White Rhino under CFLs


Well-Known Member
Hey RS. just for personal benefit, I asked, comparing urs and my own grow. In time man. Ur babies will come up sweet as. Where'd u get the WR from?
Hey all. The White Rhino are from Nirvana through seedboutique. I read around and it seemed that most sellers had bad and good stuff written so i just went with one that seemed reasonably priced. I was surprised that they actually arrived.

Hey Yada. Great to have you along for the ride as it is everyone else. CFL grows are slow going in comparison to HID so dont expect the same results as LG or Kmoo. The babies are looking a lot better. Still got a few brown blotches where the leaves are dying off but there is new growth which is promising. I wont bother with pics as will put some up in a few days when i think i have them well and truely on the recovery.


Well-Known Member
Brother ive got White Rhino from nirvana aswell.

Trust me bro odour control this shit. Its danky stuff towards the end of flowering you are dribbling from the smell.


Active Member
Never grown WR but I've grown Nirvana strains for 10 years now and never had a bad pack, very reliable and reasonably priced. I'm a big fan and keen to see how you do with these. Looking forward to the updates.


Well-Known Member
Hey all. Been a while i know but i stunted them with some silly practices. Here are Gertrude and Bethany in recovery mode. I have put the 28w side lights on them too now so its about 175w+ which i am sure is enough to keep them happy. They have a few fungus gnats though but i love giving them a dose of the mortein surface spray. Not on the plants just around the pots. Its toxic shit.



Active Member
Gorgeous! Very healthy. You'll be growing those mofo trees in no time! keep it up and I might have to +rep ya!


Well-Known Member
how old are they? mine look like the exact same size.
Hey Broke, Bigv, Growwww, others that i have already said hi to and welcome back online 8. They are just less than a month old i think but i as i mentioned i hit a few unknown hurdles early on but they seem to have recovered. I have no pics as not much has changed. Thanks for stopping in people and if anyone wanted to give advice i would love to hear it. I am very much a beginner.


Well-Known Member
Thanks all. Its always nice having people comment on your journal. I know not much has happened but a little drunk and just took a couple of pics. Gertrude is first and Bethany is second. Gert is lagging behind a little.



Well-Known Member
Lookin real healthy man. I love white rhino my personal favourite for after a fucking mad day at work. Its so brilliant for a good piece of literature. I love smoking a fat joint then reading Buddhist books :)

You ever smoked the stuff? Its real nice man lookin good!


Well-Known Member
Nab never smoked it. Smoked white widow in the dam but that's it. I really hope at least one of these survive and last til flower time.


Well-Known Member
Looking good RS...... they're approaching 'take off' now. Are you going to train/top them or just let them go?
Hey MS. I checked out your thread and its all looking very good there. I definately wont top and have never LST'd any so really not sure what i am doing. I think i will just leave them be. May not get as much bud but i just want to decent colas on top. If you think i am making a bad decision then please say.


Active Member
RS, my best yields over the years have always come from plants just left to form a single cola and grow tall :-) But a bit of training especially under CFL's can make a difference. I don't have the luxury of tall plants these days.