I love that part.. that confirms my latest observations in my room.. the temps have dropped really low in there during the night cycle and the buds stretched a bit and got realllllll frosty.. especailly the lower buds.. My RH is 50... 60 after watering.. Hard to get that lower with a cement box in the winter..Some say this, some say that. Just because someone says something that is then repeated on the internet does not make it true.
Lab studies done by the U. of Miss. published by Mel Frank shows that THC levels are increased by lower RH and temps during flowering, and harvesting during a plant's night cycle. Can you tell any difference by smoking, I doubt it. Only a lab test with a control group will verify this. Anything other than a lab test is merely conjecture, speculation.
Since its photosynthesis that produces a plant's flowers, with all the materials that go along with that plant part, why would you want to do exactly the opposite of what's natural regarding a 0/24?
Treat the plant like normal maintaining healthy leaves until the end for the best results. I doubt if giving a plant oddball dark periods will do anything other than please the grower who wants to believe in them. It's phytochrome levels and photosynthesis that drives flowering, and once you hit the magical 12/12, it's a done deal.
If anything, THC will be reduced regarding production AND, this is the most important consideration, THC may be degraded into crap cannabanoids like CBN. I look at potency as a bell shaped curve with the good cannabanoids aka THC being produced from say....week 2 until the optimum window for harvest, which lasts about 2 weeks indoors. As time goes by, these goodies are degraded into "inferior" or "lesser" cannabanoids over time. Mel Frank has several graphs which show % via a timeline of this transition due to exposure to light, air, heat, and time, how those environmental factors chemically degrade certain cannabanoids, main one being affected are THC, as opposed to exposure under ideal conditions - cool/cold temps, absence of air, no light, etc. which tends to maintain the integrity of the goodies.
Perhaps because everyone is doing it? If you try all the gimmicks, rocket fuels, and stupid stunts you see on these forums, you'll go crazy.In fact, some men have reported a loss of hair on their left testicle, some women have been known to grow a third nipple.
Caveat emptor,
u "kids" are getting sucked into ub's bullshit..or just think u know what ur talkin about..words of wisdom right here..dont focus on leaf growth when ur flowering ya dumb f*&^s..focus on bud growth..common sense
Actually, you can't fix stupid at all.. tis a sad thing.But some times you just can't fix stupid.
prebs,Actually, you can't fix stupid at all.. tis a sad thing.
Lol. This thread was quite entertaining. Yeah uh, the leaves are kind of important in the bud production since you know, photosynthesis takes place in the leaves and the energy needed for the whole plant and bud growth is in photosynthesis.
I mean there were tests done for the dark period and not much if any increase. And in a few days, it wont produce much if anything.
However, I do have a question regarding curing. Right after you harvest and hang the up to cure, do you cure in a lighted room/closet or in a dark room/closet? or doesn't it really matter?
so basically nobody really knows the answer to this question huh....fuck it imma do it anyways
The only way to truly find the answer your looking for is good old trial and error... get to it my friend..
If your buds aren't producing trichomes by the 4th week of flowering, something's wrong. My buds on the lowest branches did not puff up unless their leaves were exposed to light and the plant was given a normal regiment of plant care.Double harvest worked, if it was for the only fact that the buds turned all crystally. It def worked cause buds that were on the lowest branch puffed up.
Yep, and my credo......"facts before feelings."Uncle Ben. you just know some people are gonna look for magic bullets.. and as you have stated before.... there aren;t any.... as Ilike to sayu to my kids...."Don't confuse the arguements with facts...."