ok, i just went out and bought some supplies for my light fixture, assembled it and here it is in all of its glory!! lol, but seriously here are some pics i took of it. I have the thermometer in the middle to get an average temp so i know what im dealing with, then theres a small fan thats off for now but its just to get an idea of what it all will look like later. also, the lights in there are only 23w i believe? either way there about half of what im going to use each. also during the flower stage i will be adding splitters in the sockets to give me a total of 6 lights.
ok so now onto the to-do list:
1. get reflective shields
2. clean and paint closet flat white
3. get rest of supplies for grow. soil, nutes, lights, and most importantly SEEDS!!
so thats about it, once i get everything offcially ready i will be starting a grow journal. So what does everyone think? Questions, comments, concerns? Any advice is greatly welcomed and +rep will be handed out accordingly
