Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
oh i just saw the "kmoo dear you must be stoned" what you on about yada? lol how old are you btw? just curious. you strike me as a pup, too much feckin energy in ya girlie

gonna go hit me some chronic i picked up today, had a lovely trip to the farm with my lovely children. happy days

yay he got a job, thanks for all the congrats lol


Active Member
Me a pup? haha, nah, I wish I still was. Just full of joy de vivre rofl. Also not so much pushy as excited for your grow and loving all the pics I can see of what people are doing...friendly, ya know how it is to be that way? (EDIT LOL)Can't remember why I thought you were stoned...

mmm homemade garlic bread with homegrown garlic and parsley today mmm

Does it harm the seed if I keep checking to see if it has germed? Paper towel/plate method. Just want so badly to see any sign of life in my little devil girl.

Have a good one guys, me got stuff to do this evening that'll take me away from my computer...but sure to be back, can't keep a good Yada down :peace:


Well-Known Member
aye rock we're both very pleased with him, and the job is quite decent and pays well so i get to grow grow grow and bake bake bake lol

yada - yes i know yer excited, i did "lol" after i said you were pushy, it was more familiar than bitchy. just to clarify, did you just ask me if i know how to be friendly?


Active Member
Ha, arse back where it belongs in front of the net! Yay.

Jeez the last few weeks been flying by...

OH boobooboohooooooooey it's only been 2 1/2 days but no movement in diavolo it normal? My bag-Lady Sativa pops in an eye-blink, she'd have tiny little spikes showing of her first true leaves by now.

Quiet tonight...might leer at NCIS Tony, smug-bastard cutie that he is (well, was, not in the latest seasons, that's why they had to make the NCIS LA...the original cast are getting too old for the executives to market them as hotties....except Abby...that girl can sing, too...).

My weekend starts on Monday...that's my next smoko...c'mon Monday hee hee might watch some of those vids people keep telling me to watch with a strong smoke in my hand... :-)


Well-Known Member
Fuck can someone tell me if this is completly retarded or not? I'm out the the back trimmin away and my sisters girlfriend cums out & asks how its goin etc (she's a smoker of sum 15 years) and i mention im gonna try my hand at makin proper hash.

So she tells me that i need to hang my buds then put lights above them with a tray underneath & it will drip into the tray,i dunno wat she thinks 'it' is & how the fuck its gonna drip off the plant.

I fucking hate ppl that have been smokin for years & know absolutely nothing about the plant but pretend they do & i just have to say "oh yeh ill have to give that a go ay" then come on here and bitch.

Who knows maybe she's right,anyone else heard of this practice?


Well-Known Member
Fuck can someone tell me if this is completly retarded or not? I'm out the the back trimmin away and my sisters girlfriend cums out & asks how its goin etc (she's a smoker of sum 15 years) and i mention im gonna try my hand at makin proper hash.

So she tells me that i need to hang my buds then put lights above them with a tray underneath & it will drip into the tray,i dunno wat she thinks 'it' is & how the fuck its gonna drip off the plant.

I fucking hate ppl that have been smokin for years & know absolutely nothing about the plant but pretend they do & i just have to say "oh yeh ill have to give that a go ay" then come on here and bitch.

Who knows maybe she's right,anyone else heard of this practice?
This woman has a build up of resin in her veins which, over the years has caused everything she says to turn to dribble..


Well-Known Member
does anyone else crave chicken soup when they're bent? lol seriously, it's been all about the soup lately

gonna spend tomorrow morning bakin cookies, normal ones lol, with my girls. love lazy saturday mornings


Well-Known Member
Thankyou,thankyou all,ill rep u's all when im done trimmin,my god its teadious

I knew that bitch was talkin shit,but i cant say shit coz i have to keep the peace or i'll have 2 raging bull-dykes on my hands,trust me u dont wanna be in the way of that.

1 down 4 to go (2 small ones).


Active Member
yeah BB, never ever get in the way of a sexually charged battle for supremacy....I learnt the hard way! But...I tend to not be able to keep my mouth shut when I want to tell someone off...then I run lol!

Good vid, I bookmarked it. I had a text description of the method, but this is a clear vid cheers billy. Your seeds arrive yet?


Well-Known Member
Thankyou,thankyou all,ill rep u's all when im done trimmin,my god its teadious

I knew that bitch was talkin shit,but i cant say shit coz i have to keep the peace or i'll have 2 raging bull-dykes on my hands,trust me u dont wanna be in the way of that.

1 down 4 to go (2 small ones).
don't ya like the trimming?? i kinda enjoy it, tho my hands get sore when i do quite a few.

you reckon they're worse than just angry women? lol