Do you drive your car to the hydroponics store?


Active Member
Dude i honestly believe that these mofos make it a point to either get a plate, put a tail on you, etc.....Ill tell you if I was a fucken narcotics detective, I'd grab my custard filled donut cheap am pm coffee a couple pork hoagies and just hang out...see whats comin in and out...frequency....etc...I mean its like a really easy place to get a lead ?...IMO....


Active Member
Dont call your hydro store...dont drive right up front and get 30 frikken pots and dont use your atm, park around the way and walk, everything in boxes/bags/covered, no point it letting them or the neighbors know exactly what you have...Im legit so its really of no concern to me...but I dont want the hassle


Active Member
And im not saying that its every dro store out there...but in little town or cities with not much going on...Why the fuck not


Active Member
i do my business in cash and leave... then again the cops know me and the know i shoot first give up when i'm dead fuck that they got better shit to do than stake out a hydro store man


Well-Known Member
Dont call your hydro store...dont drive right up front and get 30 frikken pots and dont use your atm, park around the way and walk, everything in big bags, no point it letting know exactly what you have...Im legit so its really of no concern to me...but I dont want the hassle
I don't sweat it too much. Where my local hydro shop is located, there is NOWHERE for any cops to hide inconspicuously within a quarter mile. If they are there, you'll see them coming in and just abort the run and go right on by. I also make a habit of NEVER driving straight from the shop to the grow site. ALWAYS work in 3 left-hand turns if you think you are being followed and check your mirrors. If you see the same vehicle back there after 3 lefts, you are DEFINITELY being tailed -- in which case go to your local Waffle House, Bickford's, etc.and get some food and chill for a while.

But odds are that will be totally unnecessary. I've taken all sorts of precautions (even using other tags, and swapping them down the road --- if anyone was watching that DEFINITELY would have got me pulled over which is what I wanted). As far as I can tell, no one is watching the local shop --- but I take basic precautions anyway, and it's STILL way safer than ordering on the 'net!!!!!)


Active Member
Bullshit they've got better shit to do since when ? what do they possibly have to do thats better than a fucken nice big pot bust ?...hand out parking tickets, deal with domestic disputes ? go eat at the local Hof Brau?...They live for this kinda shit!...


Active Member
Guys like I said im not saying this is tried and true all over america...just saying that the possibliity of it happening is definetly there....more so in fucken country bunkin hick towns where the sheriff is also the fireman and local blacksmith and fucken postman...


Well-Known Member
Bullshit they've got better shit to do since when ? what do they possibly have to do thats better than a fucken nice big pot bust ?...hand out parking tickets, deal with domestic disputes ? go eat at the local Hof Brau?...They live for this kinda shit!...
its not the local cops u should be afraid of they can only document u...

its the DEA that will usually watch u...

AND they are not stupid they have ties to most hydro stores and watch sites like this...

remember its their JOBS to bust u thats y they get so happy when they talk after a major bust and take pictures by the money and dope they live for busts

Rascality Afoot

Well-Known Member
Better safe than sorry. There have been cases where hydro stores have been in the piggies pockets giving reach arounds. I'm not saying be paranoid, just be careful. Park your car a few blocks away and walk to the store. If you need big sacs of soil and ferts, bring one on those roll cart things old asian ladies tow around. If it's too big for that, buy wholesale from the company, forget the grow store!
I bring my skateboard and roll my soil goodness and nutes back to the car. Be your best friend and be careful. Ninja careful. Theres alot of people who want you to get in trouble for this sort of thing, even if you forget because you don't hang out with sock monkey f<k giraffes like that.


Well-Known Member
i personally dont believe the cops will hang out/around hydro stores to take down 1 it would be to time consuming and 2 not everyone that goes into hydro stores grow pot ,im not saying its not possible im just saying i dont think thats how they work. your more likely to get busted other ways


Well-Known Member
most hydro stores have back doors they keep open for customes...

its good to stake out the hydro store first i veiw the week points and never go to your local hydro store always make sure its over 40miles away


Well-Known Member
i cant remember the user name but on rollitup i remember reading about a mmj patient being harassed by piggies leaving a hyrdro store


Well-Known Member
I live in Northern California and have a card so I don't give this kind of thing a second thought.