Do you drive your car to the hydroponics store?

We can put a man on the moon, We can go to inane depth in the ocean, We can build a bridge and errect buildings in no time flat......but the thought of a pig hangin out around a hydro sounds ludacris to some of you ? yeah your right.....
Buddy of mine got busted coming out of an irish pub last week......cops were just parked outside waiting for unsuspecting his ass.....but this kinda shit doesnt happen Northern Cali by the way...Cops dont have the time nor the inclination to bust people coming out of bars, right thats just looney talk....Looney talk until your ass gets laced up.. Then your sorry, confused and embarrased and wondering what just happened.
Buddy of mine got busted coming out of an irish pub last week......cops were just parked outside waiting for unsuspecting his ass.....but this kinda shit doesnt happen Northern Cali by the way...Cops dont have the time nor the inclination to bust people coming out of bars, right thats just looney talk....Looney talk until your ass gets laced up.. Then your sorry, confused and embarrased and wondering what just happened.
i've always said live life expecting the unexpected and try to avoid it.
i drive my car to the hydro shop, and i drive straight to my grow from there but i only hit the store maybe 2 times a year and its like a 3 hr. drive never had any problems. its riskier to post on a web site if ya ask me, but you all do that peace
not only do I drive to the Hydro Shop,,I go in my company truck with the name of my company and phone number to reach me at on both sides of it,,,,oh,,and I got an easy to remember personalized licence plate as well,,,and when buddy at the store says,,do you want a big bag for that large bail of Pro-Mix HP,,I say no thanks,,throw it on my shoulder,,,, walk out and throw it in the truck:hump: ,,,,and I'm not a landscaper
it's a shop that sells garden stuff as well as other things.

watching you buy a plant pot does not constitute growing mariuana. having 5 plant pots on a credit card statement, again, it's not going to persuade a judge that a search warrant is needed.

sure you've got to be a little bit sensible, but no need for mass paranoia.

anyone and anyone can buy what they like from a hydro shop, it's not illegal. i know that if i turned around and told my old man i felt like greening up the house with some rubber plants and such and such, he'd be down to the "hydro shop" in his audi to buy pots, soils etc, the police are ognna be following him around for this are they? :lol:

I never park in front of it - theres no parking space.
I buy from 2 shops. From one I usually do, which is more expensive but they are good people.
The other one is full of cameras and shit. If there's something I can't get anywhere else or do without I go there by foot and park at least a block away.
who goes to a hydro store like more than once a month? anyone, i doubt it.
and besides plenty of people go into hydro shops to buy things for growing all sorts of plants.
and it would be much easier to join a weed specific growing forum and bust people through that. It would be easy enough to get members ip address's then go and bust them. rather than sit outside a shop that sells equipment for growing plants.
just my thoughts
i drive my car to the hydro shop, and i drive straight to my grow from there but i only hit the store maybe 2 times a year and its like a 3 hr. drive never had any problems. its riskier to post on a web site if ya ask me, but you all do that peace

that's one of the benefit of living in a huge apartment. everybody stealing unprotective internet. but there are some house that have a huge router that can bring signal pretty far. or u can grab an expander. so once they track down the IP adress and somehow come after it they will bust the wrong house. it happen sometimes around here. they need to hire a geek squad to follow our signal in the neighbor
Paranoia is a good thing, it keeps you aware of your surroundings and makes you think of all possible (negative) outcomes.

Really though, the percentage of police districts with the time/resources/desire to stake out LEGAL stores has to be pretty small. Are you really interested in paying someone to sit in a car, while it's running (because you know those fucking cops NEVER turn off their cars...way to save taxpayer money and the environment), and have them watch people go in and out of a legally operating store?

Do you get nervous when you go into a head shop and buy a pipe? What if you go into a store that just happens to sell pipes, as well as something else, like music? Should the cops watch those too because hey, someone could be buying a tobacco pipe to smoke marijuana with?

So the bottom line here is the same as it always is...$$MONEY$$ most cases the district is better served spending money fighting crimes, not observing what legal items people purchased at a store.

Unless you live in Florida. Cops suck down there and probably are doing much worse than just watching you go in and out of a gardening store...
lol...yeah shit there so many out here that I just hit up diffrent ones...I dont go very often like to buy in bulk, cheaper, dont have to go back so often.....I have not the slightest worry on this earth as Im legit, live in Cali, and dont raise any brows....I was simply playing the devils advocate...
My hydro store is smack dab in downtown, right next to the police station, courthouse, DAs office.....fucken perfect right....:clap:lmao...:hump::cry:
drive????!!!! walk!!!!!!!!!!!! go on the net and pay a few extra shekels to have a peasant bring it to ur door , up 4 flights of stairs. what with drugs and fishing i just dont have the time to vist mom and pops hydro shop
plus I look like someone you might find at a reggae concert...hmmm...coming out of the store...with hydroton,coco and mesh pots, tomatoes, cilantro and parsley right ? ....lmao lol lol
Are you really interested in paying someone to sit in a car, while it's running (because you know those fucking cops NEVER turn off their cars...way to save taxpayer money and the environment)

So the bottom line here is the same as it always is...$$MONEY$$ most cases the district is better served spending money fighting crimes, not observing what legal items people purchased at a store.

i assume the engine is partly because of the vast array of electronics police "need" to do their jobs running the battery straight down.

as you say, money, every govt dept etc is probably a bit stretched for a budget these days, i think even if they found out who you wer what you were and that you did grow, do you think they'd want to organise a raiding party on a possible 2 plant grow?

cus you know that 2plant grow, well if we can analyse their effectiveness using the same kind of estimation skills they use to show their effectiveness, that 2 plant raid probably set them back $50K :P
yeah you can use the net I guess....only prob there is if you have an unexpected occurence and you need your PH meter likeeee ummm now or some mite juice or something...your not gonna pay 35 dollars to have a 8 $ can shipped over night and you cant wait a week till it arrives....