My First Grow; Indoor Easy Ryder.


Well-Known Member
Hey Matty, good to hear from you, could you post pics? i would love to see what they look like!
Mine hasn't changed much since last pic, Broader spikey leaves, and some new ones coming up the middle. I have also topped up the soil to make her less lankey.
Ill post a pic in a bit.

Thanks again for stopping by mate, always a pleasure.


Well-Known Member
About a week in,

I haven't used a fan yet, but i plan on getting one which should speed things up a bit.


Active Member
subscribed!! Easyryder Crew Massif!!

Good luck dude, we'll all have to light a phat one in unison when they are all grown!! Peace dude, check out my grow in my sig... see what you can expect!!!



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the support guys!

Easyryders certainly seem the way to go.

If anyone is interested, here is a rundown of my costs so far (converted to pounds since i guess most of you are British) ;

Seeds: 45 pounds from a headshop. One died, one is Glados and growing strong, 3 left.
Light: around 20 pounds including p&p from e-bay.
Timer: 4 pounds from a harware store
Fan: about 8 pounds i think, from e-bay. not arrived yet.
Peat pellets: 3 pounds for a box.

Total; 80 pounds.

Shit, I had no idea I had spent so much!

Oh well, it is an amusing hobby.


Well-Known Member
Bit early for another update i suppose, but here is Day nine, She looks a bit small to me, unless i have my days confused. She also looks very "droopy". are the leaves supposed to be hanging down like that? Is she ill?



Active Member
Dont worry too bad, Might be a bit over watered... let it do its thing for a couple days, should pick up... sure it'll be fine...

Peace bro


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I moved her away from the light for a few hours and the leaves still tilted towards it, so at least she isn't too ill.
I looked around, and yeah, definitely over watered. I think the problem is the peat soil, which doesn't allow for much oxygen to the roots.

Ill be sure to let her dry a bit before watering again, and when i do shift her to a bigger pot ill make sure i add something like pearlite or similar to the medium.

Thanks 2joints, and all at RIU for the continued help. :)


Well-Known Member

Quick update,
here is Glados at two weeks old.
I must say i rather expected her to be a bit bigger by now.
If i remember my Biology correctly, a lack of a fan may have something to do with it.
Should be one on its way soon though.

Does anyone think it's time for a bigger pot yet?


Well-Known Member
Hey dude, yeah replant now the biggest pot you can find! Also I don't think she is too bad for her age, you be surprised how when towards 3 weeks come they shoot off.


Well-Known Member
Hey DJ, Thanks for the continued help.

I have lovingly repotted her, I just hope that the shock isn't too much.

can i expect some stress on the plant due to the process?


Well-Known Member
As you know weed is fairly hardy. If you repotted her in a huge arse pot she wont be shocked she will lovingly repay you with lots of bud


Well-Known Member

I have noticed some browning on the tips of the oldest two sets of leaves. You can actually see it developing in the previous picture, but it is much more obvious now.

The plant seems otherwise healthy, the leaves are green and perky and the stem is nice and strong, it's just the very tips of the leaves which seem to be hurting.

It almost looks a bit like Nute burn, but i haven't given her any Nutes yet :(

Is this perhaps just normal for older leaves to die off as newer ones take their place?


Well-Known Member
2 weeks. shouldnt be too hot, she is under a cfl which isn't putting out much heat, and there is a fan on her too. could it be the fan battering her about too much?


Well-Known Member
Aye me too.

my initial thought was that it could have been stress from the repotting, but looking at the picture on this page suggests that whatever is happening started before that.
Ill try and get a clear picture to show y'all.