making shit up, not hardly! ever heard of MYTHBUSTERS on the discovery channel? that is where i saw the experiment with the plants and the music. you cant argue with science.... even plants know how shitty metal is.
I can't believe no one called you out on this lie yet
Hey Cloud City I'm back
If you actually watched that episode and paid attention, you would have known that the plants in the heavy metal tent did the best (better than the classical tent) despite the fact that the watering system for the metal tent plants malfunctioned and they almost died from lack of water. Soo "can't argue with science" metal made those plants thrive!
I see your still using you lame internet pics, your trade mark

and calling people "metal pukes"; what are you 12? We all get it you hate metal and any other form of music that you seem to think is metal. It's really sad that all you do is make alter egos and bash metal on internet forums. I kinda get the image of Cartmen screaming bafroom to his mommy, from that episode of South Park where they were playing World of Warcraft.
You always ask if someone is in a band when they defend music, why? Honestly being in a band has nothing to do with your level of musical skill, and many great musicians don't want to be in bands. They call that recreational playing, others may be studio artists. So are you in a band? Whats the name of your almighty band? Why have you still neglected to show us a video of you godly guitar skills?
Remember we can determine your level of maturity by how you respond