NooB Advice


Well-Known Member
Nice advice! Could someone tell me if I didnt give my plants any nutes would they die?
Nutrient tolerance is also strain dependent. I had some bagseed sativas last year that really wanted to run with no added nutes. This years' bubblelicious is a total nute hog - I can't keep up with it. My superskunks are somewhere in between. Some people use the %-age of sativa vs indica genetics to guess at a plants' nute hunger; I doubt that's ever been tested though.

Am I Norml

Active Member
Nutrient tolerance is also strain dependent. I had some bagseed sativas last year that really wanted to run with no added nutes. This years' bubblelicious is a total nute hog - I can't keep up with it. My superskunks are somewhere in between. Some people use the %-age of sativa vs indica genetics to guess at a plants' nute hunger; I doubt that's ever been tested though.
see my Super Skunks are freekin nute monsters...i give them full strength and if i don't do 2 nutes then water then 2 then 1 they get all droopy and act like i don't feed them at all.. freekin pigs i swear..bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
see my Super Skunks are freekin nute monsters...i give them full strength and if i don't do 2 nutes then water then 2 then 1 they get all droopy and act like i don't feed them at all.. freekin pigs i swear..bongsmilie
Well hell, it may be individual-plant dependent. Last year, I burned up my plants. This year, I can't keep up. Damn stretch .. that's what really exhausts a soil. I know my soils are pretty stripped, but the fear from last years' burn keeps me from really dosing them up like they need. Still seeking that perfect grow...:neutral:


Well-Known Member
Is it me or is the level of ludacris going up?

I'm reading threads that are so ridiculously full of bad advice I want to scream :wall:

Why do folks insist on spreading this crap???

Ok feel better rant over :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
some people cant figure out it aint rocket science and they keep wanting to turn it into more than it really is.;..just my opinion :bigjoint:
Yeah, ditto that. Now, I'm still dialing some basics for sure, but already find I'm getting more interested in upgrades in light, ventilation, doing more canopy management, and just focusing more on my physical setup. I'm spending less and less time thinking about soils, water, and nutes and more time just doing them. It really is very simple, and it gets clearer sooner if you dismiss the "MJ, the magical plant that needs special things.." mantra.

Am I Norml

Active Member
Yeah, ditto that. Now, I'm still dialing some basics for sure, but already find I'm getting more interested in upgrades in light, ventilation, doing more canopy management, and just focusing more on my physical setup. I'm spending less and less time thinking about soils, water, and nutes and more time just doing them. It really is very simple, and it gets clearer sooner if you dismiss the "MJ, the magical plant that needs special things.." mantra.

see i sing that out all the time..sure its cool to upgrade your growing shit..and sure its cool to try different approaches and different styles of growing ...but wtf is it with people telling noob's that they have to go and drop 2 grand on the latest greatest sauces and gear otherwise their plant just isn't gonna make ..know what i mean.. hell some of the most productive and most satisfying grows ive ever had was ghetto grows lol bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Is it me or is the level of ludacris going up?

I'm reading threads that are so ridiculously full of bad advice I want to scream :wall:

Why do folks insist on spreading this crap???

Ok feel better rant over :eyesmoke:
blind leading the blind..

i try to help out but i been busy gettin my set up bacc together..

i got a question tho.. whats kind of lights do u think i should use in my mother room, Cfl's or Tube floros?


Well-Known Member
i think i will go with tubes.. cfls are good but the penetration on fluoros isnt too good.. so i figured tubs have more length so i can use 2-4 tubes instead of 4-6 cfls which i would have to rig up some kind of way. thx +rep.. if i can


Well-Known Member

It may be that a lot of the people on here are city kids that grew up in an era when people didn't do much backyard gardening, and that really don't have any idea how easy it is to get plants to grow. There's also what i call the "buds" factor, because 90% of these people try these crazy things because they are convinced it will give them a bigger yield, better tasting bud, or more potent bud.

As I'm discovering, my plants do a lot better when i leave them the heck alone and don't start over reacting to the problems they encounter. I wouldn't have a ton of dead leaves pulled off two of my plants if I hadn't over reacted to the spider mites and neemed my plants too often, and I suspect many of these people would find they had better success if they laid off all the super strength this and giant budz that and just gave the plants a balanced diet for the stage of life they are in.


Well-Known Member
Slight dilemma here. My sister and I had an appointment with the Dr. today (we're being proactive about having a regular relationship with the Dr since that looks like it's going to be one of the new rules), and I now find myself with the ability to have up to 48 plants going between the two of us. I don't have anywhere near the equipment to run something like that yet and really doubt I'll ever grow that many at once, but it does open up a lot of options I didn't have before. If you had that sort of plant count and only really needed to grow enough to supply 2-3oz per week of dried bud how would you set up your grow? I'm thinking about a perpetual grow with a harvest either every week or every other week of 1-2 plants, with several mothers from different strains to use for clones. I'll continue to grow in soil and use seperate rooms for flowering/veg growth, and I guess I'll need to set up another area for the clones, but that's about as far as i've been able to figure out.

Am I Norml

Active Member
Slight dilemma here. My sister and I had an appointment with the Dr. today (we're being proactive about having a regular relationship with the Dr since that looks like it's going to be one of the new rules), and I now find myself with the ability to have up to 48 plants going between the two of us. I don't have anywhere near the equipment to run something like that yet and really doubt I'll ever grow that many at once, but it does open up a lot of options I didn't have before. If you had that sort of plant count and only really needed to grow enough to supply 2-3oz per week of dried bud how would you set up your grow? I'm thinking about a perpetual grow with a harvest either every week or every other week of 1-2 plants, with several mothers from different strains to use for clones. I'll continue to grow in soil and use seperate rooms for flowering/veg growth, and I guess I'll need to set up another area for the clones, but that's about as far as i've been able to figure out.
OK if you want to set up a perpetual grow ill give you the run down its actually really easy
there is really no need for a vegg room your vegg and clone can be the same place

you need to figure out how many you want to harvest every other week first.. we will for the sake of this small FAQ call it 4

now your gonna want a strain with a 60 day finishing rate for its flowering cycle this will creat 2 one month stations or otherwise you will need to set up more stations you want a grow station for each month it has to be in flower and if your going to use CFL's(florescent) your going to want enough fixtures to cover the top of the canopy of each station...thank god they are cheap to run..
off your established mother plant (need to have her nice and fat and in full vegg) each 2 week period you will want to take 4 clones from her and put them to root..
then in each additional 2 week period you take those clones and put them strait into the flower room and take a new set to root out..
this slowly but surely moves your assembly line forward with each new set of clones that goes into flower you will be moving the line forward one space till you hit your plant limit
but do not stop taking clones because this will allow your clones to get bigger and stronger in rooting and also allow your plants to finish bigger each time ..
you just keep doing this till your first initial set of clones has fully matured and is ready to harvest and then your perpetual grow is started and your off and running
then you will be able every 2 weeks to harvest 4 plants just like clockwork bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Ok, so if I follow what your saying you still have 3 areas- you've got one area where you are rooting new clones and giving them a couple weeks of veg, then two areas where you are flowering for 4 weeks a piece, for a total of a 10 week (70 day) cycle. It's basically what I'm doing now, but it cuts about a month off the vegging cycle. The hard part is figuring out how many plants I need to run to guarantee the yields I want versus how many I can grow with my current lighting setup (one 600w and one 400w HID with choice of HPS or MH bulbs). I know i need to add a new light for the clones, but I'd like to avoid any more outlays on HID lights for a while if at all possible.


Well-Known Member
well.. my set up is simple .. i have a mother/clone/veg closet.. i dont veg so i dont need much space just a clone dome and a few mother plants .. then i have a flowering tent and i just pu in new plants in a 3 week cycle so i will clones every 5 weeks that are WELL rooted and ready for flowering.


Active Member
should i chop this? the thricomes are there with still some white hairs i wanted to go longer for more amber but looks like shes dying was thinking of just chopping all 3 tonight 72days into flower on 6-8 week bubba and 8-10 week chem suggested flowering times


Well-Known Member

I'm not sure I follow. I get that you are rotating plants into the flowering area every 3 weeks(and I assume harvesting every 3 week as well), but are you saying that you give your clones 5 week to develop roots and grow before flowering, or just 3 weeks? I haven't done any cloning, so how long does it take for a cutting to put down roots and develop into a 3-4" clone?


Well-Known Member
it usually takes clones 7-14 days really dependin on conditions/genetics or whatever. so after its rooted i let them veg for a week then i throw them in flower in 3 week cycles two plants every 3 weeks every 3 weeks i bump the group before up to the next spot.



Well-Known Member
Hey can someone refer me to a place to get nutes from and how to use them as needed I have no idea what to do, Im using hydro flood n drain style. As for NPK should I figue out the solution according to the plant growth or just go with a common NPK 1-1-1 or 1-2-3 I have no idea for veg and flower. Is it all the same nutes during flower and veg or diffrent? I know the ratio of the NPK is diffrent from veg n flower. + rep for good info Thanks ya'll


Well-Known Member
Ed, Congrats on the higher limits. What that really means is you can feel free to expand at your leisure, keep a few moms under CFLs, take clones whenever you want and not have to worry.

Now, on the other hand, if you wanna get into the game you now have a uniform :bigjoint: