
robert 14617

Well-Known Member
I don't think so. I'm just saying, I'm not religious nor do I wish to show proof of anything to anybody because I don't want to change anybody's beliefs. That would be an exercise in futility, not that it's a bad thing but beliefs are beliefs and it usually takes something profound to change them. I certainly can't offer anybody anything profound. (except some really good smoke that one might say has a profound effect on their motor skills).:-D
next time you are in south texas we should get together and talk religion over some home grown .. my treat ....rob


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a party.

Perhaps we could find a cannabis church for free imbibage provided by the greensleves.
I love the new avatar! Speaking of avatar has anybody seen the movie? I saw it at the IMAX the other day. It was pretty good I must say. I wish I would've seen it during my mindbending drug phase. :bigjoint:


Oh you have to see it in 3D! That's the only way to trully appreciate this film IMO. ;-)
You're right, I saw it no 3d :(

Still good, but I could tell the whole time it would be much better with the full IMAX package... Go for the upgrade.


Well-Known Member
You're right, I saw it no 3d :(

Still good, but I could tell the whole time it would be much better with the full IMAX package... Go for the upgrade.
Totally! The movie and the story are o.k. but it's the effects and the immersive effect the 3D has that really gets you into it. I mean, the effects and visuals were stunning! I loved how they rendered the forests. Very beautiful and imaginative. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
NAhhhhhhhhhh defintely not,
i saw it in 3-d and was just like this isint hundred percent neccassary
all the 3-d thing is for, is too attract more people to the cinema to reduce piracy, and its so fucking clever. They make you think its a much better experience lalala and whatnot in the cinema and people flog to go there thinking of new technology and shit. I saw it with and without goggles, goggles first and it was pretty fucking cool either way- BUT i thought at any one point in the film the storyline was kinda cheesy and cliche, to be honest a really dissapointing film id say.


Well-Known Member
So PhilHellenes was slapped with a privacy violation on youtube for laughing at a video posted by a religious nutbar.
The thing is, the video was posted publicly so it was hardly a privacy violation.

Lots of people have been mirroring it, but youtube has been taking it down. So I went in with Vegas, and put my own little smiley Mohammed over the guys face in every scene. Smiley Mohammed is blasphemy, so lets see what kind of fun emails I get.



Well-Known Member
Wait morgan,

so this gut replied to an islamic video, with a video response of him laughing??? and it got removed? or what im confused :/


Well-Known Member
Yup. Every time a copy of the video goes back up, a bunch of "privacy violation" complaints are made and the videos are pulled.
He was responding to a publicly posted video, so there must be something in the YouTube system that is heavily automated and buggy, or there is someone in the verification process who is subverting the process for their own agenda.

Watch out for the hammerface! In the GRAVE!


Well-Known Member
haha this video is fucking brilliant
this guy is hilarious there are so many mirrored videos but seriously i love it LET ME SEE IF I CAN GET A TEAR OUT! haa
brilliant stuff,
cant wait to see what interesting e-mails u get -_-


Well-Known Member
It's the users doing it I think at least mostly, if you can't beat them then kill them any way you can.

I hope they sarcifice animals too and wave the limbs around in the air and sprinkle the blood around for the lord to enjoy it's smell. Be sure not to drink any blood though it is for the lord he says so many many many many times.



Well-Known Member

Mmmm, sky cake.
And to think I don't rape and murder just because I don't want to. Not because I was expecting cake!


New Member
IT appears as if the practice of atheism is as closely linked to deity bashing as the practice of monotheistic religion is linked to atheist bashing.