Believing that something is not true is a faith, your faith lies in the fact that there is no higher divinity. What is your opinion on the origin of man (Darwin Theory)?
Darwin's Theory is actually the Origin of Species via Natural Selection, not just man.
In fact when people bring up Darwin coming up with the idea of evolution, and him just being one man, they're wrong. He didn't. Darwin's work was on the mechanism up evolution. The concept of evolution had existed for hundreds of years, with observations of change in animals going back to the time of the Roman Empire. Darwin just explained how it happened.
It just so happened that he was (mostly) right. He didn't have the information and technology we have today so he made a few errors, but his overall theory and documents were surprisingly insightful.
His theory has been backed up by biological, geological, physical, and many other sciences... even math and computer, via long term simulations of point mutation.
The discovery of DNA was the coup de grace. DNA is not just an unchanging string of data. It is a journal of evolution, with visible edits that can be tracked across editions (species).
There are retroviruses which modify the genetic code of their hosts in specific manners and you can see those modifications in the DNA of branching species. Each edit aligning itself to a specific branch you can follow the lineage of a species back to it's divergence from another.
Of course if all that science is just a conspiracy against Jesus, then all the advances in gene therapy and manipulation is a myth, vaccines don't really exist, and elephants are just mammoths with alopecia.