My First Grow; Indoor Easy Ryder.


Well-Known Member
I think It was either the sudden changes in temperature or just a dodgey seed.
Im trying again right now. got a seed submerged this time and another peat pellet soaked and ready.

if at first you don't succeed...


Well-Known Member
2 days later, a healthy looking little sprog.

Very nice i think, especially after the failure of my first one, which strangely looks to be still "alive", just dormant or something. very strange.

I think ill call her Glados.


Well-Known Member
I miss my ladies I ain't seen them since Friday morning as been away this weekend hopefully see them tonight :)
hopefully starting to get more pre flowers. I'm excited lol. Need a nice lot of water and nutes when I ge in. Mine could be alot better alot of peoples are better then mine. I think yours will turn out better.


Well-Known Member
Glados is getting very very lankey right now, Should i start putting her under the grow light?


Well-Known Member
quick question to anyone;

I got a 105w CFL light, it is massive, not getting too hot, but definitely producing some warmth,
How far from the light do you think i should put the plant for maximum lightage, and minimal heat damage?


Well-Known Member
quick question to anyone;

I got a 105w CFL light, it is massive, not getting too hot, but definitely producing some warmth,
How far from the light do you think i should put the plant for maximum lightage, and minimal heat damage?
I would say around 3-5inches. Stick your hand on top of your plant then move your light to a distance that keeps your hand comfortably warm without going fuck thats hot. Thats when its about right. It looks like there getting too hot then just move it up an inch. Thats what I do with my 125w. Mine only burnt when I went away for a weekend and grew more then expected and basically growing round the light...


Well-Known Member
Cheers, Ill give that a try.

Next question, Is it normal for new CFLs to smell odd when first turned on?


Well-Known Member
Also, What time ratio should i be using for a young autoflowering plant? straight to 12/12 or something else?


Well-Known Member
about 5 days after planting, She is looking a little lanky to me, but i guess the leaves will fill out and she wont stretch so much now that she is under a big light.



Well-Known Member
That's an interesting idea, I had never thought of that.

I'm afraid to do anything too stressfull for such a young plant though.

Once it has a stronger root system, ill get her a big pot, Thanks for the suggestion!


Good to see you are up and running now. Mine are showing signs of sex now at day 22, can't wait to compare soil to hydro.