First GrowOp, some noob ?'s...


Well-Known Member
lol... Yeah you can, what I would suggest is bying a cheap door, to fit that closet, that you can cut and mutilate to your heart's content - and then if you ever move just rehang the original door.


Active Member
ok, i just went out and bought some supplies for my light fixture, assembled it and here it is in all of its glory!! lol, but seriously here are some pics i took of it. I have the thermometer in the middle to get an average temp so i know what im dealing with, then theres a small fan thats off for now but its just to get an idea of what it all will look like later. also, the lights in there are only 23w i believe? either way there about half of what im going to use each. also during the flower stage i will be adding splitters in the sockets to give me a total of 6 lights.

ok so now onto the to-do list:
1. get reflective shields
2. clean and paint closet flat white
3. get rest of supplies for grow. soil, nutes, lights, and most importantly SEEDS!!

so thats about it, once i get everything offcially ready i will be starting a grow journal. So what does everyone think? Questions, comments, concerns? Any advice is greatly welcomed and +rep will be handed out accordingly :)




Active Member
lol... Yeah you can, what I would suggest is bying a cheap door, to fit that closet, that you can cut and mutilate to your heart's content - and then if you ever move just rehang the original door.
hmmm, i hadnt thought of that. that might work, i had also thought of just boring a hole through the wall and patching it lol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you could do that too, lol. For your closet - you can get emergency blankets at Walmart (or online), for under $3 each. They're in the camping section. They are basically just thin mylar - it's what I use, in both my rooms. Just a thought.


Active Member
is this instead of painting the room? cause if so i might just do that, cause a couple of those would be cheaper than flat white paint and probably better lol, then i could just patch the extras with foil, which brings me to a question, what side of aluminum foil do you use?


Active Member
well, after looking at it, ive decided to make a few changes to the light fixture, 1. i made the middle section significantly shorter. well i guess thats it lol, but heres a new pic anyway :P also, any advice is welcome ;)



Active Member
so today at wal-mart i was walking around when a rack of cfl's caught my eye, i went over to check them out and sure enough they had both 2700k and 6500k bulbs on sale for just $.92 EACH!!! needless to say i bought a few. Originally i only bought 8, then when i realized the deal i went back and bought 10 more lol. Heres a pic just cause i can lol.

The ten bulbs on the left are 14w 6500k's giving me a total of 140w and 8300 lumens and the eight bulbs on the right are 23w 2700k's giving me a total of 184w and 12800 lumens. So all together I will be pumping out 324w of light and 21100 lumens for a 3x3 grow area where i will only be growing 2-3 lights.

I believe my math is correct and i believe it was a pretty damn good deal. If i'm wrong in any aspect please let me know asap lol. Im new to this whole game and am learning :P

So now all thats left is to get more socket splitters (im gonna need them lol), and some seeds, along with reflective materials for the walls and bulbs.

As always any questions, comments, concerns, or advice will be greatly welcomed though there hasnt been much traffic on this thread anymore lol.



Well-Known Member
In answer to your previous question, yep, that would be in place of painting. Here's a pic of my veg room, and my flower room (while it was being prepared). You can see the e-blankets on the walls. Really shouldn't need anything else, just attatch right to the walls. Each one is like 5'x7.5'.

Great find on the CFL's! A couple pics of my CFL racks for you too, once you get past a few it's a bit easier to set up this way. Your choice, of course. I have mine 12 to a rack, jumper wires in between, and one plug. Used a piece of cardboard wrapped in the e-blankets (again, lol) for my reflectors.



Active Member
hmm well thank you doe. seems like your the only one who gives a shit lol. but yea im deff investing in those fire blankets. i just couldnt find them at walmart. gonna check some more places out.


Well-Known Member
Well, I tried really hard to find a link on their website, and it isn't listed - nor can I find a picture of it. If I get to Walmart before you find them, I'll take a picture for you. But the box is very small, and easy to overlook. Camping section, survival gear shit - compass, first aid kits, ponchos, that kind of stuff - all in one spot. They are there - the box is only maybe the size of a deck of cards.


Active Member
i swear to god i stood their and STARED for like 20mins. maybe i was high? possibly lol. quick question though since you read this thread still, a little off topic and i posted it in the CFL section, but how woul you distribute the lights i bought seeing as theirs quite a few. would you mix them or simply use 6500k for veg and then 2700k for flower, or simply add the 2700k's on later?


Well-Known Member
I would do a mix - most folks like to do either a third, or fourth mix - so one 2700k for every two or three 6500k for veg, and vice-versa for flower.

Your Walmart might not have 'em, lol - but just sayin, I know where they are and what they look like, and still have to stand and stare to find 'em! lol Hubby too - and that's sober!


Active Member
hmm ok, that actually sounds logical lol. or at least its the most logical way to put it ive heard so far :P

ill have to check different walmarts i guess. i have a few where i live so ill take a look. maybe target too.


Active Member
ok, mission accomplished. I've aquired close to everything I need to grow with (with the exception of a few odds and ends). I will be starting a journal here in the next few days. Thank you to everyone who helped and a big shoutout to doe for the most help ;) I will be sure to rep u as much as i can.

ps I found those fire blankets, I musta been high lol cause it took three seconds :p I bought 5 so I hope that's enough.

:peace: and out.


Well-Known Member
lol...I hear ya! I know you must be excited to get going now, be sure to start a grow journal when you've begun, and send me the link - I'll come along with you. Happy growing!


Active Member
thanks doe ;) yea im gonna set up my room and attain some seeds and we'll get started. cant wait and ill feel a lil better knowing someone like you is watching over my shoulder ;)



Well-Known Member
Hey HC just thought i would pop by and take a look at your thread. Its going to be a nice little set up man. Im sticking around to see how ya do.



Active Member
yea man, im gonna start a new thread soon, its gonna be my journal so ill shoot you a link when i get it running in a few days k?