To me, being an atheist is extremely enlightening. Tyler Durdens quote from Fight Club puts it in perspective... "it's only when you've lost everything that you're free to do anything". Being a believer, you are confined to your little box of conformity, you believe what your told to believe because if you don't, you won't get into the special club after you die. If you simply question it you're risking your entry.
-for me, this is clear evidence of strike one. Only man could put such a rule into the requirement for belief. An omnipotent being wouldn't think of it and if it did, the consequences for questioning ones belief would be praised, not punished, for using that which your creater specifically gave to you in the first place. Knowledge. We wouldn't have it if we weren't supposed to use it.
Atheism increases my sense of empathy, directly affecting my sense of morality, in a positive way. Once one realizes, or acknowledges, that this is the only chance we get at life, you begin to realize how prescious each and every one life is, and how equal each human being is. In the grand scheme of things, petty differences like skin color, nationality, etc. don't matter. None of it matters, only peace and happiness. I know it's starting to sound like some hippy shit, but honestly, I hear so many connectons between atheism and stuff like eugenics and the holocaust.. I mean seriously, "Hitler was an atheist, therefor atheism influenced the Holocaust" type stuff... I just wanted to clear up these ridiculous misconceptions some people have about what atheism is or how it contributes to a persons life. The thing is, most atheists used to be believers, so we can talk about religion knowing how it is, knowing what it's like, personally having been there. Becoming an atheist I've learned is a huge step to gaining knowledge. If you are not an atheist, there are certain things you are incapable of learning correctly, this is just from my experience and does not go for every believer.
That scene from the Matrix, where Morpheus is offerring Neo the red pill or the blue pill is a perfect representation of becoming an atheist. The blue pill (the one he swallows) is representing atheism, once you swallow it, there is no turning back. "you take the red pill, the story ends, you wake up tomorrow and believe... whatever you want to believe. You take the blue pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes..." Once you become an atheist, if you do it for the right reasons, I'd be willing to bet it is almost impossible to become a believer again at some time in the future unless God was actually proven worldwide at some point. Which is why when I hear idiots like Kirk Cameron claim they used to be an atheist, I can only pity them, for one they just outed themselves as a moron without even realizing it, and for two because they're sitting there trying to push their belief that says lying is a sin while lying to my face. Double dose of irony in a single interaction, incredible!
Anyway, yeah, I don't roast babies, I don't worship demons, I don't hate God, I don't give a fuck what you put on my money to be honest, I just want you to keep your religious legislation away from me and my family. If there's a law that is passed that has something to do with your God or what your God said is right or wrong and I don't agree with it, I'll fight it, because I'm an American and I have that right. You have the right to fight back, but you don't have any right to pass your imaginary friends words off and make em into laws. If you do, I do too. Oh I don't?! Then fuck you
, you don't either. 
Stop spreading misconceptions about atheism religious people. You wouldn't know what atheism was if it bit you in the ass, and a lot of you from these boards show that on a regular basis.
-for me, this is clear evidence of strike one. Only man could put such a rule into the requirement for belief. An omnipotent being wouldn't think of it and if it did, the consequences for questioning ones belief would be praised, not punished, for using that which your creater specifically gave to you in the first place. Knowledge. We wouldn't have it if we weren't supposed to use it.
Atheism increases my sense of empathy, directly affecting my sense of morality, in a positive way. Once one realizes, or acknowledges, that this is the only chance we get at life, you begin to realize how prescious each and every one life is, and how equal each human being is. In the grand scheme of things, petty differences like skin color, nationality, etc. don't matter. None of it matters, only peace and happiness. I know it's starting to sound like some hippy shit, but honestly, I hear so many connectons between atheism and stuff like eugenics and the holocaust.. I mean seriously, "Hitler was an atheist, therefor atheism influenced the Holocaust" type stuff... I just wanted to clear up these ridiculous misconceptions some people have about what atheism is or how it contributes to a persons life. The thing is, most atheists used to be believers, so we can talk about religion knowing how it is, knowing what it's like, personally having been there. Becoming an atheist I've learned is a huge step to gaining knowledge. If you are not an atheist, there are certain things you are incapable of learning correctly, this is just from my experience and does not go for every believer.
That scene from the Matrix, where Morpheus is offerring Neo the red pill or the blue pill is a perfect representation of becoming an atheist. The blue pill (the one he swallows) is representing atheism, once you swallow it, there is no turning back. "you take the red pill, the story ends, you wake up tomorrow and believe... whatever you want to believe. You take the blue pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes..." Once you become an atheist, if you do it for the right reasons, I'd be willing to bet it is almost impossible to become a believer again at some time in the future unless God was actually proven worldwide at some point. Which is why when I hear idiots like Kirk Cameron claim they used to be an atheist, I can only pity them, for one they just outed themselves as a moron without even realizing it, and for two because they're sitting there trying to push their belief that says lying is a sin while lying to my face. Double dose of irony in a single interaction, incredible!
Anyway, yeah, I don't roast babies, I don't worship demons, I don't hate God, I don't give a fuck what you put on my money to be honest, I just want you to keep your religious legislation away from me and my family. If there's a law that is passed that has something to do with your God or what your God said is right or wrong and I don't agree with it, I'll fight it, because I'm an American and I have that right. You have the right to fight back, but you don't have any right to pass your imaginary friends words off and make em into laws. If you do, I do too. Oh I don't?! Then fuck you

Stop spreading misconceptions about atheism religious people. You wouldn't know what atheism was if it bit you in the ass, and a lot of you from these boards show that on a regular basis.