shed in a shed???? IR detection help plz!


Active Member
right, but my point is that if they use the heat signature and lets say a meter reading or electric bill (if they can even do that) can they get a warrant? cause once they have a warrant its fine for them to break your fucking door down and destroy all your hard work like nazis. another question would be could you say in court that they're methods of attaining said warrant was illegal?

jesus i need sleep, im deprived lol

you will never be able to prove that anything they did was illegal....unless they make a huge error in the; not keeping the story(lie) straight


Well-Known Member
this is true, but as a victim you have the right to know how and when they discovered what you were doing, and thats where i would try to find something they did illegal. thats all it takes is ONE fuck up on their part and the case goes out the window, along with their rep lol
they lie they do it all the time. they say an officer smelled it on patrol and traced it to your place so they flir'ed you, smell + flir images = search warrant


Active Member
meh all i can say is the OP is probably seriously reconsidering right now lol. but in all honesty how big of a grow do you think youd need for them to actually notice?


Well-Known Member
if its not done well a small grow will get you caught, but done right you can hide a huge grow just takes planning and money. no matter what you do if you are on their radar you are fucked no one can be mistake free for ever, and if you take to long to make the mistake they need they can just make one up.


Active Member
another thing is that just because they have a hunch and see a small heat sig in your house doesnt mean shit. theyd need a lot more than JUST that and hoestly i dont think theyd waste theyre time on somthing so small. it could be an oven for christs sake, sometimes ppl cook thhings overnight, its been done.


Well-Known Member
another thing is that just because they have a hunch and see a small heat sig in your house doesnt mean shit. theyd need a lot more than JUST that and hoestly i dont think theyd waste theyre time on somthing so small. it could be an oven for christs sake, sometimes ppl cook thhings overnight, its been done.
they don't give you the benifit of the doubt they kick in your door and tear you house up. if they don't find anything they MIGHT say sorry but don't count on it.

they will make up what ever they need to if they think you are doing something wrong


Active Member
that is true as well. but reality check, we all know it happens but not every PD can afford to do that. and ESPECIALLY not on a regular basis. if your in a rural area id say your pretty safe. big city might be diffirent. or it could be opposite. depends where it is i guess.


Active Member
my father in law is an airial spotter for a drug taskforce agency. they would bust someone with one 2 foot tall plant just for joking rights over beers later on. people allways underestimate the cops. the cops count on it.


Well-Known Member
i don't know where you are in the uk but a friend of mine said they do a grid of flir in his area once a year


Active Member
that is true as well. but reality check, we all know it happens but not every PD can afford to do that. and ESPECIALLY not on a regular basis. if your in a rural area id say your pretty safe. big city might be diffirent. or it could be opposite. depends where it is i guess.

it really is the luck of the draw. we have been guerilla growing since about 1966 and have never had a bust.


Active Member
haha, nice one cracker lol. but i dont live in the uk. us here, but i could understand once a year. is there a way to find out? but fuck it, just make sure your heat is distributed evenly and accurately and youd be good. so does your father in law being a cop make you rest more easy or no? lol


New Member
Just watch ur heat outflow...that's the give away.

If you ran the duct outside UNDER the ground and filled the area around the duct with pebbles (so the heat can escape properly) and punctured the duct evenly (same reason) can plant regular vegetation over the duct...and no one will be the wiser of it.


Active Member
shit man, i live in an appartment (well more like a half house lol). so doing anything outside is a no go for me. especially since its my familys house. im just in a small closet with about 18 low watt cfls at a time. so what would you reccomend me doing?