
Filla Kinex

Active Member
i am a 215 patient. i recently got served with a search warrant and to make a long story short i was arrested foe having to many plants. anybody that would like to support me i will be going to court in trinity county on march 25th at 9am. if anyone is local to that area and could come to the courthouse in my behalf would be greatly appreciated!

please come support me in the cause to be able to cultivate medicine. 445 plants were taken in the asault, only 60 were mature, the rest were seedlings or clones that did not even have roots. we need to ban together and stop big brother from limiting what we are allowed to grow for us and the people we are trying trying help.

anybody in the area that can come support the cause would be greatly appreciated! please come support the cause!

thank you all in advance!

445 plants, lmfao, dude i think your screwed.....

damn man, what the hell were you thinking? How could you reasonably say that you needed 445 plants. Also what tipped them off to you? Electricity? Activity? Do tell so others who decide to go commercial can learn from your mistake. THIS SHOULD BE STICKIED:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:
and this is the reason every new medmj state refuses to allow growing, because of idiots who think they are above the law ... u live in cali follow ur grow laws and you wont have any problems ... they gave u laws to follow you broke them 10x over now you should have to pay... people like you are screwing it up for everyone...

sorry if so harsh but i dont care ....
i have heard that to be considered a plant, it must have roots. how many plants actually had roots? i would talk to a lawyer and get a botanist on ur defense team as an expert witness to testify about the root thing, if that helps u at all. dont know how many had roots.
first let me just tell all you bashers that i have 10 215 cards. i am growing medicine for them all. second about 300 of those were seedlings and or clones in rockwool. there were only 60 mature plants. third the supreme court ruled it is unconstitutional for anyone to regulate the number of plants or the amount of dried medicine a patient can have. i am pasting a copy from the news channel from this past fri. this is the second time in 2 weeks that the cops had to return someones medicine and equipt. the first one the plant count was over a thousand. the one i am pasting in the next paragraph the guy had 40 mature plants on 1 card!

Shasta Marijuana Case Dropped
Fri, 03/05/2010 - 16:57
It was a surprising end to a medical marijuana case in Shasta County Friday. A Redding man was facing felony charges for growing medicinal marijuana.

But now, officials say they are dismissing the case because the law he was breaking has changed.

When James Hall was in court Friday morning, protesters were outside protesting the case. Hall has a Prop 215 card (a recommendation for medical marijuana).

According to the District Attorney, at the time, Hall was breaking the law by growing too many plants. But the California Supreme Court has just changed that law, so Hall can grow as many plants as he would like.

D.A. Jerry Benito says they did not have any choice but to dismiss the charges after the law changed. Hall was notified that this case will be dismissed Friday afternoon.
thanks, i hope it works out too. i am not a drug dealer and i am not trying to get rich! i just want to be able to have enough medicine and take care of my friends too. we need to ban together so the law doesnt keep coming through the door and robbing us!
and this is the reason every new medmj state refuses to allow growing, because of idiots who think they are above the law ... u live in cali follow ur grow laws and you wont have any problems ... they gave u laws to follow you broke them 10x over now you should have to pay... people like you are screwing it up for everyone...

sorry if so harsh but i dont care ....

Doesn't anybody read the bloody news anymore??? Jesus. :wall::wall::wall::wall::-P

Changes to Prop 215 Struck Down by Calif. Supreme Court
January 25, 2010
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California lawmakers had no right to impose a cap on the amount of marijuana that medical users could possess under the state's Proposition 215 medical-marijuana law, the California Supreme Court has ruled.

The Associated Press reported Jan. 21 that the court unanimously ruled that lawmakers erred in amending the law to limit medical-marijuana patients to eight ounces of the drug, saying that only voters could change amendments to the state constitution that have been added via the state's ballot-initiative process.

The original Prop 215 set no limit on how much marijuana a medical user could possess. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

They have to charge you in Federal Prison for it to stick. :leaf:
Shit, i cant grow a peace herb..
might pop down to 7-11 and grab a pack of cigarettes instead..
Fight as hard as u can man, ive won more then ive lost.
Kinex and budheavy are right, limits are no longer legal..still though they're going to try to make you out as some kingpin or something. Get an aggressive marijuana lawyer and the botanist idea was a good one. I'd be using an aggressive, expert lawyer to threaten them with so many lawsuits from you and your ten patients that they'll think twice. You want to get this stopped before it goes to trial.. trials are expensive.. what agency raided you and what disctrict will your case be in?