400w HPS Closet Grow (Purple Jems, Himalaya Blue Diesel, and Auto Great White Shark)


Well-Known Member
lol hey u gave my thread action ;) doesnt this waiting part suck! wish i could fast foward a few weeks thats when things get fun


Active Member
yeah I feel you... I need you guys around anyway to keep me company through all this dreadful-ass waiting. I got 6 pages for germing a bunch of seeds, and I think only one person other than me has ever posted in drlearysbud's journal.

it weird how things like that work out...

I suggest you all take a peek at it.


Active Member
he's a user on here... He posted in this thread a whole bunch, too.

yeah... I'm "almost famous" I'm not boomer or anything!


Well-Known Member
I swear i had something either real important or real slick and funny to say.... but by the time i read to the end im so stoned i forgot:wall::weed::dunce::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::oops:
I remember now!!!!! lolololol was gonna say if your gonna order that much in seeds should of broke it up into a few orders welll i guess depending on how much shiping was if having multiple freebees is worth it to you but hell you could of broke that down if you wanted to. hmm guess now that im sober enough to remember that i should smoke another bowl...haha


Well-Known Member
Nice thread. I'm subscribed.

okay... I'm starting them in their final 1gal pots, so I can't really do the bathtub thing.

when I put them in the soil, do I turn the lights on to their permanent lighting cycle? Or how much light, if any, should they get while germinating in the soil before they break ground??
I think you can put seeds in soil straight away or you could germinate them in paper towel and then transport them to your growing medium.
If you are germinating seeds into soil I guess you should put your pot under lights straight away. During first days of grow your seeds (then seedlings) would do on low watage cfl lights. As soon as they pop out you should provide them with as much light as possible.


Active Member
I remember now!!!!! lolololol was gonna say if your gonna order that much in seeds should of broke it up into a few orders welll i guess depending on how much shiping was if having multiple freebees is worth it to you but hell you could of broke that down if you wanted to. hmm guess now that im sober enough to remember that i should smoke another bowl...haha
yeah... I would have done it that way if I knew they were going to be such pricks about the freebies........

to which, I might add, after much complaining and a decent amount of bitching and moaning I guess attitude decided to send me 1x flower power 1x rocklock and 1x lemon skunk. I guess I'm a little happier.

where the fuck is my vanilla kush?

I joined this site just to subscribe to this thread lol :-D good luck cant wait to see pix
Big-ups man... Thanks for stickin around... I'll get pics up when there's something to look at... I still just have 8 germing in soil and 7 germing in paper towels.

Nice thread. I'm subscribed.

I think you can put seeds in soil straight away or you could germinate them in paper towel and then transport them to your growing medium.
If you are germinating seeds into soil I guess you should put your pot under lights straight away. During first days of grow your seeds (then seedlings) would do on low watage cfl lights. As soon as they pop out you should provide them with as much light as possible.
so if I don't have any CFLs, could I just turn on my 150w at somewhat of a distance? Would that achieve the same effect?


Active Member
hey upto... Can I trust you to ask for a favor... It's "internet only" (no real life) PM me if you're interested.

i heartmj

Active Member
you should really start them in sumin smaller than a 1gal pot (i prefer red beer pong cups). i always wondered why some people started them in such a large pots. i learned startin in sumin smaller helps the roots grow larger & stronger and theres less surface area to steal much needed light. plus transplatting is not as hard as one would think. some people say dont start the light cycle until they sprout, but once i plant the germinated seed i start my 24/0 cycle for 2wks then goto 18/6 good luck bro count me subbed ;)
because it is recommended to start autos in the same pot that they will finish in.

i heartmj

Active Member
150- I'm glad you got your freebies! next time break them up into seperate orders.. you pay a lil more on shipping but if customs seizes one 500 dollar order yer fucked. if they seize 1 order of 100 bucks.. its not that big of a deal.


Active Member
because it is recommended to start autos in the same pot that they will finish in.
yeah, so i planted all the rest of the seeds that i started germing.... i gave them all 24hrs in a paper towel and most of them showed taproot already....
totally using that method from now on.

expecting everything to sprout within 2-4 days at this point

if his name isn't i heartmj, autoflowa,uptosumpthin,or 150HPS it doesn't matter. lmfao.
yo... can we like put something in our signature notifying everyone that we are like the "most serious autoflower crew" or some shit... lollol

150- I'm glad you got your freebies! next time break them up into seperate orders.. you pay a lil more on shipping but if customs seizes one 500 dollar order yer fucked. if they seize 1 order of 100 bucks.. its not that big of a deal.
yeah ill do that next time... even if i did 2x$200 and 1x$100 i would have gotten 2x of all the freebies and 3x of the lesser common ones...

but tbh i would rather have had all those DNA freebies than the dinafem and greenhouse stuff they are doing right now.
oh well, they made a believer out of me... ill be doing $200 dollar orders from now on so i can get the fll spectrum of freebies with each part of my order.......

once i harvest, you guys are gonna shit yourself when you see what im planning on ordering next time!


Well-Known Member
if his name isn't i heartmj, autoflowa,uptosumpthin,or 150HPS it doesn't matter. lmfao.
LoL Naw Man Fa Real I Envy You Guys And The Equipment And Set Ups You Got .. I Imagine I Could Do Some Damage With That Shit.. But Unfortunately It Isnt At All Possible At The Moment.. I Aint Worthy To Be Mentioned Among You Dudes Shit I Grow Out Of A Fuckin PC LMAO :leaf:


Active Member
YAHOO!!!.......... GWS#2 sprouted today since I turned the 150w on, it's like 3' away but the lights were drying the soil out too quickly, I lifted it way up so they'd be getting some light without all the heat, whatever though. It's just until I see a few more pretty little faces... Then the fan and the 400w come on, and the lights get dropped... Hoping I'll see a few more sprouts by tomorrow........

I'll call tomorrow day 1 regardless, because I can barely see the GWS poking it's little head out... But hey, the process has begun...

now I REALLY NEED to get some pictures up... Sorry it's taking so long guys.


Active Member
LoL Naw Man Fa Real I Envy You Guys And The Equipment And Set Ups You Got .. I Imagine I Could Do Some Damage With That Shit.. But Unfortunately It Isnt At All Possible At The Moment.. I Aint Worthy To Be Mentioned Among You Dudes Shit I Grow Out Of A Fuckin PC LMAO :leaf:
you've been around much longer than I, and you've been gathering info on auto-flowers for long enough to be helping me with my grow... I'd say you're part of the club just the same...

It's not like you'll be growing in a PC forever ;)

i heartmj

Active Member
yeah, so i planted all the rest of the seeds that i started germing.... i gave them all 24hrs in a paper towel and most of them showed taproot already....
totally using that method from now on.

expecting everything to sprout within 2-4 days at this point

yo... can we like put something in our signature notifying everyone that we are like the "most serious autoflower crew" or some shit... lollol

yeah ill do that next time... even if i did 2x$200 and 1x$100 i would have gotten 2x of all the freebies and 3x of the lesser common ones...

but tbh i would rather have had all those DNA freebies than the dinafem and greenhouse stuff they are doing right now.
oh well, they made a believer out of me... ill be doing $200 dollar orders from now on so i can get the fll spectrum of freebies with each part of my order.......

once i harvest, you guys are gonna shit yourself when you see what im planning on ordering next time!
just please tell me you aren't going to pay 1500 bones for 10 seeds like others I heard about.

you've been around much longer than I, and you've been gathering info on auto-flowers for long enough to be helping me with my grow... I'd say you're part of the club just the same...

It's not like you'll be growing in a PC forever ;)
he will forever be in a pc case. he defends it like no other!