for the record i got tested once and they can do it in front of you.. depending on the company they may just have a testing kit they can buy, they dip sticks in that are for different drugs and like a pool ph tester stick they see what colors the indicators turn... in those tests it wont matter however if they have a lab do it.. your probably screwed in my can do that, and you will be temporarily scott free, but the test will come back as "failed" because they can tell its diluted, when all the numbers are off.
the THC that you get in your system from pot stores in your fatty tissue and is slowly disolved over time by your body, this is why pot sucks sometimes because while you can do a line of coke and test like a week later and be fine.. pot stays in there depending on frequency of use for up to months. iv even heard of people putting on weight while smoking (must be all the munchies

EDIT: noticing some neat ideas, never tried em all, give em a try , never know. dont have to worry about it much in canada since its not legal for them to do random testing unless its in your hiring package that they do.