NooB Advice

Am I Norml

Active Member
too funny... having a nice conversation for the longest time now about any and all kinds of stuff for a while now and out of the blue i make a joke about burning a joint with someone and suddenly a *expert* that is going to *school a newb* jumps out of the woodwork and decides to start some shit to try to sound credible

riddle i apologize for this crap and i refuse to foster it or feed it in your thread out of respect.. just didn't know i wasn't suposed to have a sence of humor or wasnt allowed to show off my stuff..

ill put him on ignore and then we can go back to having a nice time and i wont feel compelled to harbor this garbage any longer..again my apologies:wall:


Well-Known Member
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, like most things opinions vary

I have smoked Mex Brick and I have smoked the best of the best

It's all pot, it all gets high, some just better than others, like everything else in life
very tru..

i have a question for you .. imma post pics in a sec tho..
i have 2 seedlings growing right now in miracle gro soil..
they were good up until this morning my indica pheno just drooped on me.. but my sativa pheno is ok with the leave spread eagle.. they are in the same soil.. different size pots and are only receiving water/hygrozyme. he temps are a constant 75 but my humidity is almost zero.i foliar spray with water several times a day to relieve that. hollon imma take pics..


Well-Known Member
btw.. they were doin fine this morning.. both of em .. idk wtf happened.. .i figured it would sort itself out by now.. hell i was wrong. i was really planning on keepin the indica dom as i am looking for the most potent indicas i can find.. and these ae bagseed. im still killing the sativa.. as i have my seeds on the way with my indica and sativas that i ordered.. but i love a bagseed mystery.

the first pic is both .. the second is the sat. dom.
third is ind. dom. .. they ar under 26w cfls for the first part of veg, til i set the rest of my stuff back up


Active Member
do you think I should cut it off or what? the only thing i change prior to is turned the heater back on cause of the cold front and snow and my nutes are at 100% by one feeding and one water(waterd today) other then that nothing else..........


Active Member
what do ya thinkof the "clones" i am trying to start.... i figure if I master cloning and get everything on a scedule and time it all right I should have my weekly Q FRESH every week, but shit looks like im stuck w/ buyyin this shit for now..


Well-Known Member

It's possible it's coming from a duct, but there really isn't any way to seal it without also shutting off the heat to the room. It won't be warm enough for me to stop running the furnace for at least another 2-3 months, especially at night when the lights are off. It could also be from me/the pets, though I don't let them in to my grow areas. It's impossible to keep them from hanging out outside the doors waiting on me, and I can't keep them from touching me or my clothing.

There's also the fact that spider mites are a common problem here no matter how good your control measures are. Our climate is so arid and dusty that it's virtually guaranteed that you're going to get them sooner or later. I probably should have been treating them with the neem weekly instead of biweekly, and I definitely should have caught the signs of mite activity sooner then I did. I've learned my lesson that way, so now I just need to learn what the most effective way is to get rid of them so that I can go back to focusing on prevention. :)
some say mites are inevitable. have u tried cold water.. i heard it works.. if your close to harvest id just let em finish up if u cant figure it out


Well-Known Member
btw.. they were doin fine this morning.. both of em .. idk wtf happened.. .i figured it would sort itself out by now.. hell i was wrong. i was really planning on keepin the indica dom as i am looking for the most potent indicas i can find.. and these ae bagseed. im still killing the sativa.. as i have my seeds on the way with my indica and sativas that i ordered.. but i love a bagseed mystery.

the first pic is both .. the second is the sat. dom.
third is ind. dom. .. they ar under 26w cfls for the first part of veg, til i set the rest of my stuff back up



Active Member
dude water ur shit
i PROMISE pour water till you get runoff dont be usin nute your soil looks dry and mine looked like tht until riddle schooled me on the "rain"

WATER THEM TILL RUNNOFF and dont let your soil look tht dry........ i pour 2 liters in my pot every dayas long as the water isnt standing, and it drains properly you cant give too much water,,,,,,,,,,,assuming ur giving the soil time enough to dry SLIGHTLY so the roots kickin and this post look at my pics..... i KNOW ull be happy with watering them...........


Well-Known Member
dude water ur shit
i PROMISE pour water till you get runoff dont be usin nute your soil looks dry and mine looked like tht until riddle schooled me on the "rain"

WATER THEM TILL RUNNOFF and dont let your soil look tht dry........ i pour 2 liters in my pot every dayas long as the water isnt standing, and it drains properly you cant give too much water,,,,,,,,,,,assuming ur giving the soil time enough to dry SLIGHTLY so the roots kickin and this post look at my pics..... i KNOW ull be happy with watering them...........

i watered yesterday.. notice the sativa is fine.. also the indicas pot is twice that of the sativa so i kno it cant be dry.. plus they are still kinda heavy.. i usually let my soil get pretty dry before watering so i can get some needed oxygen to the roots..


Well-Known Member
also i thought maybe the dry air was sweating the leaves out.. but i misted them and usually they perk right back up. but it didnt.. i mist a few times 5-6 times a day..


Well-Known Member
also i thought maybe the dry air was sweating the leaves out.. but i misted them and usually they perk right back up. but it didnt.. i mist a few times 5-6 times a day..
The pic looks overwatered, but could be air holes in your soil due to letting go dry before watering (which you said)

I see two things wrong, watering practices and humidity

You must get the humidity up no matter what below 20% is very bad for veg, you want it higher at least 40 to 50%

Do you know about adding Ivory dish soap to your water (1 or 2 drops per gallon) will get rid of air holes in the soil, I would stick my finger into the soil and when you can't feel moisture 2 to 3 inches down water with the dishsoap till you get plenty of runoff, problem is your in MG and this may burn em a bit???
well, I have obviously been away for a bit and missed some stuff. Sounds like all kindsa problems popped up. My friends grow is getting absolutely hammered by mites too, must be catching.
Spent saturday night being the judge for two different growers, neither of whom I know or had met before, who where competeing over who had the better shit. i think that I am STILL STONED! fuckin amazing. I was trading some wine for some pot, when this other dude walks over and starts talking shop, then next thing I know there both shuving free pot in my face telling me "smoke this man, its the best" god DAMN!


Well-Known Member
Tryna, I believe that soil your using MG is made up of aged pine bark fines. Ive used aged pine bark fines in a soil mixture before, and even though it was moist and didn't look like it needed watering, my plants would start to wilt after 24 hours. The weight of them is also going to skew the "lift test", so you may actually be under-watering them.

Id give em a bit of water, and see if they respond in a few hours. Mine usually took 3-5 hours to perk back up.

Oh and stop letting it dry out like Riddleme said. Aged Pine Bark fines has great air porosity. They should get plenty of air even when the container is saturated if there is a great enough % of APBF.


Active Member
i would think the bigger the pot the more water needed and my shit looked just like tht and water...(MORE water) cured it....wether you just waterd or not your shit looks really dry( i said all the same things you did and then just did them and i shut up) haha

but seriousely you usound like you got it coverd hope all turns out well with it


Well-Known Member
Tryna, I believe that soil your using MG is made up of aged pine bark fines. Ive used aged pine bark fines in a soil mixture before, and even though it was moist and didn't look like it needed watering, my plants would start to wilt after 24 hours. The weight of them is also going to skew the "lift test", so you may actually be under-watering them.

Id give em a bit of water, and see if they respond in a few hours. Mine usually took 3-5 hours to perk back up.
Dave he said he just watered em and in the pic the stems are not droping, which would not be an underwater

But I have never used MG or had pine bark?


Well-Known Member
Dave he said he just watered em and in the pic the stems are not droping, which would not be an underwater

But I have never used MG or had pine bark?
I missed the post where he said he watered yesterday. Just now saw that.

Tyrna, did the plant perk back up any _after_ you watered yesterday?


Active Member
if you look at his "medium"........ you cant say it doesnt look dry,

CAN SOME ONE SAY WHY only 1 stem on a plant, a plant that has over 20-30 stems and only 1 looks dead...?