i've always said live life expecting the unexpected and try to avoid it.Buddy of mine got busted coming out of an irish pub last week......cops were just parked outside waiting for unsuspecting patrons....got his ass.....but this kinda shit doesnt happen right.....in Northern Cali by the way...Cops dont have the time nor the inclination to bust people coming out of bars, right thats just looney talk....Looney talk until your ass gets laced up.. Then your sorry, confused and embarrased and wondering what just happened.
i drive my car to the hydro shop, and i drive straight to my grow from there but i only hit the store maybe 2 times a year and its like a 3 hr. drive never had any problems. its riskier to post on a web site if ya ask me, but you all do that peace
pftek did you not get enough attention growing up?Yes? No?
You think cops are taking down plates there?
My hydro store is smack damm in downtown, right next to the police station, courthouse, DAs office.....fucken perfect right....lmao...
Are you really interested in paying someone to sit in a car, while it's running (because you know those fucking cops NEVER turn off their cars...way to save taxpayer money and the environment)
So the bottom line here is the same as it always is...$$MONEY$$...in most cases the district is better served spending money fighting crimes, not observing what legal items people purchased at a store.