My First Medical "Closet": 400 Watt MH


Well-Known Member
been running into problems lately... the other day i woke up to temps at 105 i know thats too hot. had a problem with the fan again.. When i looked at the ladies the leaves were all drooped down and some were twisted and crunchy. I fixed the problem so hopefully it wont happen again. They should be okaY?other than that i guess things are moving smookthly. Pic update soon


Well-Known Member
Just started following your thread, seems like you got the hang of it, I can't wait till i am able to harvest mine. I am barely in to day 6 of 12/12 though.


Active Member
Just seen what you went through in the beginning. Seems like you jumped into your first grow without any knowledge and excitement overwhelmed you. But you brought your ladies back and they're looking good now. I noticed you keep throwing hissy fits saying, "No one is writing me I'm going to quit posting." Dude you're doing this for you not anyone else just remember that you're here to get the knowledge that you lack from others and show off what you have created. I hope you have taken care of your mite problem and you need to listen to someguy15. He's been trying to help you out. You need some N. And you don't have to flush every time a leaf wilts or a leaf turns yellow or has a burn mark on it. It's also coming closer to harvest don't be impatient. Pick yourself up a 30x magnifying glass and start checking out your trics. I'm not sure if you know anything about the color you want your trics, but there are tons of good threads out there that will help you. Plus everyone likes their own high so make sure you base it off that too. I know I don't want all my bud to be couch-lock so i harvest some at 60% amber 40% milky. Im currently growing GC too and it should be ready at week 8 of flowering. Since you have different strains take into account you will need to start flushing them a different times. Keep your head up and finish this thing proud knowing you did it right and didn't cut any corners. You're doing good man, don't think I'm just busting your balls; I just don't think anyone has talked to you this straight forward. Oh yeah I'm subscribed and wish you the best of luck and looking forward to you next pic update as well.


Well-Known Member
thanks cheech and billcollector. But i keep throwin fits because this journal isnt for myself its what i share for others and it takes time to do those updates and i just felt no one was enjoying em. But yeah i have listned to someguy with the N i threw some of the veg nutes in with the bloom nutes to cover that. Im just used to seeing other journals where a update is made and everyone is either like they look great or pointing out problems. it didnt seem as if i was gettin much of either of those. So i felt i was wastin my time. //i got the mag and i know a little bout the trich colors and all that good stuff. When i jumped into this i had the knowledge and did the research i just didnt have and ideas on how i was going to do it. I just got the clones went home and transformed a closet into a grow room with some bad soil i just picked up from a friend. Things are coming good. As fo the GC im not sure whats going on. One of them is very purple. The buds themselves not the leaves. Maybe get some pics tonight if i feel like it. Thanks for the info on the GC flower time btw.


Active Member
I think people are writing just fine on your journal. Ive seen some journals that are 5 pages from germ to harvest. So you say purple on one of the GC. Maybe those are querkles not GC. Both stains look fairly similar until they begin to flower. The GC should have so many hairs that it looks like a cactus and almost spikey.


Well-Known Member
I dunno if his plant is Querkle, cause he said just the buds were purplish. Cause on mine, even the stems are dark dark purple...


Well-Known Member
Hey man if u want more responses you should follow other people's journals and comment on them once a week or something. Establish some sort of relationship and you will have a lot more viewers.


Well-Known Member
Hmm thats what I am trying to do, lol. Unfortunately, i don't know too much yet (still a newb) so I can't really help the more experienced growers, and I don't want to look stupid by spouting off some shit I read somewhere that might not even be true.


Well-Known Member
Hmm thats what I am trying to do, lol. Unfortunately, i don't know too much yet (still a newb) so I can't really help the more experienced growers, and I don't want to look stupid by spouting off some shit I read somewhere that might not even be true.
don't have to give advice ask for it like this

Hey dude your grow looks great, I am trying to follow your lead by doing things similar, if ya get a chance have a look your input would be awesome here's the link,,,,,,,,,,,,

I am currently subscribed to 89


Well-Known Member
Sorry got a shitty camera so just a few pics. This is day 57 of 12/12. Chopped half of one of the Green Cracks. Super Purple btw. Here are the few pics i took. This was like three days ago btw. Got the vent all finished and temps dont go above 80.




Well-Known Member
As for the Green crack. Gets me high. Pretty high however taste is off. Probably becasue it hasnt been cured long enough. Thats the smoke report for that cut. When the real deal is done i will try a nice smoke report.
Some more pix i took yesterday... really wondaring how long left .. thanks for the feedback and all the views this far. thamks to you guys i made it this far..



Well-Known Member
DIdnt get to feed last night so they are super thirsty in the pix. THe ATf looks ready by the trichs but has not swelled up very much. Ready to chop them in the next few days. The pics suck but my cam sucks so idk.



Active Member
It's OK you didn't water if you're ready to harvest. It helps to dry out the plants faster. I would even water them once more then leave them in 3 days of darkness and harvest on Friday. Leaving it in the dark should help your buds swell and increase resin production.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice there +rep . I might just do that. I was planning on chopping the atf tonight although i watered last night but the trichs are looking ready. AS for the widows they got a little left so i might try your idea.

Sorry dont know how to embed youtube videos but heres the link just a little vid.
edit: You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to cheechzilla again. sorry