another white widow grow


Well-Known Member
today the dust got blown off a 10 gallon rubbermaid diy bubble ponics setup. 8 gallons of water got 1 tsp of super thrive and 1 tsp of grow big, then ph'd to 5.8. lets see if i can get better growth rate out of my clones. i took 2 of them to expirement with, the root system was nice and white on both of them but i didn't see the amount of roots you would expect to see in plants this age. pics to come soon. :peace:

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Just read your thread Kevin.
Everything looks great.

For a little better success on your clones , I use sandwich bags as humidity domes. mist with water every two days and you should have rooted plants in 2-3 weeks.

Good luck on that Widow It can be a little finicky

They love magnesium so if you start seeing the spots and leaves starting to curling on you, keep some Epsom salt handy

Here is some pics of some White Widow
I don't let them go as long as you but they do me justice.

And some Cured White Widow


Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Thanks Kevin, I love Widow!
Such a good smoke.
I have to carry it around in baby jar cause it sticks so bad.


Well-Known Member
a pic in the veg room

better growth rate i hope

just a couple of nug shots from the flower room



Well-Known Member
Good luck on that Widow It can be a little finicky

They love magnesium so if you start seeing the spots and leaves starting to curling on you, keep some Epsom salt handy

My WW and Big bang are showing some spots and they are curling under. when you said starting to curl did you mean under? Im gonna change my res tonight and add some Calmag.

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
My WW and Big bang are showing some spots and they are curling under. when you said starting to curl did you mean under? Im gonna change my res tonight and add some Calmag.
Mine were curling up.
But they yellowed and died off.
The first signs were slight yellowing and spotting.
Calmag will cure and prevent that.
Whats great about Calmag is the low PPM.
One tbsl of epsom salt can add amost 1000 ppm
So use caution. I feed normal and add my magnesium with the regular waterings without food. as not to overdose them.:weed:


Well-Known Member
Yeah my first set is yellowing and dieing off and there growing kinda slow. Kevin those buds look delicious!!!!


Well-Known Member
thanks barron, and they taste sweet too.

i got a couple of shots after lights out tonight


Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
They look a little hungry.
The one in the back is Mag Def.
Thats why its all crusty
a little late in the game, but some cal mag will stop it from continuing.


Well-Known Member
what you are looking at joe is bug damage, they were getting a mag supplement. it does look like mag deficiency, but ended up being little white bugs on the underneath of the fan leaves. or it might of been both, because when i first started seeing the problem i gave them the mag and i found the bugs a few days later.


Well-Known Member
that and looking closer at the pics they're a lot of yellowing leaves because a couple of them are close to the chop chop


Well-Known Member
mag def here joe camel? has any of you used epson salt i've been mixing a tsp to a gallon


Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
mag def here joe camel? has any of you used epson salt i've been mixing a tsp to a gallon

Just like I stated earlier.
1tbls to gallon with your waterings not feedings.
Just make sure you are feeding them good
One thing I noticed is widow loves food amd Mag
dont be shy feeding them.
You are at the point where those will all become necrotic.
Just try to manage the damage and keep them rolling till the end.
I'll post some pics of how fucked mine looked and I manage to save them with magnesium.


Well-Known Member
I don't have any experience Epsom salt, but it sounds like a good ratio from what I have read. How often do they get that, I've seen most people recommend it once a month?

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
See what I mean pure Shit

And fixed up and pumped with Food and Epsom salt

To This But you can see I even still had of Crusty stuff going on.
Widow is a little tuff to Grow but the rewards are worth it.



Well-Known Member
the wife just got home with a package from nirvana, 5 fem snow whites, 5 fem urban poison, and something that was a first from nirvana, 10 free seeds. thanks nirvana!!!!!
