Holly shit! I need all help people! I am gona get tested!

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
Just walk into the testing place and piss on the receptionist. Then say, "There's your freakin test biotches!" then walk out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
what the fuck do u mean putting someone elses urine in ur bladder?
LOL..you need a trukey baster , eyedrop bottle( small anuff to fit up your

dick hole..lol).. and a big bottle of a saline solution like the kind for

contacts. and a bit of tape.. then use your imagination:o:o:hump:


Active Member
so if you smoke a couple of times a day, after not smoking for months. then drink alot of water and cran-raspberry and have some sexcersise every day, and then get called in for an interview will you be safe????
what about some of those detox drinks from GNC?


Active Member
Some of this thread really made me laugh.

Really pleased the OP passed the test, would be interested to hear why you were being tested, was it for a new job, Your existing employer asking for it or for parole/police?

If you can post any details about the test it will probably help people in the future more than suggestions of pushing someone else's piss up your dick :p


Well-Known Member
Not sure what country your in but what fucking doctor gives a piss test that can get you in trouble? doctors make you pee for physicals and they are looking for sugar in your blood for diabetes NOT any type of probation or job I have ever heard of. We have clinics in America and if its for a job they send you there NOT to a doctor. And if on probation you go to the probation office NOT a doctor. The last thing to worry about is a doctor, you can tell your doctor you smoke all the weed you want he cannot report you in any way unless you are talking about killing yourself or another. I would be curious to know the real story as peeing for a doctor sounds strange unless this is normal for other countries