My First Medical "Closet": 400 Watt MH


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on the top of the thread it says thread tools click that and inside that is says subscribe. Also the 6 point star or badge at the bottom of a post is to add rep. You add rep to people who help you out or impress you. Leaving rep lets people know you appreciate their help and should keep them coming back to help you in the future. Or at least for me thats how it goes. Thanks for scribin Ill Shoot you a little Rep for your name. LMao Stay tuned im watching yours.


Well-Known Member
Ok. So last night i looked at my ladies and both of the white widows are showing SEX. Yay. they are females. The GC i think may be showing but not as much as the widow. The ATF idk. Its the only one with big things on it. Hopefully tonight when lights come on it will have some white pistils coming out and i cant stop stressing. Other than that i think the AK47 is a few days awaya from being cut. This will be the first plant i ever harvested so i know there are some thingss ineed to do before i chop her. I believe i should flush her pretty good right? then stop watering for last few weeks? I dont think she has weeks left but i have been kind of flushing her. I Will try to post a pic tonight. She has grew so much since being under the HPS. I stil dont have a magnifying glass to check the trichs. Let me know if it looks like its even close enough to be worried about trichs. And in case you dont know i have no idead how long shes been flowering for. All i know is i had her for about a month and she was already budding when i got it. TGhaks


Active Member
First off congrats on the females, i sure hope mine is (fingers crossed). post some pics when you get a chance.
Also i thought that people should post pics of them smoking their own shit at the end of the harvest, it kindda wraps up the whole journal with a a happy ending(haven't seen one yet) lol.
Subscribed and rated btw


Well-Known Member
O ill end this journal that way. actually will have a little bit of that in the middle. So good news. The ATF is a FEMALE>.. shes got pistils but i really didnt feel like struggling with the cam to get descent pics but all have shown sex besides the bag seed and one GC but she is showing it just the pistils arent as long as the others. But all females. Hopefully the bag seed is too. here goes some pics of the girls though. They are uploading will post them in a second.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to my home.. LOL

The girls with their artificial sun.

This is the green crack that is showin sex but barely

This green crack is showing sex.. o yeahh

the ak


the no pointer

The ATF... yay its a girl

the two twin widows.. both girls

more of the mini ak... when will it be rready??

I Think this was an attempt at gettin a shot of the ATFs pistils. epic fail huh...

Whats in your BOng???


Active Member
you lucky bastard, so now that you have another female you should share the wealth. lol at the no pointer.


Well-Known Member
o yeah i got 5 big girls..... and the no pointer is pretty hilarious but my girl loves it so o well..


Well-Known Member
fucking discover a bunch of bugs chilling on the rim of the GC pot and in the soil.. WTF are they and what do i do?
This is the plant where i am seeing the bugs.

My attempt at takin pictures of th bugs.
this is the flying one. it has like clear or white wings. locate right below the piece of perlite sticking on the side.

There are a bunch of these crawling aroun the rim of this pot and in the soil. They are small and fat.. like round bodies tiny heads.. couldnt get that great of a pic sorry but i tried..



Active Member
Can't tell from the pic but it looks like spider mites from the leaf damage. You need to get an insect spray --> 455848.jpg or bifen.jpg are good but if you can't find that brand there are many others that do the same thing. If it gets really bad you'll have to treat your whole house with this stuff or they will come back and it can take several treatments. Bummer dude. I would just throw all that shit away make some clones and start over. You need to make sure your growing area in CLEAN. No offense but that bathroom is nasty! I would spend a day cleaning that shit with bleach and a scrub brush. Make sure all windows are sealed and that your growing room has no access from outside pests. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
KKKKKK> Check it out guys. Besides the bugs everything is going great. So much improvement daily. If you guys wanna see how they are doing give me at least thre3 different posters saying they would like to see them and i will post pix tonight. If not you guys are just gonna have to wait. Just FYI they look like they got buds forming already. now time to kill these piece of shit bugs... Stay high


Well-Known Member
:peace::peace::peace:Day 9 of Flowering:peace::peace::peace:
Right click and view image to zoom in and out. All pics are high def and the graphics are amazing. I will zoom a couple on photoshop for you guys tomorrow. here we go sorry so late. These pix took a grip to upload.
:twisted: MIni AK.

zoom in on these

These just look gr8 to me


:joint: Out of the HPS

:confused: Trying to show sex.. but i was stoned and not to familar with this technical camera

bongsmilie More eye Candy

:eyesmoke: Super Mini Ak... unhealthy

:roll: Back tothe mini Ak

:mrgreen: Got a little Camera Happy. LOL

ENJOY comments are always welcome and appreciated. Dont forget to zoom in on those AK pix.. The graphics quality on the nugs are ridiculous i promise. I Deserve Rep for those Pix. Lol Jk
Tell me this isnt kreepy..



Well-Known Member
New plants are lookin dope man, all really healthy. See you on day 9/10 which is exciting bc most of the bud growth happens weeks 3-5.5. The clown is scarring me tho, it's erie... and the plant smaller than the pop can gave me a little chuckle... your new shit will be way better with the 400 :lol:


Well-Known Member
Yeah im loving this flowering stage. Im always so anxious for the lights to come on. I picked up the pest strips today and the bloom nutes and a ph rod for the soil and moisture.. So tonight will be fun. It is okay to feed them tonight right? ITs foxfarms big bloom, and tiger grow. I think only big bloom for the first feeding tho. got to check the schedule thingy. And yeah i wish i had a nug that made a soda can look so small. LOL.. thats my baby tho i cant wait to smoke her.. thanks for the input... hopefully my ph is in order