Well most of that wait was because it was the beginning of this wild ride and thcf was just getting to Michigan. I was one of thier first here in Mich and thank-god they stepped up to the plate to lead the way. Now, we're finally getting more docs to rethink things and ALOT are signing recs for thier older patients so maybe SOMEDAY we'll get the rest to swing. I brought up this discussion today at our club meeting and how we're try'in to change 75 years worth of bullshit. It's not been easy but I have to say we're making ground.
Year and a half ago I would have been arrested for gathering 150 folks for a marihuana meeting. NOW,,,,,,,,, I got everyone including grandma wanting to come. I can't get a location big enough to hold all the folks coming for christsakes. Hell even got the senior center contacting us on setting up meetings for retired folks. Now if that dont flip yer lid nothen will. This is GRANDMA telling me they want medical mj.PLEASE HELP US.............
I think they where the ones tellin me as a kid that this was the EVIL WEED.
Now they're ringing my club phone off the hook.
Yes indeed we can help and yes this REALLY works, NO it's not the evil weed, yes I know ya tried some back in 1949 and you liked it and it helped. Yes, it's not the evil weed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Go figure,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Got to love it hehehehehehehe
Oh and yes you have to wait 20 days after ya send in yer stuff if they dont get ya the card,