• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The Fascist's Are Having A Bad Day...


Well-Known Member
First, the President admits the health care bill DOES violate his pledge that we can all keep our current doctors and insurance. JUST LIKE WE HAVE BEEN SAYING IT DOES in numerous threads on this forum. So to all the libs who mocked FOX NEWS, GLENN BECK and all of us who argued the point, you can smoke a cock. Plenty of you won't care because the end justifies the means... lie, cheat and steal to get your screwball agenda through.

Of course the President took no responsibility, he just stated that those provisions were "snuck" in. Yeah right, guy is a straight up fucking liar... yeah I said it. He makes Bush 2 look like George Washington. Who, exactly SNUCK it in, was it conservatives? Republicans? So, if not for the election of Scott Brown, it would have been passed and WHOOPS, all of the "nutjob tea-baggers" would have been proven right at all our expense. Fuck all you progressive lying douchebags.

Second on today's embarrassment list is "Canadian provincial premier seeks heart surgery in US" Oops, you'll never admit it, but that's gonna leave a mark.

I also wanted to point out to all you Fox and Beck bashers, I was watching Beck last night and who did I see advertising on his show... you'll never guess... think of the LAST company you'd ever think you'd see there... that's right, the New York Times. Wow, circulation is so bad they have to break down and advertise where all the viewers are... that's gotta sting too.

I won't even go into the latest IPCC scandal. For supposedly educated people, you libs sure are gullible.

Edit: Don't know why I put an apostrophe in the title.


Active Member
First, the President admits the health care bill DOES violate his pledge that we can all keep our current doctors and insurance. JUST LIKE WE HAVE BEEN SAYING IT DOES in numerous threads on this forum. So to all the libs who mocked FOX NEWS, GLENN BECK and all of us who argued the point, you can smoke a cock. Plenty of you won't care because the end justifies the means... lie, cheat and steal to get your screwball agenda through.

Of course the President took no responsibility, he just stated that those provisions were "snuck" in. Yeah right, guy is a straight up fucking liar... yeah I said it. He makes Bush 2 look like George Washington. Who, exactly SNUCK it in, was it conservatives? Republicans? So, if not for the election of Scott Brown, it would have been passed and WHOOPS, all of the "nutjob tea-baggers" would have been proven right at all our expense. Fuck all you progressive lying douchebags.

Second on today's embarrassment list is "Canadian provincial premier seeks heart surgery in US" Oops, you'll never admit it, but that's gonna leave a mark.

I also wanted to point out to all you Fox and Beck bashers, I was watching Beck last night and who did I see advertising on his show... you'll never guess... think of the LAST company you'd ever think you'd see there... that's right, the New York Times. Wow, circulation is so bad they have to break down and advertise where all the viewers are... that's gotta sting too.

I won't even go into the latest IPCC scandal. For supposedly educated people, you libs sure are gullible.

Edit: Don't know why I put an apostrophe in the title.
Thats funny!


Well-Known Member
So now we are fascists?

How exactly is it somehow proof that people seek out the best heart doctors when they have a condition when they can afford the best, they do come here to the states, nobody ever said they didn't.

But ask someone you know with heart issues that is a regular dude, and see if they could afford to get the same doctor that the Premier ends up going to.

Oh, and just so you know, if the house decides to, I am pretty sure they could just majority vote for the healthcare bill as it stands and it is passed. The only reason Browns win means anything for it, is if they make changes and send it back to the senate to be voted on again with the changes.

So that collective unclenching of right wingers butts, should keep it clenched for a little while longer.


Well-Known Member
I would advise you first get a dictionary and look up the word Fascism before you make an ass of yourself calling people Fascist.


Well-Known Member
So now we are fascists?

How exactly is it somehow proof that people seek out the best heart doctors when they have a condition when they can afford the best, they do come here to the states, nobody ever said they didn't.

But ask someone you know with heart issues that is a regular dude, and see if they could afford to get the same doctor that the Premier ends up going to.

Oh, and just so you know, if the house decides to, I am pretty sure they could just majority vote for the healthcare bill as it stands and it is passed. The only reason Browns win means anything for it, is if they make changes and send it back to the senate to be voted on again with the changes.

So that collective unclenching of right wingers butts, should keep it clenched for a little while longer.
I have always maintained that the administration's "publicly expressed" agenda more closely resembles the classic definition of Fascism than any of the other "isms". In the heat of the battle I may slip and use socialism, which isn't far off the mark as well.

I can almost guarantee he's going to a medical center that takes my insurance and most everybody else's as well. So yes, the regular "dude" can have care that is just as good as the Premier will get. I would put our least expensive heart center up against the BEST canadian public hospital, any day.

And as to your point on the passage of health care, you're making my argument for me. It was NEVER the Republicans who were stopping health care reform, it was the Democrats fighting against the Progressives that have hijacked the party. Brown's win is far more significant than you want to admit to, it has completely ROCKED the Dem party as they can no longer dismiss the polls and outcry from the MAJORITY of the US population. Well, they can but at their own peril and as you know, first and foremost they are worried about their own skins.

Drag, I assure you that I know the definition of Fascism. I would advise you to go look it up before you try the same, tired liberal response to accurate descriptions of this administration. It didn't work the first 500 times it was used on this forum and your latest flaccid attempt failed just as miserably. I can direct you to a few books on the subject that weren't actually written by the very progressives that are trying to disguise their agenda.


Well-Known Member
I would advise you first get a dictionary and look up the word Fascism before you make an ass of yourself calling people Fascist.
Government taking over private business ( GM, Chrysler, AIG) IS the definition of fascism.


Well-Known Member
Stories about some foreign dignitary coming here for medical treatment means dick. Countries like France, Germany, Israel, etc. also have foreigners going there for treatment including Americans! Its all anecdotal....


Well-Known Member
Stories about some foreign dignitary coming here for medical treatment means dick. Countries like France, Germany, Israel, etc. also have foreigners going there for treatment including Americans! Its all anecdotal....
And I thought your first reply was completely impotent.


Well-Known Member
Fascist economics: The illusion of private ownership with strict, governmental control.
Stop bringing accurate information to the argument Vi. You know how these cretins hate it when their twisted, revisionist arguments are thwarted by facts and/or truth.


Well-Known Member
Government taking over private business ( GM, Chrysler, AIG) IS the definition of fascism.
Fascist economics: The illusion of private ownership with strict, governmental control.
The two of you also need to seek the services of a dictionary or encyclopedia. Or better yet just decide what Obama is. Is it a Socialist or a Fascist? Because generally speaking the two ideologies are opposed to each other so you can't have both.

But using your extremely loose definitions pointing to todays political enviroment I guess Republicans are also Fascist. Bush was without a doubt a Fascist.

Maybe it would be easier if you guys just said who wasn't a fascist rather than who is a fascist.


Well-Known Member
I do find it funny that the progressive "regulars" won't address the first part of my original post about Obama's admission and yet another vindication of Fox News and Glenn Beck (just one of many to come).

And yes Drag, I hate to break it to you, but you're a straight up progressive. I've seen your posts since day one, in the beginning you could have been mistaken for the troll CloudCity/doobnVA, since then you've tempered it a bit, but your Progressive/Statist, oily snake skin shows through every time.


Well-Known Member
I do find it funny that the progressive "regulars" won't address the first part of my original post about Obama's admission and yet another vindication of Fox News and Glenn Beck (just one of many to come).

And yes Drag, I hate to break it to you, but you're a straight up progressive. I've seen your posts since day one, in the beginning you could have been mistaken for the troll CloudCity/doobnVA, since then you've tempered it a bit, but your Progressive/Statist, oily snake skin shows through every time.
Link to the story showing Obamas admission please. Im running short on time today or i would get it myself. Nothing with audio either as I am working.

I also hate to break it to you. But i don't give a rats ass what you think. As long as I am not labeled whatever the hell it is you are, I am happy! :cool:
So I am a progressive today. Im cool with that. Being as you have seen my posts from day one you would also know I am pro gun, NRA member, anti cap and trade, anti affirmative action, anti long term welfare, etc.. yep.. Im real Progressive. But like i said. I will wear the label with pride so long as it just means I can retain my distance from far right ignorance.


Well-Known Member
The two of you also need to seek the services of a dictionary or encyclopedia. Or better yet just decide what Obama is. Is it a Socialist or a Fascist? Because generally speaking the two ideologies are opposed to each other so you can't have both.

But using your extremely loose definitions pointing to todays political enviroment I guess Republicans are also Fascist. Bush was without a doubt a Fascist.

Maybe it would be easier if you guys just said who wasn't a fascist rather than who is a fascist.
This is just too easy. Take your own advice, as I stated before.

You seem to be making the invalid argument that just because we haven't reached the ultimate goal of Fascism, our leader isn't a Fascist steering us down the road to Fascism.

Since you seem to be begging for a definition here's one that hasn't been tainted by the progressives.

Like socialism and communism, fascism uses a central authority to maintain control, but "terror and censorship" are common. It results from economic failure in democratic political systems. Interestingly, while socialism and communism are both on the left end of the political spectrum, fascism contains elements of both "left and right ideology" and rises from economic collapse. The most famous fascist was Italian dictator Benito Mussolini.
Anything else?

Illegal Smile

The dems are pretty much in a tailspin. I still can't stop laughing that Rahm Emmanuel compared senate dems to fucking retards, and then (as if that weren't bad enough) he apologizes to the retards. LOL


Well-Known Member
The dems are pretty much in a tailspin. I still can't stop laughing that Rahm Emmanuel compared senate dems to fucking retards, and then (as if that weren't bad enough) he apologizes to the retards. LOL
Well, if you were a retard and someone called you a Democrat, you'd demand an apology too.


Well-Known Member
The two of you also need to seek the services of a dictionary or encyclopedia. Or better yet just decide what Obama is. Is it a Socialist or a Fascist? Because generally speaking the two ideologies are opposed to each other so you can't have both.

But using your extremely loose definitions pointing to todays political enviroment I guess Republicans are also Fascist. Bush was without a doubt a Fascist.

Maybe it would be easier if you guys just said who wasn't a fascist rather than who is a fascist.
Socialism and Fascism are virtually identical. The myth that Fascism=Conservative is perpetuated by Progressives in an effort to deflect the actual nature of their movement.

Take a look at the initiatives and national programs in Fascist Italy under Mussolini and you will see what I mean.

America has been steadily moving toward Fascism since the election of Woodrow Wilson. For all intents and purposes, the U.S. is a Fascist nation.

Democrats got the ball rolling, but Republicans happily went along every chance they got, especially when they discovered there was money to be made through the economic component of Fascism: Corporatism.


Well-Known Member
Wow is this a republican circle jerk or what?

Did you actually listen to Obama, and not just jump on someone elses bandwagon?

First, the President admits the health care bill DOES violate his pledge that we can all keep our current doctors and insurance. JUST LIKE WE HAVE BEEN SAYING IT DOES in numerous threads on this forum. So to all the libs who mocked FOX NEWS, GLENN BECK and all of us who argued the point, you can smoke a cock. Plenty of you won't care because the end justifies the means... lie, cheat and steal to get your screwball agenda through.
You even highlighted, capitalized, and bolded "DOES".

You even realize he said might? Or that they were working on getting a lot of the inconsistencies out of it? Or even that this is not a bill that his administration has written?

Nah, fuck reason, HE IS A LIAR!!!!!!

PRESIDENT OBAMA: "The last thing I will say, though -- let me say this about health care and the health care debate, because I think it also bears on a whole lot of other issues. If you look at the package that we've presented -- and there's some stray cats and dogs that got in there that we were eliminating, we were in the process of eliminating. For example, we said from the start that it was going to be important for us to be consistent in saying to people if you can have your -- if you want to keep the health insurance you got, you can keep it, that you're not going to have anybody getting in between you and your doctor in your decision making. And I think that some of the provisions that got snuck in might have violated that pledge."

I also wanted to point out to all you Fox and Beck bashers, I was watching Beck last night and who did I see advertising on his show... you'll never guess... think of the LAST company you'd ever think you'd see there... that's right, the New York Times. Wow, circulation is so bad they have to break down and advertise where all the viewers are... that's gotta sting too.
Does this more show that Beck has won some kind of victory?

Or does it show that newspapers who have been on a death rattle for years are trying to increase their circulation, and Fox is desperate enough to sell them ad space for such a cheap price that they could afford it?

Which is really the bigger whore? I say Fox and Beck for not giving a shit who is paying their salaries. But that doesn't mean I blame him.