Well-Known Member
SRV x Godsmack? Hmmm.... THAT has some definite possibilities dude!!!!..........
Every word of that was awesome, the sad thing is he can't understand what you just posted, mainly due to ignorance and lack of literary skills.
Out of curiosity; What kind of bands did you roll with back in the day? I've typically been in hard core, and heavy metal bands, been in a punk band too that was fun while it lasted. I'm lookin to start up a hard rock blues style band, I'm thinking a cross between SRV and Godsmack with an occasional hint of some good ol' ragtime.
In the 70's I played in a "Southern rock" band (I always hated that designation!). Got to open for a few really good groups back then and met some incredibly good people -- especially when I went to doing studio work.
In the EARLY 80's (either 80 or 81, I don't remember exactly) I made the mistake of going to a concert in Atlanta -- I was going to see the opening act (Def Leppard - they were all teenagers back then, lol) for Ozzy's new band. i figured maybe Oz would play some Sabbath stuff -- my life music-wise took a dramatic shift that night. This absolutely TINY little blonde dude with a fucked-up looking polka-dot Flying V came out and just absolutely shattered all of my previous thoughts about how a guitar should be played!! From that night forward Randy Rhoads was a freakin' GOD as far as I was concerned (and I STILL feel that way almost 30 years later!). He is the one who influenced me to take up Classical guitar. I met him several times and even got to jam a little with him at an old music store in Atlanta called Rhythm City (It later became a Guitar Center, which sucked).
But, all good things eventually end. I was on the front row and had backstage passes when Ozzy played Atlanta in 1982 (the absolute BEST concert I have ever seen!). Went backstage after the show and hung out. Ozzy was sick with the flu, and Randy never was much of a partier. He liked his weed and beer, but that was about it -- he was pure 100% musician and actually a pretty mellow dude. They ended up canceling the next days show because of Ozzys illlness. The following morning Randy was killed in that plane crash. I was absolutely DEVASTATED!!! Anyway, after the first time I saw them I completely switched over to being a "Heavy Metal" guitarist (Rhoads, Iommi, Schenker, Page, Tipton/Downing, Murray/Smith were my biggest influences at the time) and played in a band called Power Slave, which never got signed, lol.
I did the metal thing until all the fag California hair bands (Ratt, Poison, Crue, etc.) started taking over and then I just sort of lost interest in performing in front of others. I still enjoy teaching some out of my home studio, but I'm too old for that shit anymore. It's funny how we go in a circle if we live long enough --- now I primarily play stuff like The Allman Bros, Blackfoot, Grinderswitch, The Outlaws, Marshall Tucker, Molly Hatchet, etc --- in other words the same stuff I played in the late 70's!!!
But it's all good. I've found I can find redeeming factors and things I like in virtually ANY form of music. Me and a few old-school buddies still get together occassionally on a Saturday night and burn a few and jam our asses off 'til the cops come tell us to shut it down, lol. We have seriously considered putting together a "Country" band and having a go at it one more time (just to play some clubs and juke joints). That seems to be one of the few types of music where old farts like us won't look totally pathetic on stage and besides, what we were playing in the 70's as Southern Rock would now be considered Country!!! But, it's hard to do with a wife, kids, mortgage, career in "the real world", etc.
Just always remember though -- you are NEVER too old to jam, and it's a sin to let talent waste away completely (nothing wrong with going a little dormant though!!!)
Sorry for getting so long-winded there. Good luck with your new project dude!!!