Nirvana AK-48 Feminized 600W Grow


Well-Known Member
1st picture is of the plant that has been the biggest throughout this grow. It had real bad damage from lack of water but is doing fine now. The 2nd picture is the next biggest plant and also sustained damage but has bounced back nicely. 3rd picture is a close up of a flowering site, bad resolution but the digital camera wasn't much better. I'll try it with the camera again next time and see what i can do. The 4th picture just shows the plants from the side. The last picture is what my friend has to kill roaches with. Works great.
i love what your growing!! I just started my new grow of the ak-48. Im glad to see how well your are grow. Check my grow out.i grow with water.
More pictures! 16 days in now and they're looking pretty good. Even the one with the broken stalk is budding, i'll take a picture of the break next round, I always forget. The plants seem to have responded well to the new nutrient solution. I think the 2 in the back corners have been stretching for light so we moved them in under the lamp a bit more. The fan has been working great as its been pretty hot here recently and the plants are growing strong from the constant breeze. Got to water them tomorrow.


@ DoeEyed

Thanks, we'll certainly try to. I saw your update on the Club 600 page, very nice job and I'm a huge fan of the setup.

@ sneekpunk

Thanks for joining in. Yea the beans were definitely more than satisfactory. They got here in about 10 days and so far have given us real good results.

@ skate4theherb

Thank you for your kind words, I'm pretty interested in using hydro sometime in the future in addition to soil grows. I'll stop by and check out your journal.


Well-Known Member
They look great! Gotta love when the buds really start growing - it's always exciting! Feel free to stop by the journal sometime, just put up a new update last night - lots going on in my garden, lol.
Watered today. 2 tablespoons molasses, a teaspoon of Big Bloom, and 1/2 a teaspoon of Tiger Bloom. The taller two were stretching for light so we moved everything in closer in under the lamp and tied the 2 tall ones down with some shoelaces. Took some pictures again today too, enjoy.


Watered today but we're going to have to start watering the two tall ones every other day. Using a different nutrient mixture:

2 tablespoons molasses
2 teaspoons Big Bloom
1 teaspoon Grow Big
1/2 teaspoon Tiger Bloom

Going to be using this for the next 10 - 14 days then we'll stop using the Grow Big.

We also lowered the 600W lamp 4" so now its 14" above the plants. Tied the two tall ones down even further so they wouldn't get burnt. Colder weather has helped out too.
Everything is looking good over here. The plants haven't been damaged at all by the new closer distance from the lamp. A lot of bud sites shooting a lot white hairs. After rubbing the stalk my fingers stink gloriously. Watered them today too, we regularly stir up the top of the soil to aerate it a little better. They've responded well to the nute cocktail, tried out 2 tablespoons of the Big Bloom today though like you suggested BudgetGrower87. Enjoy the pictures.



Well-Known Member
:clap: thanks for sharing WC. things lookin good here, you got this under control for sure! if you get some free time check out my journal in my sig just updated with some pics too.
Almost at the halfway point. Looking good so far. Figured out that the pictures come out a lot better if they're taken with the flash on. They're not uploading correctly right now so I'll try again later on a different internet connection. As always thank you all for the kind words and encouragement.