What.....The...Fuck. he's only helping the wounded, shoot him


Arabs? Looks that way to me.

What does colombine have to do with anything????

I'm going to ask this again....
What would have happened IF we never went to Iraq???
How am i wrong? Innocent people did not die on 9/11? Aren't we "fighting a war on terror"? Wasn't that the straw that broke the camel's back? Isn't that why we are at war with these people?

Being from colorado colombine crosses my mind on many occasions. I was in high school when it happened and I was just saying the amount of people killed was around the same and that was a school not a warzone. Every single person was innocent that day and you never know who is a terrorist. It could be kids, it could be peers it could be your own family. I just think that this is not a war crime or a massacre that was unprovoked-they were there for a reason. They probably didn't even know there were kids until the bodies were found. Terrorists are trained early that I am sure of.

If we never went to Iraq it would probably boost their morale and increase terrorism.
stop twisting it, stop changing it, you cannot change or deny what happened

the military mowed down civies

just down right mowed them down, then fucking mowed them down some more when the survivors tried to escape the terrorism

twist it any way you want, they were out for blood, getting boners off of it, and they got what they wanted

the blood of the innocent flowed in the streets
How am i wrong? Innocent people did not die on 9/11? Aren't we "fighting a war on terror"? Wasn't that the straw that broke the camel's back? Isn't that why we are at war with these people?

Being from colorado colombine crosses my mind on many occasions. I was in high school when it happened and I was just saying the amount of people killed was around the same and that was a school not a warzone. Every single person was innocent that day and you never know who is a terrorist. It could be kids, it could be peers it could be your own family. I just think that this is not a war crime or a massacre that was unprovoked-they were there for a reason. They probably didn't even know there were kids until the bodies were found. Terrorists are trained early that I am sure of.

If we never went to Iraq it would probably boost their morale and increase terrorism.

wtf is wrong with you? its ok to slaughter civilians because 9/11 happened and were at war with "terror"

ive got a newsflash for you, you cant have a war with an idea, it will never end, and you dont really have an enemy...

FYI, 9/11 has nothing to do with iraq, iran, or afghanistan

just a little brush on your history there, since apparently you are brainwashed by the television
A camera is not a free pass in a war zone.

The military serves the USA..... and ONLY Congress can declare war.

The Geneva convention example with Germany and Russia is laughable.... gosh like a piece of paper ever stopped the left from committing genocide...

The INTENT of the convention is all that can be wrought from a piece of paper.

Terrorists do NOT follow it....and we should NOT follow it combating them.

When you hide behind civilians.... civilians get killed.

And their deaths are on the hands of the terrorists who knowingly put them in harms way.
sorry, that doesnt make sense

"the apache dismembered them, so its the terrorists fault"

i dont care what kind of background you paint on this picture, it was OUR fault

its called not firing until your threat is confirmed, the quality of the video was too bad to tell what they were holding, so they should have either got a little closer (shit they were already ridiculously far away) and verify targets, OR just watch waited

blaming others for OUR terrorism is just downright moronic
A camera is not a free pass in a war zone.

The military serves the USA..... and ONLY Congress can declare war.

The Geneva convention example with Germany and Russia is laughable.... gosh like a piece of paper ever stopped the left from committing genocide...

The INTENT of the convention is all that can be wrought from a piece of paper.

Terrorists do NOT follow it....and we should NOT follow it combating them.

When you hide behind civilians.... civilians get killed.

And their deaths are on the hands of the terrorists who knowingly put them in harms way.

Laughable? You think it's funny?

Let me spell this out simply for you.

The United States of America signed the Geneva Convention.

The USA must apply this convention even on those who did not sign it - that's part of the agreement.
Your version of moral codes does not matter.

"Terrorists do not follow it" - What terrorists? These "terrorists" you speak of, are guerillas fighting an occupational force. It is their RIGHT to do so, granted by the UNITED NATIONS.

Do you speak ENGLISH or NOT?

Define the word "terror" and then tell me that isn't what America has been inflicting on Iraq since 2003.
stop twisting it, stop changing it, you cannot change or deny what happened

the military mowed down civies

just down right mowed them down, then fucking mowed them down some more when the survivors tried to escape the terrorism

twist it any way you want, they were out for blood, getting boners off of it, and they got what they wanted

the blood of the innocent flowed in the streets
I I c now I am to blame for the actions of my government right? Everbody hates America and we should all just bow our heads in shame and let other countries terrorize us. Hell let's just surrender and let the middle east control us that would be great, they are the victims here right?

Yes my govt has declared war on these people. they are killing innocent people and using helicopters to shoot at vans. Guess what: I really don't give a fuck. All I know is if you gave me a gun and told me that the kid had a RPG and I need to shoot him that kid would get shot without a moments hesitation because I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them and I don't believe in after life I only got one. It's not my fault they have no standards for women and children like we have and it's not my fault they set bombs to kill civilians without remorse so it is what it is. Honestly fuck all those jihad preaching motherfuckers. I am a peaceful person but if you attack me in my home I will fuckin murder you. If I caught someone in my house in the middle of the night I would not wound them I would fuckin make sure they were dead. They know the risks they are taking before hand so they are not victims. So there I like violent video games and so does the rest of the world. I know not just Americans are logging onto games like COD and playing war games just like the army uses to train soldiers and if I had a chance to blow of one of those mother fuckers heads I would do it happily-that's the mentality you have when your at war with people. So hate me cuz I'm such a bad guy whatever I get tired of people just trying to stir up bullshit. Ifr you want to see some fucked up shit watch how the japanese tortured people and what they did to the chinese when they went to war with them. Watch how the chinese govt mowed down it's own people with tanks. Just don't watch it if you live in china cuz it's illegal. War is fucking retarded they control us with it but fuck it you might as well take pride in your job and do a good job right?
dude.... woah... seriously...

there is no need to be so rude

crackerjax will always be crackerjax but you cant insult people like that here at rollitup...

abide by the rules you agreed to
I I c now I am to blame for the actions of my government right? Everbody hates America and we should all just bow our heads in shame and let other countries terrorize us. Hell let's just surrender and let the middle east control us that would be great, they are the victims here right?

Yes my govt has declared war on these people. they are killing innocent people and using helicopters to shoot at vans. Guess what: I really don't give a fuck. All I know is if you gave me a gun and told me that the kid had a RPG and I need to shoot him that kid would get shot without a moments hesitation because I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them and I don't believe in after life I only got one. It's not my fault they have no standards for women and children like we have and it's not my fault they set bombs to kill civilians without remorse so it is what it is. Honestly fuck all those jihad preaching motherfuckers. I am a peaceful person but if you attack me in my home I will fuckin murder you. If I caught someone in my house in the middle of the night I would not wound them I would fuckin make sure they were dead. They know the risks they are taking before hand so they are not victims. So there I like violent video games and so does the rest of the world. I know not just Americans are logging onto games like COD and playing war games just like the army uses to train soldiers and if I had a chance to blow of one of those mother fuckers heads I would do it happily-that's the mentality you have when your at war with people. So hate me cuz I'm such a bad guy whatever I get tired of people just trying to stir up bullshit. Ifr you want to see some fucked up shit watch how the japanese tortured people and what they did to the chinese when they went to war with them. Watch how the chinese govt mowed down it's own people with tanks. Just don't watch it if you live in china cuz it's illegal. War is fucking retarded they control us with it but fuck it you might as well take pride in your job and do a good job right?

the problem with your statement? its rather hypocritical

especially at the part with the "if some one breaks into my house ill kill them" part

the irony is we break into their houses, trash their shit, kill their men women and children

BUT ITS OK!!! we there to liberate :roll:
my point is this. I have a daughter and a wife it is my job to protect them from evil. If someone came into my house i do not know their intentions. What if I let him live and he turns around shoots me and rapes my family? You have no idea what he has in store so I would much rather kill him before he killed me. But that's MY property I don't go to other people's houses uninvited and I don't go looking for trouble. If it were up to me I never would have gone to war with Iraq, I would have just put my $ on defense and 9/11 would never have happened and if it did I would just bomb the fuck out of the individuals in question. An eye for an eye, if your conc=victed of rape and murder in my world you would get raped and murdered as soon as you were proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. No bullshit trials just hard evidence that doesn't lie. That's a perfect world though and that's not going to happen because of all the greedy ass people who control us. Much better to use propaganda to force us to go to their home and kill people. Seriously it's not American's fault it's the governments's fault...not just our gov't all governments and it will never end.

Your right though war is a complete hypocrasy. I would like to say war doesn't solve any problems but it does, especially if the problem is how can we sell more of the bullets we make and how can we decrease the population. I'm sorry but there are people who conspire against us to keep us fighting and it's not going to stop so when in rome....
A camera is not a free pass in a war zone.

The military serves the USA..... and ONLY Congress can declare war.

The Geneva convention example with Germany and Russia is laughable.... gosh like a piece of paper ever stopped the left from committing genocide...

The INTENT of the convention is all that can be wrought from a piece of paper.

Terrorists do NOT follow it....and we should NOT follow it combating them.

When you hide behind civilians.... civilians get killed.

And their deaths are on the hands of the terrorists who knowingly put them in harms way.
Common Article 2

This article states that the Geneva Conventions apply to all cases of international conflict, where at least one of the warring nations have ratified the Conventions. Primarily:

  • The Conventions apply to all cases of declared war between signatory nations. This is the original sense of applicability, which predates the 1949 version.
  • The Conventions apply to all cases of armed conflict between two or more signatory nations, even in the absence of a declaration of war. This language was added in 1949 to accommodate situations that have all the characteristics of war without the existence of a formal declaration of war, such as a police action.[7]
  • The Conventions apply to a signatory nation even if the opposing nation is not bound by it. By 1949, the treaty was becoming viewed less as a reciprocal contract and more as an agreement on fundamental human rights. Ratifying the treaty binds the nation to uphold these rights regardless of the behavior of the opposing nation.[7]
Article 1 of Protocol I further clarifies that armed conflict against colonial domination and foreign occupation also qualifies as an international conflict.
When the criteria of international conflict have been met, the full protections of the Conventions are considered to apply.



I I c now I am to blame for the actions of my government right? Everbody hates America and we should all just bow our heads in shame and let other countries terrorize us. Hell let's just surrender and let the middle east control us that would be great, they are the victims here right?
Listen to yourself! Are you seriously concerned with the Middle East, any country, including Israel or Egypt, coming to America and "controlling us"? Really?

Yes my govt has declared war on these people. they are killing innocent people and using helicopters to shoot at vans. Guess what: I really don't give a fuck. All I know is if you gave me a gun and told me that the kid had a RPG and I need to shoot him that kid would get shot without a moments hesitation because I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them and I don't believe in after life I only got one.

Wow. And say I had some [political] motivation to tell you to shoot this kid? You ever consider that one chief? :o Cuz that couldn't possibly be happening...

It's not my fault they have no standards for women and children like we have and it's not my fault they set bombs to kill civilians without remorse so it is what it is. Honestly fuck all those jihad preaching motherfuckers.

Clearly you have standards, as illustrated by your previous scenario involving me telling you to shoot a kid and you doing it without question... There should be a "bitch-slap" emoticon for such remarks.

How would you wage war if you were them smart guy?

I am a peaceful person but if you attack me in my home I will fuckin murder you. If I caught someone in my house in the middle of the night I would not wound them I would fuckin make sure they were dead.

:shock: omg the irony! You don't even realize it... You are busting in their house, cold cocking the 13 year old son with the butt of your M16 rifle, having your squad of 5 Marines enter and tear off the 16 year old daughters clothes and gang rape her, taking the grandparents out back and executing them, stealing all the possessions, and taking the father away to execute later and plant an AK on his dead body. Yet you would "murder" someone who simply "entered" yours. Re-fuckin-tarded. :clap:

They know the risks they are taking before hand so they are not victims.

Yeah, they totally should have not been born in that part of the world... I mean, who the fuck do they think they are?

So there I like violent video games and so does the rest of the world. I know not just Americans are logging onto games like COD and playing war games just like the army uses to train soldiers and if I had a chance to blow of one of those mother fuckers heads I would do it happily-that's the mentality you have when your at war with people.

No, you idiot. That's the mentality they want you to have in order to make you able to do such insane shit, because deep down, all of us know it's wrong. They need to condition you to think it's OK, these people aren't people, they're "terrorists"... It's been used for THOUSANDS of fuckin' years, read a goddamn history book. You sacrifice your entire life for a government who uses you as a pawn in a ponzi scheme, while the rest of us suffer the effects of your actions after your death, which you received a silver piece of metal in the shape of a star for.

So hate me cuz I'm such a bad guy whatever I get tired of people just trying to stir up bullshit. Ifr you want to see some fucked up shit watch how the japanese tortured people and what they did to the chinese when they went to war with them. Watch how the chinese govt mowed down it's own people with tanks. Just don't watch it if you live in china cuz it's illegal. War is fucking retarded they control us with it but fuck it you might as well take pride in your job and do a good job right?

People will say such things about the American militaries actions in the decades to come. How does that make you feel?
your country along with your military is a joke what about when your millitary bombed canadian tranning base in afganistan said they saw gun flashes so they bombed them. your country is a joke the most hated country in the world. you cant tell if thats a RPG or a camra your looking through the same sites as the ppl in the chopper and they just said it was. they didnt even shoot at the chopper it shot first ,and if it was an RPG why didnt they shoot it off when the chopper came back around the buildings they had more time to shoot at the chopper then the chopper had 2 shoot at them.Just a another fucking yanky trying to justify another fuckup by there millitary. didnt look like a towlhead with a RPG looked like a yanky looking for a reason to shoot more inocent children and reporters. the facts r, you cant tell 100% if its an RPG or not,but they shoot anyway it seems to be the Amarican way shoot first ask later. that country gets away with alot of shit and it has to stop.
9/11 was the biggest failure i will ever know. america knew of "terrorism" for a very long time. remember when we were aiding afghanistan when them and russia was at war? remember the first attacks on the wtc? america pays a lot of so called defense. i think i read somewhere that a lil over half of our taxes go to defense. if i pay someone to protect something, i expect protection and nothing else. if i don't get that your ass is gone. but when it happens here, we just hand out more money. and i dont recall anyone getting fired. the attacks happened and we allowed it plain and simple.

we're at war for one reason, the same reason for all other wars. economic expansion. after all, china is growing and they need some damn pipelines.

and im pretty sure 9/11, iraq, afghanistan, etc are all related. if 9/11 never happened, GW really wouldn't of had a reason to go over there. 9/11 HAD to happen to even go to war any where in the middle east. it happened and they dont care who we fight, just as long as we do fight.
So there I like violent video games and so does the rest of the world. I know not just Americans are logging onto games like COD and playing war games just like the army uses to train soldiers and if I had a chance to blow of one of those mother fuckers heads I would do it happily-that's the mentality you have when your at war with people.
I think there is a thin line of distinction between having fun blowing shit up on a video game and actually going out and murdering people
It's like call of duty, except forreal. Just another reason why I wouldn't join the military.