• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Holly shit! I need all help people! I am gona get tested!

Hi I wana know what I can do I am gina get tested tomorow!:cry: I smoke`d two days ago! gona do a urne test at the doctor. PLEASE HELP ME!:cry::cry:

There is a drink called CarboHQ32 sold at almost all Vitamin/Health stores. Works like a charm, I've been using it once a year for a long while now. You should have no problem w/ throwing the screening even if ya smoke 48 hours before even though it is not recommended. Drink Some water 3-4 hours before your test 1/2 gallon is more then enough. Drink the Carbo 2 hours before your test and on the way to the DRs grab yourself a 20oz or 32oz bottle of some sort of Sugar free tea (the tea is not needed but helps for coloring). You will piss clean for 8-10 hours.

CarboHQ32 is the way to go hoss. A quick short term fix 100%.


Misguided Angel
Make sure the piss they measure isn't your first piss of the day! My brother told me creatine messes up piss tests as he was not allowed to take it while on probation. It will probably come back as a fail anyways though. Either they will find trace amounts or it will be too diluted with all the water you drank.


Active Member
i tried the vinigar before and was puking out the window on the freeway on my way to take the test i had a friend that swore by it but it didnt work for me probably cause i puked it all up it was a nightmare but funny at the time and still funny now this reminds me of it :spew:

My brother told me creatine messes up piss tests as he was not allowed to take it while on probation.

I passed one like ten years ago because of creatine , i got hit with a surprise one i mean right then and figured oh well pick up classifieds on the way home, passed and read creatine causes a false negative, also saw it in a few cleaner type products.

At least if the test comes up inconclusive it might buy you time to keep clearing , plus it depends on if its sent to a lab or if its one of those quickie turn upside down to test , the quickies seem not as sensitive.

idk good luck , stupid crap , you can be at work hung over from booze and keep your job but smoke a joint on your own time and your fired.


Well-Known Member
they reckon one joint stays in your system for upto 30 days, so if your a heavy smoker gonna need to do some serious work.

Running is gonna help burn it off a bit and tons and tons of mineral water.
They actually don't reckon that at all. THC is stored on the fat cells of the body. One joint for a none smoker would be gone in two weeks as not many cells will be introduced to the THC, but beyond that a fat person can retain THC longer then a skinny person. The 30day rule is complete BS. Say Joe Fat smokes 5 blunts a day for 2 months and stops, and Joe Slim did the same thing. Joe Slim would test clean easily a week or two faster then Joe Fat. (Very high percentage of fat cells can actually store THC for 6-8week or longer)
Also yes, running will burn the fat cells thus helping you cleanse the THC faster. It won't be an instant thing, but if it was going to take you say 4 weeks to test clean sitting on your ass, you could possibly do the same in 3 weeks or less of running. I also believe Niacin helps flush but thats largely debatable. Mainly my thinking on that though is that they don't just test for THC, they test for THC metabolized, and Niacin can help flush your cells of them faster. It's also worth noting the exercise closely before the test can actually be a bad idea as it will burn the fat tissue, and release the THC metabolites into the urine making your test positive.

As for the detox methods. Most don't actually do anything, however the test do sometimes come back with negative results when they should infact be positive so of course people credit this to their detox. For instance I was tested by a proper setup last year with the nurse, and send off lab results, etc. I Smoked Saturday, did pills on Thurs, and tested on Monday came back completely negative. Of course don't take my word for any of this, research it for yourself. You'll see most actual scientific studios find these detox programs don't do a thing.

bong hoger

Well-Known Member
Sorry,I have drank 1 gal so far and plan on drinking about 3 gal in total! will it make the test fail?


Well-Known Member
Drinking water does not really detox the system very well, what it does do is dilute and help and burnt metabolized leave faster. So you want to drink enough to thin out your pee but not make it straight water. 3 Gallons is not to much if you drink it soon since your body will just flush it all but on day of test you want to be pissing clear but only just so don't drink that much tomorrow. (Drink a lot before you go to bed so you can wake up and piss it all out)

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
water sucks it just goes right through your system. Taking a UA after chugging water will result in a fail because it's just water. The creatine levels must be right or it's basically a fail. The doctors not gonna watch you if your just taking a ua for a job they put you in a room. If your on probation or something than dropping a hot UA is a crime though so they will watch you. Fake piss is the way to go my buddy has used it so many times for a government position and you can get it in a pinch.

If you really want to clean out your system drink water and exercise but also drink lots of cranberry juice. The cranberry juic is a natural detox and will work better than plain water. If your an everyday smoker it will stay in your system for a long time like a month, especially if your not active or fat like my ass. If your a real fit type person your body will eliminate the toxins quicker and there isn't a lot of fat cells to store the THC(think canna butter....that's why it works because the fat) If you just smoke like once in a while and your active you'll be clean in a matter of days. Again synthetic urine eliminates the worry altogether but there is one thing. At headshops this stuff costs like 30$ and it's only just enough urine. I don't know why they can't just hook you up fat with urine lol. My friend once had a split test where he had to provide two seperate samples lucky for him he had 2 bottles. In the future you can just stock up over the internet, and get it like 10$ a peice.


Well-Known Member
Becareful about drinking too much water!!!!!!!!!! You can die and it doesn't take that muck. You heart and lungs will fill up and you will die of congestive heart failure. Just google it.... Flooding your kidneys is all you want to do, not flood the rest of you!


Active Member
Go to the Grocery store and buy a box of certo ( they use it to give jelly and jams the texture) well any ways its about 5 dollars what you do is mix one of the packets in the box with a gallon of water and drink it about 30 mins b4 bed then when you wake up do it again with the other packet when you wake up
no food no drinks(besides the water with certo in it no ciggarettes you cant even lick some cool whip off your finger trust me it will work i was on probation for ten years and got tested once a month and never failed a test good luck


Well-Known Member
dude dont want to seem negative but most of the ideas people are giving are stupid as fuck just to let ya know..and if you smoke all the time drinking alot of water the day before is not going to do shit...lol you think you can really detox yourself in one day thats just NOT going to happin....DONT buy a detox drink you should buy a MASKING drink..... a masking drink will MASK your dirty piss for a few hours NOT CLEAN YOUR PISS but MASK it theres a DIFFERENCE......anyone who says you can cleanse your piss in one day by drinking water and vitamens just DOSNT know what there talking about .....come on think about....water and vitemans to beat a test in ONE DAY??? LOL ya right if it was that easy everyone would be passing there tests.......ive takin many tests and drinking water never did shit for me........ i mean mabye if you got like a week and half and you excersize like a mother fucker MAYBE and thats just MAYBE you might be abe to detox but one day forget about it......
you can do that, and you will be temporarily scott free, but the test will come back as "failed" because they can tell its diluted, when all the numbers are off.

I have also heard takeing a ton of vitamin E will give your urine the yellow color.

i cant vouch for it, but i would run to your local head shop, and see what solutions they have.

also GNC has some "detox" tea's and juices, that you drink followed by a gallon of water, that make you pee like a race horse.
Its actually vitamin B's. Just pop a B vitamin complex like a 100 mg pill a couple of hours before getting tested. Your urine will come out very yellow! Believe me I work out alot and take all sorts of vitamins. Vitamin B complex 100mg and your good. Also drink like a gallon of water and a gallon of either coconut water or cranberry juice either or or both to be safe. Also I have heard its very beneficial to take some creatine as well as your vitamin B complex pill. Creatine helps out alot its actually one of the main ingredients in most of the detox flush drinks at head shops. Google this information Im givin you to get a better idea. Also another way to get pass the drug test is to put a bandage over your index fingerwith bleach in the cotton part. When you pee you let the urine run thru the soaked cotton part of the bandage. I never personally tried this but it mite just work. Good luck buddy!


Well-Known Member
The best shot you got is drink water. Water is your best friend and exercise. All the other things will make it look like your hiding something. If you piss water thats a lot better then lime green, you just drink a lot of water, heath nut. I think of it this way, It's just as hard to get weed IN your system as OUT of it. Thats smoke a joint 30 day bullshit is that bullshit.


Active Member
so lets say you are clean for 3+months then take a couple hits of a bleezie. you a less than 180pds.
that same day and the next you are already pissin white .? is that good
just drink alot of water and cranberyy.
SEXERCISE my friend...that is the answer/
another good ? if you are a medical mj patient can jobs discriminate against you if they drug test and you come back positive for ganja???


Well-Known Member
what the fuck do u mean putting someone elses urine in ur bladder?
ya its an awesome way to get a UTI and i don't think i could look the person in the eye who gave me that piss after doing that with it. made me laugh pretty hard though!

i'm surprised no one has asked WHAT KIND OF TEST IT IS? is it getting sent to a lab or are they going to do a dipstick test?

if it's dipstick which is a shitty and easily beatable test just a lot of water to dilute the urine and take the right vitamins to make it yellow and they won't know the difference

now if its going to a lab then ur in a lot more trouble. i got out of it one time by rigging up a balloon full of clean piss my friend gave me strapped to my thigh with a thin hose that ran up my leg and out my crotch with a stopper in the end. they told me to piss and while it looked like i was holding my johnson i was actually holding the tube on the underside of my main man and with a little squeeze of the thighs it came out like the real deal.

hope you pass