Hi dude, just checkin' in been mashed all week on my hash lol, well I've polished off the 1st batch and sold the second so thats all good! I like the bigger pots, much better

As I have never really grown in soil I am hesitant to say which nuits you may bennifit from using, so maybe someone else can help you out there? I have a ton of pics to upload to all my threads, inc yours... I weighed my dry weight for both my ol' ladies and got 7.5 Oz. so I am well and truely happy with that... Jack Herer doesn't smell that much but the smoke is smooth and high, and the Skunk/Cheese is so so SO stinky and super strong

(sampled last night)

whats next for your grow? I 'am about to launch my 400w thread.. but have so many pics to organise, I think I will just upload to my hash and main grow threads fo now and start logging the 400w grow as of next week. Hope all's well, Oh - ps/ I was thinking if you can when you go into flowering if you could pic up either a 150w cfl or a 250w cfl (red spec) same shape only a little bigger than the one your using, (self ballasted). Your yeild will be dencer and bigger - more light bigger buds etc.. what do you think? - STELTHY