fucks all up in your sanctity

these fucker take 50% of my fucking pay check, i gettin ready to lock & load on the IRS, businesses and rich folks are moving all thier assets over seas these are smart people they aint gonna let the politics rape them while they gather up more votes

it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out we will go bankrupped and there will be a civil war. you can find me in a different nation when that happens and america will be a poor totalitarian socialist state and the leaders will finally have all the control they want to do as they pls while thier people starve its an all too familiar story, obama would love for capitolism to crumble him and his peeps couldnt have been happyer when the econmoy collapsed all his buddy were like see see capitolism is a failure loooooooooool

these guys should be taken out and shot and draged throught he streets as a wanring to the other socialists but instead, your guys are hook line and sinker lol

america was supposed to be different

these selfish socialist bitches cant even allow us to have one sacred free nation out of hundreds of shit mock countries, that shit makes me made enuogh to i dont know what, but fuck it like i said its already tooo late so have at it boys.

finish her off good and when you see the tumble weeds roll by you can pretend you had nothing to do with it


Active Member
these guys should be taken out and shot and draged throught he streets as a wanring to the other socialists but instead, your guys are hook line and sinker lol

america was supposed to be different
Does anyone else see any cognitive dissonance here? This coming from an arab who immigrated to america? That's the kind of shit they do where you came from buddy....not here.

Do you know what greece's debt to gdp ration is compared to that of the US? And their problem is as much about tax evasion as it is about high levels of debt...maybe the IRS isn't such a bad thing.

And again....immigrants in general are good for the country. There would not be much illegal immigration if we had a guest worker program and legal immigration that was based on the needs of the economy, not on some arbitrary quotas.

Big P

Well-Known Member
hold on buddy the constiution says it is every americans duty to revolt and yes kill government entities that are subverting the US constitution they are called traiters little buddy read up

you know whats funny there are not people in the government who are trying to cut that part out of the constition because they know we would be in the right in a court of law:-P

"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion.
The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is
wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts
they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions,
it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. ...
And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not
warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of
resistance? Let them take arms
. The remedy is to set them right as
to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost
in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from
time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
It is its natural manure."

Thomas Jefferson

trust me, man just trust me, you prolly still young

Big P

Well-Known Member
and they do that shit everywhere not just where arabs are from

its human nature to kill

are you trying to tell me amricans dont kill?? looooooooooooooool

killing is nessecary there many people who if i could snap my fingers right now and have them die i would

thousands of them the world would be better off without


Active Member
Oh, I see... :rolleyes:

If anyone who isn't crazy wants to talk about immigration, your comments are appreciated!


Well-Known Member
If anyone who isn't crazy wants to talk about immigration, your comments are appreciated!
how can we speak rationally on the subject when the pro-amnesty crowd has only emotion on their side? the case has been made and ignored in favor of increasing the welfare pool. the people are resoundingly against the concepts of amnesty and illegal immigration in general, but foreign governments and the liberal establishment refuse to listen. we are called selfish for wanting to take care of our own countrymen first. we are called racist for openly declaring the obvious fact that we are being invaded by the poor from south of the border. their own government refuses to help them, so we are forced to sacrifice our standard of living for the sake of further wealth redistribution on a global scale. this nation and its people send billions in aid around the world, but that's just not enough.

the hypocrisy of it all is almost too much to bear. we have millions out of work, many who would gladly take the jobs occupied by illegal aliens. the demand has been made that we take care of our poor, but the very jobs that would enable them to begin a productive existence are permanently taken by those who have no legal right to be here. instead of solving the problem in the most logical manner, our government insists on wasting the funds needed for that job on handouts and temporary measures that only further tax our already strained system. with so many out of work, where is this dearth of labor that these illegals are supposedly filling in for? we can't keep shuffling around our nation's wealth, robbing peter to pay paul, increasing the power of the welfare state and denying our own citizens the means with which to support themselves. we are not too good for these jobs. we cannot be too lazy to perform these jobs and depend on the labors of others to support us.


Active Member
That's all good and well, but it's all based on the false assumption that there is a finite number of jobs or wealth to go around. More people = more growth = more wealth = bigger pie.

From the article in the OP...

Myth — Immigrants take jobs from American workers.

Although immigrants account for 12.5 percent of the U.S. population, they make up about 15 percent of the workforce. They are overrepresented among workers largely because the rest of our population is aging: Immigrants and their children have accounted for 58 percent of U.S. population growth since 1980. Low U.S. fertility rates and the upcoming retirement of the baby boomers mean immigration is likely to be the only source of growth in the ‘prime age’ workforce — workers ages 25 to 55 — in the decades ahead.

It’s true that an influx of new workers pushes wages down, but immigration also stimulates growth by creating new consumers, entrepreneurs and investors. As a result of this growth, economists estimate that wages for the vast majority of American workers are slightly higher than they would be without immigration. U.S. workers without a high school degree experience wage declines as a result of competition from immigrants, but these losses are modest, at just over 1 percent.


New Member
Or do what what all the G's do around my way and rob the mexicans every time they get a chance. They are well known to carry large amounts of cash around due to the fact that they do not have bank accounts and are usually on there way to the strip club or to buy some carona and hookers. I'm not saying I do that but it has become a very common practice these days.
I was WAITING for somebody to say this. Things are changing so much at such a pace that vigilante law would thrive. Everyone get off your asses, get a gun, and go HIT A LICK.


Well-Known Member
That's all good and well, but it's all based on the false assumption that there is a finite number of jobs or wealth to go around. More people = more growth = more wealth = bigger pie.
at any given time there are a finite number of jobs and a finite amount of wealth to support the unproductive of society. your simplistic equation breaks down when you consider that more unproductive people create no growth and are merely a drain on society. though illegals may consume, they are seldom entrepreneurial and their investment is most often in their home country. immigration is an important part of the growth of this nation, but only if it is a controlled influx into a healthy economy. a disproportionate number of immigrants in an ailing economy displace citizens from productive wage earning, forcing them into a dependent class and further straining those who can remain productive. dumping 10-30 million people into a nation's lower classes is enough to cause long term damage to the economy and can only increase the number of those dependent on the welfare state. removing those same millions from the labor pool of an ailing economy opens up a reduced job market and enables citizens to resume a productive existence, taking them off of the welfare rolls and reducing the strain on that system.


New Member
I went to the medicare eye doctor with my daughter and my grandaughters yesterday. It was a Mexican clusterfuck. We were the only english speaking people in the place. There were about 25-30 mexicans and their kids, the parents had multiple kids, averaging around 4 and maxing out at seven. They were running all over the place and the parents did nothing to address the situation. Finally one of the nurses came out and told the parents to keep their kids from running up and down the halls. The parents didn't speak english and the kids were translating for them. Our tax dollars in action taking care of people that won't even bother to learn english. I'm starting to wonder if I'm prejudiced, or the Mexicans are gaming the system. I'll go with gaming for now.


Well-Known Member
I went to the medicare eye doctor with my daughter and my grandaughters yesterday. It was a Mexican clusterfuck. We were the only english speaking people in the place. There were about 25-30 mexicans and their kids, the parents had multiple kids, averaging around 4 and maxing out at seven. They were running all over the place and the parents did nothing to address the situation. Finally one of the nurses came out and told the parents to keep their kids from running up and down the halls. The parents didn't speak english and the kids were translating for them. Our tax dollars in action taking care of people that won't even bother to learn english. I'm starting to wonder if I'm prejudiced, or the Mexicans are gaming the system. I'll go with gaming for now.
I hear you brother. I saw a mexican bitch on the curb outside of wallgreens pharmacy the other day with her totty out breastfeeding her baby like this is the 3 world desert or some shit! Don't even get me started on wallmart with all the dumb ass non english speaking wetbacks they have on staff.


New Member
Greece did it to themselves, they shouldn't have borrowed so much money. We are pretty close to whee they are.
Exactly. We had better start learning Chinese, The hell with spanish. When the Chinese come over to claim what they own, they'll move into all the public lands. Federal parks will, look like chinatown. Can you say chop suey.
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