JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

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Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Very sound advice, and exactly what I intend to do.I'm also making him sign off both at pick up and drop off an itemized list of her belongings.If any are missing or damaged, HE WILL replace them.He lost or damaged so many of her fucking clothes and stuff,then laughed when I suggest he buy replacements.This time I'll sue.
Forget the bat. If he fucks up, do not provide him with any possible defense. You are already doing that by abstaining from weed.

I'm no expert on Family Law, but I do know that if there is a Custody Order you are compelled to follow it. Your daughter seems to have a good head on her shoulders and it demonstrates a great deal of fortitude on her part that she is willing to subject herself to that jerk-off for your sake.

But no Custody Order requires her to do anything but be present. If I were her, I would bring a book (homework would be better) and lock myself in a room the entire time I was at his rat-infested domicile. She is not required to comply with any demands, all she has to do is be there. Hopefully she will so boring to them they will stop asking to see her.

Document every visit with as many details as possible. If she witnesses anything funny going on while in his 'care,' it should be included. Dates and times are crucial. That way if this clown tries to use the law to his advantage again, you will have some ammunition.


New Member
So, on to lighter stuff. I watched this show called Cash and Treasures a while back,and one episode had a sunstone mine in Oregon. I'm a big agate hunter anyway,been doing it since I was a kid,so I'm good at spotting a certain type of rock amongst other rocks. We're planning on going this summer as a vacation,mining sunstones.Anyone else like to do stuff like that?My dad used to dig old bottles...every time we went past this one hill on one of the main avenues that was crumbling, he'd proudly point out that his digging caused the rockslide.
When I was a kid, my dad took us all to see my Grandad in NC, and one day we went to a Ruby mine. It was along this stream and my dad carried buckets of the stuff all day so we could sift through it all. We got about a film canisters worth, and was a great day all around, except for dad. :lol:

NC MUD>>>>

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, the reason I picked sunstones is because it seemed like you'd find a lot more in the same amount of time you'd be at a diamond, ruby, or sapphire mine,they're very popular gems right now,and the mine lets you keep everything you find.Even if I get a bunch of shillers, which are the lower quality ones,I can sell those for a decent amount on ebay...and if I get a red one,that's a bonus.I've always wanted to see the ocean,and Oregon is a coastal state,so I could kill two birds with one stone.And I think my oldest would really like it,my mom and I taught her to agate hunt and she's been better than us ever since.I told her she could keep all the sunstones she finds, and if she wants to sell any, the money is hers.She's always been good at finding stuff and catching animals...we used to live by a dirt road that had huge puddles when it rained, and every spring and summer there were tons of frogs in those puddles.I watched her reaching into the puddles one handed, and she'd come up with three frogs at a time.These were fast little fuckers, too,it was a bitch for me to catch even one.
When I was a kid, my dad took us all to see my Grandad in NC, and one day we went to a Ruby mine. It was along this stream and my dad carried buckets of the stuff all day so we could sift through it all. We got about a film canisters worth, and was a great day all around, except for dad. :lol:

NC MUD>>>>


Well-Known Member
Hey...does anyone know what happened to Brevity...or Peter Parker? I just realized I haven't seen either of them post in a while, so I looked up Brevity, and he's been online, but he hasn't posted since the first. Same with Peter Parker...


New Member
okay rob ... almost there.

[] with "youtube" inside then ur CP, then another set of [] with /youtube spaces.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I haven't been on a lot myself. I personally think brevity is someone else...I think he's had three or four different id's on here,because there are a few that have come and gone that are remarkably similar he might come back in another incarnation in a while.I have no proof of this, though, and I'm not trying to get him in trouble or anything.I just think he's one of those folks who gets tired of an ID after a while and starts all over again. As for peter,no idea.
Hey...does anyone know what happened to Brevity...or Peter Parker? I just realized I haven't seen either of them post in a while, so I looked up Brevity, and he's been online, but he hasn't posted since the first. Same with Peter Parker...
Yeah, it will be in the summer, so a long way off yet.
Sounds like a fun trip!! Just the thing you need Stoney... :peace:


Well-Known Member
I haven't been on a lot myself. I personally think brevity is someone else...I think he's had three or four different id's on here,because there are a few that have come and gone that are remarkably similar he might come back in another incarnation in a while.I have no proof of this, though, and I'm not trying to get him in trouble or anything.I just think he's one of those folks who gets tired of an ID after a while and starts all over again. As for peter,no idea.
I've heard a few people say they think Brevity is someone else...I wouldn't be surprised, it happens a lot.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
What's the point?You give yourself an id,and it's kinda like a brand name....people know what to expect from the person using it. Most people on here won't even talk to ya until you've been around a while.Seems like a pain to start over and over.
I've heard a few people say they think Brevity is someone else...I wouldn't be surprised, it happens a lot.


New Member
I find quite a few "progressive" libs have taken to aliases. They wear their names out, and then try to bolster their own positions ... with themselves! :lol:

It's a riot ... but a little pathetic.


Well-Known Member
I get the same impression of Brevity, he's somebody else. And somebody else, and possibly somebody else.

And for some reason; I cannot shake the suspicion I get, from time to time, that he's the member formerly known as Twisty.

As for TRPP, I have a feeling he may be in the slammer. If just some of his posts are true, he's into some shady deals. Please don't misunderstand me. I like him, but that is the impression I am left with.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Nah, I don't think that's who he is. I'll pm ya with my read some of the posts of said members, and you'll agree,I bet.
I get the same impression of Brevity, he's somebody else. And somebody else, and possibly somebody else.

And for some reason; I cannot shake the suspicion I get, from time to time, that he's the member formerly known as Twisty.


New Member
I agree though that one must stick to their name. What else does one have online?

If you alias up, ur a quitter in life more than likely as well. One reinforces the other....


Well-Known Member
I get the same impression of Brevity, he's somebody else. And somebody else, and possibly somebody else.

And for some reason; I cannot shake the suspicion I get, from time to time, that he's the member formerly known as Twisty.

As for TRPP, I have a feeling he may be in the slammer. If just some of his posts are true, he's into some shady deals. Please don't misunderstand me. I like him, but that is the impression I am left with.
Naw, I don't think Brevity's Twisty...I'm not sure, but I really don't think.

This was on TRPP's visitor messages, he posted it yesterday apparently:

The Real Peter Parker No man, I can't post. The mods can't do anything about it. Rolli has ignored me concerning this issue. Also, I found an account named "admin" and messaged there too. It's obvious I've been told "You're not welcome here." but I keep coming back... Honestly I think somebody should start a thread on my behalf because it's obvious that I can't do anything about this... awareness is what need happen...

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i wanted to jump out of my account and go with a new handle , but wikid told me mine was fine so i never changed


Well-Known Member
Naw, I don't think Brevity's Twisty...I'm not sure, but I really don't think.

This was on TRPP's visitor messages, he posted it yesterday apparently:

The Real Peter Parker No man, I can't post. The mods can't do anything about it. Rolli has ignored me concerning this issue. Also, I found an account named "admin" and messaged there too. It's obvious I've been told "You're not welcome here." but I keep coming back... Honestly I think somebody should start a thread on my behalf because it's obvious that I can't do anything about this... awareness is what need happen...
There's that theory out the window.

I wonder why they have a gag order on him? Maybe he's on Double-secret Probation. ;-)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
True.If you can't be who ya are, both off and online,then who are you, really?
I agree though that one must stick to their name. What else does one have online?

If you alias up, ur a quitter in life more than likely as well. One reinforces the other....
What happened with peter?I miss so much.
Naw, I don't think Brevity's Twisty...I'm not sure, but I really don't think.

This was on TRPP's visitor messages, he posted it yesterday apparently:

The Real Peter Parker No man, I can't post. The mods can't do anything about it. Rolli has ignored me concerning this issue. Also, I found an account named "admin" and messaged there too. It's obvious I've been told "You're not welcome here." but I keep coming back... Honestly I think somebody should start a thread on my behalf because it's obvious that I can't do anything about this... awareness is what need happen...
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