What.....The...Fuck. he's only helping the wounded, shoot him

Guess what: I really don't give a fuck. All I know is if you gave me a gun and told me that the kid had a RPG and I need to shoot him that kid would get shot without a moments hesitation because I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them and I don't believe in after life I only got one.

Trying to act tough on the internet, eh Rambo? You pussy shit.

If I gave you an M4 and put you face to face with an Iraqi kid in Baghdad, you had better run like the mother fucking wind becuase I guarantee you that Iraqi kid will blow your fucking balls off with that RPG for setting foot onto his nation's soil.

It's not my fault they have no standards for women and children like we have and it's not my fault they set bombs to kill civilians without remorse so it is what it is. Honestly fuck all those jihad preaching motherfuckers.

Sorry ass hat - you're confusing Iraq with Saudi Arabia.

No one said Iraqi society lacks respect for women. Iraq was the pinacle of Human civilisation when America was a forest. Not to mention that some of the first queens, if not the first,were all from the Middle East.

And as for Jihad - not all Arabs or Iraqis are Muslims. And not all Muslims believe in Jihad.

However, after what you yanks have done to them, I wouldn't be surprised if they did.

If Iraq had invaded the US twice, you'd see members of congress dressing up in fucking knight suits and riding off to Baghdad screeming " HOLY WAR ".

I am a peaceful person but if you attack me in my home I will fuckin murder you. If I caught someone in my house in the middle of the night I would not wound them I would fuckin make sure they were dead. They know the risks they are taking before hand so they are not victims.



Seriously, get your shit straight.



I love your logic

that kid would get shot without a moments hesitation because I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them and I don't believe in after life I only got one.

But you're a peaceful guy, right?
the only reason US miltary is in that country is to get rid of the old government that runs it (Sadam) and put a government in that they can control. Why? because thats the only part of the world that has any real oil supply. i think bush should have bin hangging right beside Sadam. it wasnt hi that brought down the towers.O ya did the US find the man that master minded it, do they remember who did it? lol. i do it was binladin and i think he was in affganistan not iraq. o ya in reaspons to the Amaricans sying there country was attacked by terrorists iv whatched many shows saying that your government new for at least 5 years that there was going to be a attack and they did nothing so maybe you should be looking at your own government and the problems you have in your own country befor you blow up some1 eltses country.
Common Article 2

This article states that the Geneva Conventions apply to all cases of international conflict, where at least one of the warring nations have ratified the Conventions. Primarily:

  • The Conventions apply to all cases of declared war between signatory nations. This is the original sense of applicability, which predates the 1949 version.
  • The Conventions apply to all cases of armed conflict between two or more signatory nations, even in the absence of a declaration of war. This language was added in 1949 to accommodate situations that have all the characteristics of war without the existence of a formal declaration of war, such as a police action.[7]
  • The Conventions apply to a signatory nation even if the opposing nation is not bound by it. By 1949, the treaty was becoming viewed less as a reciprocal contract and more as an agreement on fundamental human rights. Ratifying the treaty binds the nation to uphold these rights regardless of the behavior of the opposing nation.[7]
Article 1 of Protocol I further clarifies that armed conflict against colonial domination and foreign occupation also qualifies as an international conflict.
When the criteria of international conflict have been met, the full protections of the Conventions are considered to apply.



Listen to yourself! Are you seriously concerned with the Middle East, any country, including Israel or Egypt, coming to America and "controlling us"? Really?
No I am not too worried about it cuz my our amies but without them I would be worried yes. Everybody wants world domination and to control the other countries that's why we have armies in the first place.

Wow. And say I had some [political] motivation to tell you to shoot this kid? You ever consider that one chief? :o Cuz that couldn't possibly be happening...
No I would not take orders from a political party to assassinate someone for that benefit, but if he was threat to me or my family (or allies) than I would shoot a kid with an RPG no problem.

Clearly you have standards, as illustrated by your previous scenario involving me telling you to shoot a kid and you doing it without question... There should be a "bitch-slap" emoticon for such remarks.
So theoretically your the person in charge of making those decisions because i trust your integrity and knowledge so yes I am shooting him. Your welcome.

How would you wage war if you were them smart guy?
I don't wage war. If i did wage a war I would have very strong personal beliefs that lead me to assume what I was doing was necessary evil or better in the long run. I do have standards I wouldn't kill innocent people just to kill innocent people. I have to look in the mirror everyday and would rather die than break my own rules of conduct.

:shock: omg the irony! You don't even realize it... You are busting in their house, cold cocking the 13 year old son with the butt of your M16 rifle, having your squad of 5 Marines enter and tear off the 16 year old daughters clothes and gang rape her, taking the grandparents out back and executing them, stealing all the possessions, and taking the father away to execute later and plant an AK on his dead body. Yet you would "murder" someone who simply "entered" yours. Re-fuckin-tarded. :clap:
Like i said that is what would happen in my house. The same applies to my country if an army invaded my land I would fight back with no regard to what religion, what color, what age or sex they are.
I would not however go to someone elses home and bully innocent people around because I belive in treating others the same way I would like to be treated. I would not partake in any forms of slaughtering people without weapons, I would not turn my head as my allies did this to innocent people. If I were to go to war with someone I would have a good reason and I wouldn't use it as an excuse to rape and pillage or profit. How does me protecting my family or not seeing the problem with this particular video make me a rapist or a cold blooded murderer? That's an assumption you made.

Yeah, they totally should have not been born in that part of the world... I mean, who the fuck do they think they are? :shock:
If you don't want to be associated with your neighbors you don't have to be. If your neighbor was john wayne gacy I wouldn't assume you had anything to do with it until there was evidence to prove you knew and did nothing.

No, you idiot. That's the mentality they want you to have in order to make you able to do such insane shit, because deep down, all of us know it's wrong. They need to condition you to think it's OK, these people aren't people, they're "terrorists"... It's been used for THOUSANDS of fuckin' years, read a goddamn history book. You sacrifice your entire life for a government who uses you as a pawn in a ponzi scheme, while the rest of us suffer the effects of your actions after your death, which you received a silver piece of metal in the shape of a star for.
exactly my point. There are many forms of propaganda and the militias need to make you able to justify your actions. That's why these guys are so cruel they are not killing innocents they are killing terrorists in their own mind. To the Iraqis or w/e it is the exact opposite, they are the victims and they are only fighting for what they belive is right. But they are fighting what they believe to be terrorists because of the standards they live by and the things that they are taught. That is why you can't differentiate between a kid and an adult, the adults are telling them what to think and teaching them how to kill and a gun can kill you no matter who is holding it. Many times it's the kids you should be most worried about just because they are 12 does not mean they haven't killed people or that they are less likely to.

People will say such things about the American militaries actions in the decades to come. How does that make you feel?
I'm fine with that. If you commit a war crime you should be held responsible. If you simply followed orders to shoot that's different. Are militaries don't teach that shit that's the difference. They don't tell you to go out there and rape that is not the way Americans want to be remembered but I'm sure there are people who will and they should raped accordingly.

All I'm saying is that it's not the American people who are voting to go to Iraq and they don't ask us to take a vote on wether the trigger should be pulled. As far as we know we are at war with the taliban but it is probably just so all these crooked people who are in charge can make more money and get more control. I am pretty much a terrorist to my own government. I hate just about everything it does and stands for and am ashamed at some of our history. One day maybe there will be another civil war and when they come to my door I will die trying to shoot as many of them as i can..even if they cowardly sent little girls with RPGs. I wouldn't last long but I will fight for what i believe in is all.

I don't like this thread it makes me angry. Like i said it just stirs up a bunch of bullshit let me just say this. I love my country but i hate my government. We all are on the same side and that's why it's stupid to sit here and fight. If i say my government knew 9/11 was gonna happen and actiually staged it to get support for the war like I did the day it happened than I am looked at as an idiot. A crazy mofo that has no common sense and it will never change. Everybody is brainwashed and everyday they take our rights away using fear mongering and all this bullshit for us to just let them protect us but it's bullshit i will never fight in their war. ON THE OTHER HAND the people who do fight for this country get the upmost amount of respect from me. I may not agree with the politics but these people put their lives on the line to do what they think needs to be done to protect us if they didn't belive they were doing the right thing they wouldn't do it(aside from the people who committ war crimes and do things they know they shouldn't) We give them the power to make decisions because we think that they have our best interests in mind. No matter what I will always support our troops even if I don't approve of this war or any war I am not going to call them murderers or criminals. People who have served for our country deserve the upmost respect and until they point the guns at me I will stand behind them and say thank you. Thank you every single person who ever fought so I could sit around and bitch about my government. Now if an individual fired on a known civilian or raped someone or done anything like that than I have no respect whatsoever.

So I hope that's clear. It's not their intention to be terrorists and they really belive they are doing the right thing. I do not condone any of the bullshit your accusing me of doing and I do not support war-I support the troops, people who are just like you and me, people who are my friends and family. I resent the way people treat war veterans it's disgusting.
you Amaricans are fucked in the head the snipper bate vidio is fucking stuppid i see now why the reast of the world hates the US and the more garbage i see like that makes me sick. im glad he got charged with murder, they should let the iraqes deal with them.Fucking loosers!!!!!
Is this the short bus thread all of a sudden?.... sure seems that way. :lol:

The war in Iraq lasted about two weeks.

This is a terrorist insurgency and certainly does NOT represent the ppl of Iraq.

Terrorists are basically cowards...and must be dealt with harshly.

It is NO ONE else's fault if civilians get killed other than the TERRORISTS.

That's not even a debatable point.

Terrorism equals cowardice.

Want to fight like a man? Stand up and be recognized....wear a uniform....conduct yourself like a SOLDIER ... as opposed to a sniveling coward who ducks into a mosque at the first sign of trouble.

Of course no one need tell the Iraqi ppl this.... they understand...
This thread has gone full retarded... here's a tip for Iraqi's still in the warzone.

Don't run around with a large group of people, few of whom are holding automatic weapons, and a few whom are holding large cameras that can easily be mistaken as a dangerous weapon.

It's simple, just how the police might shoot you if you try pulling out a cell-phone.

As for shoot first and ask later, well duh... either I'm going home to my wife or you are going home to yours... and I'm gonna do anything possible to make sure I'm going home to mine.

And one last thing, this thread proves the world has gone pussy. A bunch of "stop the war" and gun control idiots, that live in their little imaginary fluffly secure world. You know the world will never be peaceful, there will never be an end to the wars, etc... people will not magically become kind and caring after thousands of years of a torturous mentality and as such... this world is destined to become a world OF war.

To that, I must advise that no peaceful person will be able to stop it, only powerful countries and military's fighting for territory to claim, enslaving the local populace and leaving this world dry of hope for any peace.

That is the future, so, get used to it now, you cannot stop it, humanity failed many many many years ago, mostly because humans are not meant to be humane... we are meant to be animals, kill... or be killed.
the only reason US miltary is in that country is to get rid of the old government that runs it (Sadam) and put a government in that they can control. Why? because thats the only part of the world that has any real oil supply. i think bush should have bin hangging right beside Sadam. it wasnt hi that brought down the towers.O ya did the US find the man that master minded it, do they remember who did it? lol. i do it was binladin and i think he was in affganistan not iraq. o ya in reaspons to the Amaricans sying there country was attacked by terrorists iv whatched many shows saying that your government new for at least 5 years that there was going to be a attack and they did nothing so maybe you should be looking at your own government and the problems you have in your own country befor you blow up some1 eltses country.
goto the fbi's top ten most wanted then goto bin laden and i bet you wont see the word september or the number 11 anywhere. because they dont kno who "masterminded" it
I can understand it coming from the British. their country has gotten weaker with each decade since WW2. Helpless at home...helpless abroad .... no wonder 12% of the population prefers to live elsewhere.

I understand.... that part I get.

Americans who feel terrorism is a valid tactic? That's just pure idiocy.
This thread has gone full retarded... here's a tip for Iraqi's still in the warzone.

Don't run around with a large group of people, few of whom are holding automatic weapons, and a few whom are holding large cameras that can easily be mistaken as a dangerous weapon.

It's simple, just how the police might shoot you if you try pulling out a cell-phone.

As for shoot first and ask later, well duh... either I'm going home to my wife or you are going home to yours... and I'm gonna do anything possible to make sure I'm going home to mine.

And one last thing, this thread proves the world has gone pussy. A bunch of "stop the war" and gun control idiots, that live in their little imaginary fluffly secure world. You know the world will never be peaceful, there will never be an end to the wars, etc... people will not magically become kind and caring after thousands of years of a torturous mentality and as such... this world is destined to become a world OF war.

To that, I must advise that no peaceful person will be able to stop it, only powerful countries and military's fighting for territory to claim, enslaving the local populace and leaving this world dry of hope for any peace.

That is the future, so, get used to it now, you cannot stop it, humanity failed many many many years ago, mostly because humans are not meant to be humane... we are meant to be animals, kill... or be killed.

"I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" ~Albert Einstein
Is this the short bus thread all of a sudden?.... sure seems that way. :lol:

The war in Iraq lasted about two weeks.

This is a terrorist insurgency and certainly does NOT represent the ppl of Iraq.

Terrorists are basically cowards...and must be dealt with harshly.

It is NO ONE else's fault if civilians get killed other than the TERRORISTS.

That's not even a debatable point.

You are out of your mind.

I know dozens of Iraqis - all of them, tarnished by this fucking war. They never wanted us to go into Iraq - it's as simple as that.

You have no idea what you're talking about because you can't even speak your own language correctly.

Here's the definition of "terrorist" from Oxford's online dictionary


• noun a person who uses violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.

Like it or not - Coalition forces have been doing exactly that for the past 7 years in Iraq. The victims? The Iraqi people.

Don't tell me that a bunch of rag heads with AKs, whom you call "terrorists" are actually doing anything. They don't even make up 1% of the Iraqi population, so how grave is their "terrorism" compared to all the shit we've done to the Iraqis?

Abu Ghraib? All the other prisons? Kidnappings for interrogation? Bombing the shit out of their homes? Murdering women and children? Not to mention the hundreds of thousand dead civilians?

Tell me Cracker Jax - how the FUCK do these "terrorists"' actions even come close to what we've done?

You're a fool. Stop smeering shit in your eyes and look at the fucking truth LIKE A MAN.

Terrorism equals cowardice.

Want to fight like a man? Stand up and be recognized....wear a uniform....conduct yourself like a SOLDIER ... as opposed to a sniveling coward who ducks into a mosque at the first sign of trouble.

Of course no one need tell the Iraqi ppl this.... they understand...

I don't remember the French resistance having a uniform. Does that mean they were cowards? Fuck no.

They were men and women with balls who kicked the shit out of nazi scum, who invaded and occupied their country.

Iraqi insurgents are doing the exact same thing. They are targetting us because we invaded their country. It's that simple.
They are not targetting civilians - we are.

This bullshit of "hiding behind civilians" - that's an allegation the Israelis and Hezbollah threw back and forth at each other last year - it has nothing to do with the Iraq war.

As for shoot first and ask later, well duh... either I'm going home to my wife or you are going home to yours... and I'm gonna do anything possible to make sure I'm going home to mine.

Oh really? I didn't know AK47s could fire at Apache and AC-130 gunships at 30,000 feet.

If you're talking about ground warfare - you shouldn't be half way across the fucking world in someone else's backyard. Don't wonder why people are shooting at you when you invade their country, Einstein.

And one last thing, this thread proves the world has gone pussy. A bunch of "stop the war" and gun control idiots, that live in their little imaginary fluffly secure world. You know the world will never be peaceful, there will never be an end to the wars, etc... people will not magically become kind and caring after thousands of years of a torturous mentality and as such... this world is destined to become a world OF war.

To that, I must advise that no peaceful person will be able to stop it, only powerful countries and military's fighting for territory to claim, enslaving the local populace and leaving this world dry of hope for any peace.

That is the future, so, get used to it now, you cannot stop it, humanity failed many many many years ago, mostly because humans are not meant to be humane... we are meant to be animals, kill... or be killed.

Just because the Human race is fucked up, doesn't mean you need to act like a fucking douche and fuck it up more. People are getting good things done every day. If you're so aware of the bad situation, get off your ass and try to be a better person instead of moaning about how messed up the world is and how it won't change. You sound like a junkie trying to make up excuses for his fix.

The french were fighting tyranny....not democracy.

See what happens when you don't possess any principles founded in logic?

You end up a pawn of despots and terrorists..... not smart.

Hey, if you don't like what you saw on the video.... call Obama....he's in charge.
WikiLeaks posts 'killing' video


this makes me utterly and totally sick. jsut wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf. who the hell do you people put behind the controls of those things!!!!

"they're getting the wounded, and maybe weapons, let me shoot let me shoot"

america, fuck yeah!

the dude says 'their picking up the wounded and guns'. what guns?
someone else(maybe same dude) could tell the type of 'weapon' he had from way the fuck up there.

it's like they we're all free game.
killstreak style.
The french were fighting tyranny....not democracy.

See what happens when you don't possess any principles founded in logic?

You end up a pawn of despots and terrorists..... not smart.

Hey, if you don't like what you saw on the video.... call Obama....he's in charge.

You really need to lay off the Fox News, pal.

"Fighting democracy" - what democracy?

You bring democracy by invading a country and murdering the population, installing prison camps and military law?

You call that democracy? That ain't democracy, that's a crock of shit that you think is democracy. You poor bastard...

You really need to lay off the Fox News, pal.

"Fighting democracy" - what democracy?

You bring democracy by invading a country and murdering the population, installing prison camps and military law?

You call that democracy? That ain't democracy, that's a crock of shit that you think is democracy. You poor bastard...


i know iraqis who actully live in iraq the place is booming now people have jobs they are happy they just had an election

i just met with my coworker who is iraqi and lives in iraq, he showed me the purple stain on his finger from when he voted the other week,

glad things are going well

i think most of you guys dont really know what your taking about,

they love us for helping them

most of you guys hating have axes to grind
top story on AOL now

Those documents, which were also requested under the Freedom of Information Act, provide the Defense Department's interpretation of events. The pilots, the investigative report notes, were focusing on supporting U.S. ground forces, which had called in air support after coming under attack in the area.

The report also says the group of men who were fired upon, identified by the military as insurgents, were found with weapons, including a rocket-propelled grenade launcher. The two Reuters employees did not have any visual indicators of press affiliation that could have been spotted by the helicopter pilots.

top story on AOL now

Those documents, which were also requested under the Freedom of Information Act, provide the Defense Department's interpretation of events. The pilots, the investigative report notes, were focusing on supporting U.S. ground forces, which had called in air support after coming under attack in the area.

The report also says the group of men who were fired upon, identified by the military as insurgents, were found with weapons, including a rocket-propelled grenade launcher. The two Reuters employees did not have any visual indicators of press affiliation that could have been spotted by the helicopter pilots.


exactly and these people need to be killed trust me im an arab pure bred & raised,

these extreamists must all be killed the sooner the better
What democracy the super genius says... :lol: :roll:


Before USA :

Wednesday, 16 October, 2002, 11:41 GMT 12:41 UK Saddam 'wins 100% of vote'

Voting day brought many public displays of patriotism

Iraqi officials say President Saddam Hussein has won 100% backing in a referendum on whether he should rule for another seven years.

After USA:


Richie is like a supergenius.... oh wait, no he/she isn't.

Oh really? I didn't know AK47s could fire at Apache and AC-130 gunships at 30,000 feet.

Just because the Human race is fucked up, doesn't mean you need to act like a fucking douche and fuck it up more. People are getting good things done every day. If you're so aware of the bad situation, get off your ass and try to be a better person instead of moaning about how messed up the world is and how it won't change. You sound like a junkie trying to make up excuses for his fix.


See, this is where my pilot experience supersedes your idiocy.

First off, AC-130s and Apaches fly 800ft or less AGL above designated target zones, it changes depending on ground force resistance.

Second, the Apache could never even make it up to 30,000ft.

Third, your use of the word douche proves you're a young fool.

Fourth, I do nothing to fuck my species any more, I stick to my business, keep a few friends, and have an active environmental restoration group that has garnered celebrity attention. If anything, what I do helps my species go back to their natural ways and brings people together to do something GOOD for this world instead of themselves or for profit, as my group is non-profit and I make no extra money from it what-so-ever.

Finally, I was not "moaning" about my species. I simply stated facts, I was not bitching nor complaining and therefore, with all aforementioned information, your last statement to me is irrelevant and pointless.

Like I said, thread has gone "full retard" and ya never go full retard!

SS .... I will have to disregard your full retard post..... you didn't make the type big enough and it wasn't in BOLD.

That always makes your post "more righter"