
What are all those patients you were supplying for doing now ? I feel bad for them, maybe when this is over you can take a whole new approach & set those up who are willing to grow with simple systems & be there organic tea supplier. Push organics & bottle it up for them. Like you said you aren't trying to get rich so teach them grasshoppers what they need to do but make sure they get the nutes from you. You wont be getting rich but you will have pride in still being able to provide.

I wish you all the best :peace:
thanks for the good wishes! i have tried to teach some of the people i take care of how to do it themselves but everyone who really knows what they are doing knows that it is easier said then done. i am an amature bodybuilder. it is the same with growing medicine. things need to be done at a certain time and you need to be able to spot problems before they get out of hand. people dont understand that growing indoors is a science and shit needs to be done on time and you need to be consistant. when you are trying to be mother nature you have to be diligent and its the little things that matter. i am 46 years old and i grew my 1st indoor plant when i was 12 years old. it has been a learning expierience the whole way. after 34 years of trial and error you cant expect someone to get everything right the first or second time!

as far as the electric bill goes im on PUD and not PG&E so my power bill is 1/3 of someone on PG&E. i will keep you posted on the outcome of this B.S. fiasco! thank you all for you input and coments!
Wow, Im rootin for ya.

Lawyer should be a must (sorry didnt read everything - off to work)
If I was the owner of one of these electric companies, it seems like my stance on this matter would be for everyone to just turn their heads in regards to very high electric output. You are making more money from these customers for god's sake. Why try to do the DEA's jobs for them? Anyways man, good luck with everything. It sounds like everything will turn out alright for you. You should definitely get all of your equipment back as well.
i am a 215 patient. i recently got served with a search warrant and to make a long story short i was arrested foe having to many plants. anybody that would like to support me i will be going to court in trinity county on march 25th at 9am. if anyone is local to that area and could come to the courthouse in my behalf would be greatly appreciated!

please come support me in the cause to be able to cultivate medicine. 445 plants were taken in the asault, only 60 were mature, the rest were seedlings or clones that did not even have roots. we need to ban together and stop big brother from limiting what we are allowed to grow for us and the people we are trying trying help.

anybody in the area that can come support the cause would be greatly appreciated! please come support the cause!

thank you all in advance!


445 is entirely too many to explain. and in terms of the root thing, it's illegal to germinate seeds, and the clones are already technically considered plants...

sorry to repeat if someone said this already

EDIT: i didn't about the supreme court ruling on restriction and i also somehow skipped that you were growing for 10 people. the plant amount sounds totally reasonable now. hope everything works out for you man. keep it lit and f*ck the police.
If I was the owner of one of these electric companies, it seems like my stance on this matter would be for everyone to just turn their heads in regards to very high electric output. You are making more money from these customers for god's sake. Why try to do the DEA's jobs for them?

I doubt owners of electric companies are looking at how much electricity people are using per month. It's the snitch employees that do the monitoring & get paid from the dea for being snitches. I think that was mentioned on Barry Coopers "never get busted again" dvd.
how can you say 445 is to many? 150 were clones of which i would have only kept the best 50. another 200 were seeds and i had to sex them and would have ended up keeping maybe another 50. thats 250 that would have been pulled. 60 were a week from being done and another 25 were being kept in veg for outdoor. i may have had more then i needed but i had many different flavors and popped more beans then i need to only use the best!

i dont want to argue with you but there is a big debate as to when you can call a clone a plant. besides the bottom line is i had 10 215's and there is no limit on what i am alowed to do! it is not illeagal if you are a patient to germinate seeds. if you are talking about the law it is illeagal to cultivate marijuana in every state on the federal level. the feds have said we are not getting involved and it is un constitutional to regulate numbers of plants or dried medicine you may have in your possesion!

if you want to read it for yourself here the link. happy reading!

I am sooooooo there. As soon as I finish fighting this arcata square dogwalking ticket, lol.

They want your money, that's all there is to it. Despite their fear-mongering, the crime rates been DROPPING! So they have to work harder to justify their sad existences. Keep your head up, keep the fight going.
well they had a search warrant looking for someone that used to live here months ago. your not going to believe this but they took 17 lights and ballasts. 14 1000 and 3 600. i know its quite a bit of electricity but the electric company didnt turn me in. it was just really bad dumb luck!


Well, I think I got all excited over nothing. The warrant isn't in your name, and you're worried? I'm sorry my man, and your lawyer probably already said this, but if the warrant is unwarranted, you are free to go.

If the guy hasn't lived there for that long, the evidence is inadmissible. They're just hassling you. The police are allowed to abuse their power more than ever these days.
ok, truth be told i was probably growing more then me and my cardholders could use the rest would have been sold to a medical dispensery with a moderate gain, i think its only fair that i make some kind of profit as long as uncle sam got his!

i will fight this as long as i can afford to if thats what it takes!
Man you had a too much for you and a few other people..

This hasn't been said yet either, so one more and I'm done.

Trinity county is in Humboldt. Even if the supreme court ruling isn't being respected, you are allowed 99 plants per prescription with a 10x10 canopy. My grow/experiment is an attempt to work within these bounds.

So if bro has 10 scripts, he can grow 1000 plants within a 100 square foot area. The way I see it, he's being lazy. :eyesmoke:

Please keep this thread updated, I'm going to check it the day before and will go if I see it's still on.
This hasn't been said yet either, so one more and I'm done.

Trinity county is in Humboldt. Even if the supreme court ruling isn't being respected, you are allowed 99 plants per prescription with a 10x10 canopy. My grow/experiment is an attempt to work within these bounds.

So if bro has 10 scripts, he can grow 1000 plants within a 100 square foot area. The way I see it, he's being lazy. :eyesmoke:

Please keep this thread updated, I'm going to check it the day before and will go if I see it's still on.


And yes, selling to a dispensary is the only way to legally make money off your hard work so I agree, uncle sam got his, so its only fair you get yours.
Ah, OK, this time I really mean it. Last post about the whole thing.

Did you ask the cops if they have a greenhouse? They'd better, because if those plants die...and they killed them...well...doesn't that mean you can sue them for the damages according to Torte law?

Hit them where it hurts.
ok, truth be told i was probably growing more then me and my cardholders could use the rest would have been sold to a medical dispensery with a moderate gain, i think its only fair that i make some kind of profit as long as uncle sam got his!

i will fight this as long as i can afford to if thats what it takes!

Good Luck Filla.

100 plants is the federal mandatory minimum for 5 yrs in jail. Hope they dont persue this.

I live in cali also.
I think it is 6 plants per person. Not sure of the maturity whether or not 6 flowering or six total. Yes people who push the limits do ruin it for others. Like drinking on the beach. because there is always some one who has to go to extremes then they just say fuck'em close it off for everyone. Ignorence is no excuse, You are smart enough to use a forum you are smart enough to look up california ruling on SB 420. Or see Norml website.

Wow you're the 6th person to bring up such irrelevance. :roll:

And it was a dick move to compare cultivation of medicine to illegal activities like drinking on the beach. :confused:
its sad to hear your story....but in so many way's your lucky...... cause its 2010 and the gov. is seeing the plus of mj and how well it helps and promotes peace...... and so much more a fellow would get tired of typing....cong. to cali. for they fought the most for them to see the perks!!!