JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

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New Member
Boneman: I bet that correct because my two oldest kids are now out of the house. One is a college grad and the other 1/2 way there. My last child is a teenager and is the best kid of the three. Maybe thats why I havent had to take the meds in a few years.

Right??? Another anecdotal case proving my hypothesis.

It's something I have noticed. My wife & I personally don't have children, but my brothers and sisters do, and so does my wife's. We love all those kids to death, except for little Jerry. Little Jerry, if ur reading this F U!! U little scrog!! F U!!

Just kidding :lol: (there is no little Jerry .... anymore muhahha) :lol:

But what I've noticed ... "HEY Crystal!, Java por favor!" ... ahem ... what I've noticed is all of my wife's siblings and mine are aging faster than we are!! We saw it first in our early 30's. Everyone looked 5-10 years older than us.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm sure the parents receive dividends of positive things from their kids.

But there is a price to be paid for rearing children.

I love a family get together now by the way (as long as I'm not the host!!!) Woohoo!! My wife and I both look like our siblings KIDS!!

I went shopping last year with my nephew and brother in law, and we're in the candy store. Now my B-in-law is older than me by 4 years, but the lady at the counter commented to my nephew how wonderful it must be, to be out with his father and GRANDFATHER!! :lol:

We both knew who she thought was Grandpa!!

Take ur BP medicine folks!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Stoney get yourself in here and have a seat.

You are among friends here so do not fear bringing us down.

CJ will pick some soothing music. And Bone will stoke the fire.

I'm going to get some coffee for SH and I think you could use some Hot Cocoa or Green Tea, your choice.

I have some thoughts about your predicament, but I will share them later.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Thanks,boneman...I'm going to appear to be complying,but he will fuck up,and this time I will get it on tape. I already videotaped him coming down to try to force visitation, and he brought his sister.Some real Jerry Springer shit occurred, started by them.They called me a druggie(I think they're jealous),they made fun of my kids-well his sister did- she tried to break my camera.....the cops were called and they basically told them what I already knew....that I could film them all I wanted in public. They also refused to force my daughter into the car,because they said it would just traumatize her. His sister tried to put her hands on me,and I fucking flipped...I got her leg and was going to pull her through the car window and beat the shit out of her.She started screaming how she was a dying woman and her heart was bad,and I was assaulting a dying woman.Luckily,my daughter(Who is taller than me) yanked on my coat hard enough and yelled for me to stop that it made me pause and consider what would happen if I hurt his sister seriously. The whole time, my ex is smiling like a gremlin.His sister screamed, "Oh, my legs, I'm bleeding....she popped a vein!" And I was like, "Those are varicose veins, you stupid bitch!" And I zoomed in on her legs to show there was no actual injury,because I knew she would cut herself before the cops got there if I didn't prove there was nothing wrong.Luckily, on the tape,you don't even see me grab just looks like she hits my camera very hard several times, which she did. The cops didn't file any charges either way because they knew it was a custody dispute and there had been no serious fact, the sheriff was everything a cop should be...he was respectful and calm,and basically told my ex to fuck off.I just hope when the court date comes,and I show this tape to the judge, he will see what the hell this fucker is really like.So far,it's just been them taking his word over that I have evidence, I hope it's considered.

I don't know what universe he ever thought I was afraid of his sister in.She managed to kick me when I grabbed her, and I laughed at her and called her a pussy...I swear, my four year old kicks harder. One day,I will see her walking alone down the street, and I will take her into an alley and stomp her like a grape.
Stoney, I've had high BP my entire life...runs in the fam but your last reading is incredibley high for a woman! Holy fucking shit!!
Divorces, seperation, children, CPS, DSS and all that other shit can be a real pain in the ass. Regardless of how fucked up the system is, it would behoove you to comply 100% and fight it from that angle. Your ex knows you smoked weed and has that dirt on you so it was smart to stop smoking. Use a lawyer and take a piss test and request one on him. You've been clean for a month so there sould a negative test. Once you hurdle that, he wont have that to hit you with.
As for the like CJ said. Find soothing music or a nice quiet place and zone out. I have been on many different meds over the years and they all have different side effects. I had one about a year ago that made my eyes BLOOD red!! I'm talking superstoner blood red to the point of isolation from public. It took about a month to get them back to normal after stopping. Another one of them made me piss several times throughout the night and I never slept good. Believe it or not, I have not taken any bp or chlorestol meds in a few years. I try to eat right and relax more efficently and it works!
I hope everything works out for you and if you EVER need a shoulder or someone to talk too, my PM is open. I have kids too...grown and one teenager left in the house.


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Hot chocolate please, I've never cared for tea.And please fix me something vegetarian,since I'm now officially a member of the potential stroke club.:bigjoint:
Stoney get yourself in here and have a seat.

You are among friends here so do not fear bringing us down.

CJ will pick some soothing music. And Bone will stoke the fire.

I'm going to get some coffee for SH and I think you could use some Hot Cocoa or Green Tea, your choice.

I have some thoughts about your predicament, but I will share them later.

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
jOHNNY O. I wish you would open up one of these shops in Florida the drive to get here is taking a good chunk of my folding money. Damn gas prices.


Well-Known Member
I'll have some hot cocoa and another bagel with cream cheese :grin:

Stoney, I'm glad you're being smart about it. And that your daughter is there to help you think better of it when crazy bitches push you too far. Hopefully seeing proof provided by his own daughter will convince a court that she shouldn't be forced to visit him.

Tell her to be careful though. Sounds like if he caught her he might fly into a rage and actually HURT her.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know...i told her, under no circumstances do it if you think you'll be caught. He has no idea the DS-i is a camera as well.And if she calls 911,I told her to run to my boyfriend's grandparents house a couple of blocks away if she needs to.Her dad can't move very fast.I also told her to call me after the 911 call,because I'm not that stupid young girl he went out with back then, and I AM NOT afraid of him,and if he hurts my girl, I will open up a can of whoop ass on him.I'd be on my way there as soon as she called,and I will bring a baseball bat.
I'll have some hot cocoa and another bagel with cream cheese :grin:

Stoney, I'm glad you're being smart about it. And that your daughter is there to help you think better of it when crazy bitches push you too far. Hopefully seeing proof provided by his own daughter will convince a court that she shouldn't be forced to visit him.

Tell her to be careful though. Sounds like if he caught her he might fly into a rage and actually HURT her.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know...i told her, under no circumstances do it if you think you'll be caught. He has no idea the DS-i is a camera as well.And if she calls 911,I told her to run to my boyfriend's grandparents house a couple of blocks away if she needs to.Her dad can't move very fast.I also told her to call me after the 911 call,because I'm not that stupid young girl he went out with back then, and I AM NOT afraid of him,and if he hurts my girl, I will open up a can of whoop ass on him.I'd be on my way there as soon as she called,and I will bring a baseball bat.
Good thing she can out run him, if he catches her she can call 911 while running to the boyfriend's grandparent's house :grin:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
So, on to lighter stuff. I watched this show called Cash and Treasures a while back,and one episode had a sunstone mine in Oregon. I'm a big agate hunter anyway,been doing it since I was a kid,so I'm good at spotting a certain type of rock amongst other rocks. We're planning on going this summer as a vacation,mining sunstones.Anyone else like to do stuff like that?My dad used to dig old bottles...every time we went past this one hill on one of the main avenues that was crumbling, he'd proudly point out that his digging caused the rockslide.


Well-Known Member
Forget the bat. If he fucks up, do not provide him with any possible defense. You are already doing that by abstaining from weed.

I'm no expert on Family Law, but I do know that if there is a Custody Order you are compelled to follow it. Your daughter seems to have a good head on her shoulders and it demonstrates a great deal of fortitude on her part that she is willing to subject herself to that jerk-off for your sake.

But no Custody Order requires her to do anything but be present. If I were her, I would bring a book (homework would be better) and lock myself in a room the entire time I was at his rat-infested domicile. She is not required to comply with any demands, all she has to do is be there. Hopefully she will so boring to them they will stop asking to see her.

Document every visit with as many details as possible. If she witnesses anything funny going on while in his 'care,' it should be included. Dates and times are crucial. That way if this clown tries to use the law to his advantage again, you will have some ammunition.
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