shed in a shed???? IR detection help plz!


New Member
Blah blah blah.... sure they can't. :lol:

You just keep telling urself that. :peace:

They can't USE it against you in court and they can't get a warrant with one either.

BUT THEY DO LOOK. Don't ever think otherwise. Once they know...they know. Then they watch by other means and the FLIR never gets mentioned, by anyone. Wha? FliR? Huh? Not us!!

Uh huh.....


Active Member
i agree with crackerjax. whats that saying? what momma dont know dont hurt her? yea thats the court system. the cops arent gonna get a warrant to flir one fucking house, thats just a ridiculous statement. they fly over everything and record nonstop, then review, and if they think they have a potential grower they watch you closely. if thats the case then youll probably get caught EVENTUALLY. but thats when you have to ask yourself, are you intending to distribute? cause if you are it'd be easier to get caught imo. personal use not so much because theyd have to look through your garbage and that in some places can be considered illegal search and seizure thus getting the case dismissed. the bottom line is the have to have proof. always. just because they have a hunch doesnt mean shit. but if you glance out your window and see a white van that hasnt moved for 4 days id be concerned :p

just my two cents


New Member
I had one last year that swung by and in about 2 hours performed an entire grid pattern over 5 miles. N/S...E/W...back and forth....2 hours.

It happens....


Active Member
Good god, they do not need a warrant to use infrared. The reason is because they cant see in your house with infrared. If they had the ability to magically see through your walls they would need a SEARCH warrant to submit any of the evidence gathered by that SEARCH to a judge.
They can only see what is coming out of your house. If you have a big ass 8 inch duct blowing hot air out of your shed they are going to see a huge white plume coming out of your shed with an IR camera. This would be used along with other evidence to request a SEARCH warrant.

You could build 25 tiny sheds inside your shed and it wouldnt make any difference. As soon as you vent the air outside they can see it.

Personally I think its way heatier having a plume of exhaust coming out of your shed than your house.

Flir can`t see through walls either.

And yess if your went out and bought a bunch of IR sheild you got ripped off. THe only time that is going to stop a cop from seeing your lights with IR is if hes actually inside your grow room trying to see your lights with IR

Anyway this is just one of many reasons to run a sealed room. They cant see your exahust if you dont have any.


Active Member
dude, you need to hook it up with some of that shit. first you say you have a watermelon producing weed plant, then you say your an angel? priceless. plz hook it up ;)


New Member
I use special reflectors which when a FLIR bird flies over it feeds my plants with their Infra red spectrum. The smoke is 10 times batter and my pecker grows an inch with each hit.

Now I try and attract them .... OVER HERE!!!!


Active Member
if i build a shed inside my shed using 3x400 watt hps what my chances of being detected? the alternative is using 4x 2700lumen cfls please help!!!

the air space between the two sheds must also be ventilated to spread the heat out evenly. and what the poster said about needing a warrant to scan your house is not true. i can scan your house with my father in laws hand held model if i wanted. if they think your growing. they will gather the facts any way they can and then make sure to make it legal afterwards. no precaution is too great. good luck and never underestimate the cops....


Active Member
just seems illegal to me for them to just look at heat signatures at your house and be able to use it against you. anyone know of a court case that they can link? id like to read about it. i totally agree with you on never underestimating tho. they're sneaky sneaky ill tell you what :p


Active Member
honestly i cant believe how many misguided people there are when it come to police tactics and flir science. its as if they are in a fantasy world where everyone plays by the rules. i have read a ton of complete bullsh#t on this forum about flir..... go figure.


New Member
Ppl WANT to believe that they are safe from it. It's unnerving to think that as you sleep... a bird is scanning ur property.....but they "might" be.


Well-Known Member
cops will for sure use flir when ever they want and if they find you they will just say "i smell it" to get they warrant to use the images they already took to raid you.

if they want you they WILL find a way. they have tons of man power and time.


Active Member
right, but my point is that if they use the heat signature and lets say a meter reading or electric bill (if they can even do that) can they get a warrant? cause once they have a warrant its fine for them to break your fucking door down and destroy all your hard work like nazis. another question would be could you say in court that they're methods of attaining said warrant was illegal?

jesus i need sleep, im deprived lol


Active Member
my uncle spent a few years in prison for indoor cultivation. he got caught in a large scale sweep useing flir. they collected all the facts after they discovered the heat signature. there is a hundred diffferent ways to assemble a case once you know for sure someone is dirty.


Active Member
cops will for sure use flir when ever they want and if they find you they will just say "i smell it" to get they warrant to use the images they already took to raid you.

if they want you they WILL find a way. they have tons of man power and time.

well stated


Active Member
this is true, but as a victim you have the right to know how and when they discovered what you were doing, and thats where i would try to find something they did illegal. thats all it takes is ONE fuck up on their part and the case goes out the window, along with their rep lol