My First Grow; Indoor Easy Ryder.


Well-Known Member
Ok, Ill try and drain out the water it has, and i wont add any more till she shows herself.



Well-Known Member
Im tempted to have a dig to see if she is still alive, would this be a bad idea?
Also, do you think i should put her back in the airing cupboard? Its a bit chilly here at the moment.


I would place it in the airing cupboard to keep it warm.

I'm a bit gutted today 1 of my plants ain't looking too good. Other 2 are doing well


Well-Known Member
I thought about the airing cupboard, but I'm worried that if I do that, the excess water in the soil will never evaporate, and the warm and damp environment will only encourage rot.
I guess there is nothing left to do but to sit back and hope. Still no sign of her, another day, and I guess she is just another white cross. :(


Active Member
mate im about a week ahead of you, i put them in a towel for about 3 days and they werent doing anything, so i bought a propegator and it took another 3 days for one of the plants to sprout, the other one sprouted last night, a full week after first touching water, so i dunno, this is my first grow, but if mine are anything to go by I would say they take a while to sprout...

Check out my grow in my sig... never know... you might find it useful...

Peace brother.... good luck!


Well-Known Member

well, In hindsight, this was probably a mistake, but i went ahead and had a dig to see if the seed had just rotted away.
It was exactly where i had buried it, and the sprout had grown by maybe 2 millimeters at most. My concern was the over watering, so gently i pulled her out and placed her on top of the soil, with the tiny root just facing into a small hole.

I was inspired to do this after seeing some other (non ganja) seeds grow really quickly this way, so hopefully the plant will feel a bit more inclined to go find water and i will have some more action to report and photograph.

My big worry now is the cold, could it be that the growing is stunted because it isn't warm enough? since there are no green leaves yet, could i just put her back into a warm airing cupboard?


Well-Known Member
Stick it in the airing cupboard. My 2 Easy Ryder sprouted in 24hrs in soaked toilet paper in the airing cupboard. Could be luck I guess thogh... but airing cupboard way to go.


I don't know how to help u! But my 2 (lost the 3rd) are on there 3rd set of leaves. We started on the same day.

Did u only get 1 seed. One of mine was bad!


Well-Known Member
my 2 are on there 3rd set of leaves. We started on the same day.

Now THAT is annoying!

I am happy for you though.

I can't imagine why it is being so slow, as far as i can tell, it isn't dead, just retarded or something.

And no, i got five easy ryder seeds, but i decided to only do one at a time for various reasons, but not least because i was afraid of screwing up.


Well-Known Member
yeah, mine sprouted in the AC, but now it's in soil, is it still viable?
Will still be viable will even sprout in there. Just remember soon as pokes head out shove under your lights or they stretch very quickly looking for some


Well-Known Member
Ok, Ive moved her into an airing cupboard for now, If i dont see any improvement in the next couple of days, i will consider trying again.
Its still a bit chilly here in my country, so I may wait for the weather to improve before another attempt.

I am worried though that it could be these sudden changes in temperature and environment that is confusing her....


Have you decided on lights yet? As soon as it shows it self you need to give it light! Pop a new 1 mate and hopefully you can get going. I don't think it will make it, it has been dug up and re potted not a good start. But I dont know loads so I may be wrong. But I have had mine under lights for 5 days now


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I wanna put in a new one, but these things cost me 45quids and i dont wanna be wasting them.
The thing is, she doesn't look dead, or even unhealthy, just reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly slow.
I dont know what to make of it,
The seed is sat on the surface with a root going into the soil, the pod itself is breaking open, maybe by a tiny amount each day (almost un-noticeable). I don't wanna give up on her, but i honestly don't understand what is going on.

will post pics.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I give up.

I put a new one into water today, gonna try again when it splits.

Anyone wanna give me some advice to prevent this from happening again?


Go and get some root riots. That is what I used and I have 2 plants going. Mine cost 7 quid for 24 not a bad price.

Update on mine...... the root has come thru the net pot and is about a 4cm from the water noticed a lot of growing today, I'm. Hoping they will take off as they have nutes and water all they time.