
finally someone thats not a smart ass and actually knows what they are talking about. refreshing!

i was robbed by the trinity county sheriff. I have an excellent lawyer that is going to cost big time. he is a medical marijuana specialist. got his name from access for safe americans and normal. i am hoping it gets throw out and they give me all my shit back!

thanks for the positive responses!
May I mention, in my state- a plant is not a plant if it doesn't have roots. Young clones can not be considered plants. After I was busted with 800 plants, many of them new clones, the plant count was greatly revised and reduced. My case went from county to state to federal and then back to state after it was reviewed.......
unfortunately even the clones had roots! im gonna post a few pics. half of the count were rooted seedlings that were 2" and some were clones. 60 were mature and 30 were 5' tall but still in veg. they were going outside to hopefully become 10lb ers. what a crying shame!
not sure how true it is but I have also heard of a 1 foot rule..meaning its gotta be a foot tall to count towards numbers..anyone else? or is that just to be considered non-mature?
dam bro sorry to hear that. i would go support but am in colorado. hopefully everything works out. DAM PIGS!!!!!!!!!
i heard from my lawyer that boulder is the place to go! shit, it has to be better then the little town i live in! everybody here grows outdoors but i havent seen anyone light it up and produce. i see a lot of ghetto grows that just make me want to puke! the cops did compliment me on my set-up. it really doesnt matter i just want my shit back!

i am going to have to ask my lawyer if it is a good idea or not to have people supporting the cause outside the court house or not. if he says go for it im putting adds on NORML PAGE AND ACCESS FOR SAFE AMERICANS! i will post again when something happens. i am hoping that i wont even have to go to court but i doubt i could be so lucky!
I think it is 6 plants per person. Not sure of the maturity whether or not 6 flowering or six total. Yes people who push the limits do ruin it for others. Like drinking on the beach. because there is always some one who has to go to extremes then they just say fuck'em close it off for everyone. Ignorence is no excuse, You are smart enough to use a forum you are smart enough to look up california ruling on SB 420. Or see Norml website.
I think it is 6 plants per person. Not sure of the maturity whether or not 6 flowering or six total. Yes people who push the limits do ruin it for others. Like drinking on the beach. because there is always some one who has to go to extremes then they just say fuck'em close it off for everyone. Ignorence is no excuse, You are smart enough to use a forum you are smart enough to look up california ruling on SB 420. Or see Norml website.

Hey cali, maybe you should read the thread before you go posting..he had 10 patients papers and the cali supreme court ruled these limits unconstitutional..not trying to be a dick but uninformed posters ruin it for people too.
Hey Filla, I wasn't trying to bash you or anything like that. I'm not sure if I came off like that or not, but if so I apologize. I feel for you bro, please tell us how they got on to you in the first place. I think this thread needs to be stickied, someone else will have these problems......guaranteed.
isthislegal: i went back through and i didnt see your other post. anyway anybody that has bashed me is misinformed. like i said im no drug dealer. nobody comes over to my house. its not like the guy who lives next door and has the same cars stopping all day and night long. im sure it wont be long before he blows himself up.

seriously, by knowing what the law says, i never felt like i was doing anything wrong. and the supreme court obviously agrees. it will be interesting to see what happens.
thanks, i hope it works out too. i am not a drug dealer and i am not trying to get rich! i just want to be able to have enough medicine and take care of my friends too. we need to ban together so the law doesnt keep coming through the door and robbing us!

whats wrong with getting rich by spreading the positive herb to as many as you can?
Sounds like your case is going to be dismissed.

To be safe, my Dr has recommended I have up to a total of 36, 18 of which can be in flower...I need land!

good luck

How did they find out you were growing in the first place??? Do you live in a residential area? Were you paying for your electricity and how many lights were you running? Please answer so we here can all know what to look out for. I'm also from Cali and usually when people get busted here someone complains about smell then the cops investigate for a few months then raid. Did they say how long they were watching you for?
i sure hope so! i just dont understand hoe a state as broke as calif. is spends so much time and money busting into peoples houses only to have the case thrown out. these people know the laws. go chase people that are cooking meth and leave us alone. we are doing nothing wrong!

as far as getting rich goes, that is not the reason i am doing this. i just want to have my medicine and live my life comfortably doing what i love! very soon, after the november election this will be a moot point! cross your fingers everybody!
Good luck Filla, let us know what the cause was for the warrent. I have read that you want to stay under 100 plants the Feds only seem to be going after people with over 100.
Keep us updated on how it goes.
Again Good Luck.
well they had a search warrant looking for someone that used to live here months ago. your not going to believe this but they took 17 lights and ballasts. 14 1000 and 3 600. i know its quite a bit of electricity but the electric company didnt turn me in. it was just really bad dumb luck!
well they had a search warrant looking for someone that used to live here months ago. your not going to believe this but they took 17 lights and ballasts. 14 1000 and 3 600. i know its quite a bit of electricity but the electric company didnt turn me in. it was just really bad dumb luck!

Wow that's a bummer. 15,800 watts and no problems from pg&e. That's good news for everyone else here in Cali I guess. Hope everything goes well. Good luck man. Dam feds need to find better things to do. Just a waste of time and money for our state.