The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Bottle of smirnoff, absinthe and morgans spiced for me plz mate o n best have summat to eat...
Get us a Snicker.
shoulda twittered it to me :P

got myself everythig from corn on the cob to grape juice to granola to microwave burgers to rainbow popcorn to salami to cola to cocktail sausages to milk bottles to stellllllllaaaa

i am stockcked for tomorrow! :) then when i run out i get to go buy a couple of towered up zingeeerrrrr burgers :lol: :hump:


Active Member
Quick Growing Q.

at the min i have 2 x 125cfl veg n 1 x 125 cfl flower, i intend on buying a 400w hps for flowering.

Question is... for veging could i add my flowering bulb to the 2 veg ones, and could i add the veg to the flowering when that time arrives, would these options add anything to my grow or would it just eat up my electric ?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Twitter, wtf, dont have a twitter account, who would want to follow my daily actions, work, joint, fuck, get whinged at, fuck some more, smoke some more n sleep, fun for me but no 1 else lol

haha, internet sarcasm fail :lol: i can't undersstand how twitter is considered a "thing". it's a fucking stupid website. that's what we have text messsages for, and if it's for the world to read, it's obvisouly not important enouigh to warrant me reading it :lol:

i use my 400w hps for veg and flower and it works just magically :) not sure about using the veg lights (cfl's i assume) for flowering though, wrong spectrum, i'd ust opt for the 400w


Active Member
haha, internet sarcasm fail :lol: i can't undersstand how twitter is considered a "thing". it's a fucking stupid website. that's what we have text messsages for, and if it's for the world to read, it's obvisouly not important enouigh to warrant me reading it :lol:

i use my 400w hps for veg and flower and it works just magically :) not sure about using the veg lights (cfl's i assume) for flowering though, wrong spectrum, i'd ust opt for the 400w

Yeah sarcasm on the net never works lol, n like you say twitter is stupid, but people love it, they are a strange breed.

That was my thinking for the cfl veg, wrong spectrum for flowering, what got me thinking was the dual spectrum hps bulbs, but for flowering i'll use the 400hps and 125cfl flower.

would a 125 cfl flower help in the veg stage ?


Active Member
The imaginarium of dr pernasus is calling my name, well more Lily Cole, gotta love a red head... laters people



Active Member
Quick Growing Q.

at the min i have 2 x 125cfl veg n 1 x 125 cfl flower, i intend on buying a 400w hps for flowering.

Question is... for veging could i add my flowering bulb to the 2 veg ones, and could i add the veg to the flowering when that time arrives, would these options add anything to my grow or would it just eat up my electric ?
I would add 1 x 125w BLUE CFL to flowering along with the 400w HPS, A little blue spectrum stop stretching. I would'nt add red spectrum lights to veg room thou, Unless its a dual spectrum HPS liek the Grolux I use.


Active Member
oi oi though id come say hi :p

Dunno if any of you have seen my posts on my lemon haze plant...if not i uploaded a couple of videos to youtube lol
Ones of my plant in flower on 21st jan the other if today...3rd feb.

Been using biobizz bloom the past 2 weeks and you can really see the difference it makes. Bought it off ebay for £4.60 :p

Shes been in flower for about 4 1/2 weeks another 4 weeks at least to go i recon :(
But i have got another one on the go now next to her....this one showed HER sex a couple of days ago so i took a couple of clones.

My big budding plant was my first attempt and i think i did ok apart from over trimming her when she was vegging :( Probably lost quiet a bit of bud because of that

Anyways....take a butchers if ya want :) or just type lovinit19791 into the search bar if it only shows 1 vid :)

Cheers ladies and gentlemen :)


Active Member
oi oi though id come say hi :p

Dunno if any of you have seen my posts on my lemon haze plant...if not i uploaded a couple of videos to youtube lol
Ones of my plant in flower on 21st jan the other if today...3rd feb.

Been using biobizz bloom the past 2 weeks and you can really see the difference it makes. Bought it off ebay for £4.60 :p

Shes been in flower for about 4 1/2 weeks another 4 weeks at least to go i recon :(
But i have got another one on the go now next to her....this one showed HER sex a couple of days ago so i took a couple of clones.

My big budding plant was my first attempt and i think i did ok apart from over trimming her when she was vegging :( Probably lost quiet a bit of bud because of that

Anyways....take a butchers if ya want :) or just type lovinit19791 into the search bar if it only shows 1 vid :)

Cheers ladies and gentlemen :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i'll look into that. i've got a pair of GHS lemon haze seeds somewhere in my magic cupboard (it's magic because it doesn't have a bottom?)


Active Member
i'll look into that. i've got a pair of GHS lemon haze seeds somewhere in my magic cupboard (it's magic because it doesn't have a bottom?)
Lol :p

Im gonna take vids every week and upload them....recon ive got about another 4 weeks to go with that one but should deffo be worth the wait


Active Member
i'll look into that. i've got a pair of GHS lemon haze seeds somewhere in my magic cupboard (it's magic because it doesn't have a bottom?)
so in that respect your cupboard has no legs, haha. o dear lol

and thanks for the advice TTT and Johnou... think i'll stick to the 2 blue cfl's for vegin, then for flowering 1 x 400w hps, 1 x 125cfl red n 1 x 125 cfl blue.

Cant hurt n might help my yield.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, no, it's just a failed "modification", all the doors are one big hinged door and the floor is my bedroom carpet. doesn't make sense for keeping biobizz sticky icky staining butes and such in, but haha :lol:

i've gotten much older, but hahahahah, kevin and perrry is just funnnnnier than ever :lol:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
and nah mate, het that 400w in with the veg. i've a couple of cheese clones under a 300w veg CFL and the#re still just a few nodes and about 10" tall. in the same time under my 400w my other cheese went crazy, ones of them outgrew the cupboard within a few weels, it's all VERY crouwded in there, MADLY so :lol: one of my strawberry haze is justs searching for light and stretching stretching stretching, gonna buy a 600w for in there me thinks


Active Member
and nah mate, het that 400w in with the veg. i've a couple of cheese clones under a 300w veg CFL and the#re still just a few nodes and about 10" tall. in the same time under my 400w my other cheese went crazy, ones of them outgrew the cupboard within a few weels, it's all VERY crouwded in there, MADLY so :lol: one of my strawberry haze is justs searching for light and stretching stretching stretching, gonna buy a 600w for in there me thinks
Havin a few cashflow issues atm, the CFL's i allready have n everythin else for the grow baring carb0n filter, so plan was get them goin under CFL's and when the smell starts get the carb0n filter and 400HPS...

And Kevin n Perry is fuckin brilliant.... "You are not my friend and you are not my fellow DJ... Goodbye"