Can hydro taste as good as soil??

well sort of its coco peat mix with good black dirt about 10% sorta as a buffer for nutes.. haha i kinda sway both ways but i perfer soil smoke regardless of what i grow and i must +rep u have used coco for 4years now and no one ever said it was hydro? weird thanks for the info man much appreciated
Lol talk about a noob statement coming from someone who has never grown hydro. If you have a pH and ppm meter hydroponics is twice as easy as soil

One water change a week and adjusting the pH every other day is too much for you? Talk about lazy! I grow hydro and you do not, how are you going to voice your opinion over mine? Check my 400 watt journal to see the results, not only better than your soil grow but much easier. Have fun watering your plants every other day. I have to mess with water one time a week sometimes longer.

So first you say your methods are easier, then you call me lazy for thinking plain simple old water when ever my soil is dry is EASIER then hydro.

Fuck you sir, I win.

Stop expressing your opinion as fact. I reasoned my point. Levy yours if you can. If not kiss my ass.
So first you say your methods are easier, then you call me lazy for thinking plain simple old water when ever my soil is dry is EASIER then hydro.

Fuck you sir, I win.

Stop expressing your opinion as fact. I reasoned my point. Levy yours if you can. If not kiss my ass.

YO WHAT THE FUK IS YOUR PROBLEM? why u gotta be a dick to have a debate
How is having to water your plants multiple times a week easier than once a week?
Please explain that to me dude. You mix up nutes and have to water multiple times a week sometimes with water sometimes with nutes
I mix up nutes once a week set it and forget it. I can guarentee you that I spend less time adjusting pH than you do watering your plants and that is all that I have to do all week in between water changes. Truthfully, have you ever grown hydroponically? Do you have pictures to prove it? If you do make sure to post them with your next post when you are explaining how growing in soil is easier than in hydro.
soils dirty though... i dont like dirt i like water... i am just a deep water hydro whore..... thinking of doing a stealth cfl grow in soil...this way i remove the air pump and most of my noise..... i got 8 papaya clones under a 27watt cfl right now.. waiting for some nubbies then i will figgure out my next step... my papaya plants are 2 weeks into flower and growing vigorous!! cant wait new years nug
I don't water multiple times per week for one, for two I will be going to school for a final right now at which point I can get you pictures.

I don't have to water multiple times a week usually. Just like you might not have to change your water 'usually'.

I don't have to spend time measuring out nutrients unless I want to, I don't have to worry about ph.

Soil is the true set and forget here, can you atleast realize that. You have to set it up twice or maybe three times a season if done correctly. Thats pretty fucking simple. Thats like 1000 less chances to fuck up.

Then you don't have to worry about companies producing reliable parts in a water pump, air pump, etc etc.

Lets not take into account the millions of locations world wide where you probably would only have to plant your girl in a sunny area. Then how many times would you be doing more shit then me? Probably not, I am a college student, I work, and I run a business.

All you can keep saying is that you do less in a week then call me lazy. Then you say your system is easier and that I am working too hard. If you could take a firm stand point in the argument it would be a lot easier to have one.

My problem lies with people who express their personal opinion as fact.

As for Evidence of my grow, sure which one do you want. Do you want the NFT at school? Do you want my soiless drip system at home? My DIY aero cloner? Or the passive hydro system I use once they are in rapid rooters?
oooooh handbags at dawn ahahahah

soil can bring out more taste than hydro ?! i don't know bout that i switched from soil to coco and the improvement in output taste and plant health was unreal ill never go back to soil but i still wouldn't call coco growing hydro although technically it is.

id still say that soil is easier than hydro its more forgiving but does require more attention for watering but you wont lose a whole crop 6,7 weeks in if you overfeed in soil a bit of burn but your not going to fuck the lot, the result of not balancing your shit in hydro has way harsher consequences.

smoke one peeps n chill
Soil can bring out much more flavor than hydro, that is true. But quality? There is no way in hell that is true. They grow in the soil to bring out the flavor, if you look at my last post I never said that the taste isn't better. But quality wise it just doesn't make any sense that a plant grown in soil would produce more THC than one grown in hydro. Those fools at the cannabis cup couldn't tell the difference between hydro and soil grown weed I can guarantee that

Add a little kool aid powder to your nutrient solution, plants will taste like whatever flavor you choose and take on that color!

Just don't overdo it

I think really either method can produce amazing taste and horrible taste as I've had both.
Sometimes people use horse or cow turds and my god, you can actually taste it!
I remember when I was younger and would clean my bong, you could blatantly smell cow shit.
fuck easier. I am having fun tweaking the hydro. Plus I am sick of dirt everywhere. I find the hydro easy as hell. I use reg tapwater and gh hardwater nutes and no probs.
If you're growing the "easiest" grow you aren't growin the chronic, No
Hydro is not "easy" and no Soil is not "easy" they both take experience.

In my opinion, and the opinion of many others if you fuck up in soil, it is much harder
to correct the problem immediately, everything must be done over time.

In hydro, if something is wrong, I can do my tests and I know what is wrong, and I correct it,
Done and done.

omg, I'm sorry i was in mid post when I read this little gem...

Add a little kool aid powder to your nutrient solution, plants will taste like whatever flavor you choose and take on that color!

Just don't overdo it

I think really either method can produce amazing taste and horrible taste as I've had both.
Sometimes people use horse or cow turds and my god, you can actually taste it!
I remember when I was younger and would clean my bong, you could blatantly smell cow shit.

Are you serious, for your 2nd post on this forum you really fucked up, don't ever say
anything so blatantly horrid ever again.

Back to Hydro and Soil.... I started in Soil and honestly had quite a few problems,
I did get them worked out, so eventually i had a good harvest, but as soon as I took, my Horticulture and Plant Physiology classes, it was straight to Hydro, (well soil-less mixes) and I haven't looked back.

I look at it like this, people put their plants in a soil (many people use fox farm) so we'll use this as an example, they put their plants in the foxfarm, and then all they have to do is water for the first 3 weeks because the plant is using the nutes in the soil. After those 3 weeks the plant shows that it has used all the nutes in the soil, and you begin adding your own.. Well at that point, your soil is
just a media, why wouldn't you have it in a media with more air? Roots love air, the more air you give your roots the more nutes they will take up. Simple as that, so why even start in soil?

COCO coir holds around ONE THOUSAND times more air than soil. I'm not making that up, even when COCO is FULLY saturated it still retains near 25% air, this is a HUGE benefit, not to mention you have a run-off of ZERO when you start, so you know exactly what goes in, and exactly what will come out.

Thank you and gnight
If you're growing the "easiest" grow you aren't growin the chronic, No
Hydro is not "easy" and no Soil is not "easy" they both take experience.

In my opinion, and the opinion of many others if you fuck up in soil, it is much harder
to correct the problem immediately, everything must be done over time.

In hydro, if something is wrong, I can do my tests and I know what is wrong, and I correct it,
Done and done.

omg, I'm sorry i was in mid post when I read this little gem...

Are you serious, for your 2nd post on this forum you really fucked up, don't ever say
anything so blatantly horrid ever again.

Back to Hydro and Soil.... I started in Soil and honestly had quite a few problems,
I did get them worked out, so eventually i had a good harvest, but as soon as I took, my Horticulture and Plant Physiology classes, it was straight to Hydro, (well soil-less mixes) and I haven't looked back.

I look at it like this, people put their plants in a soil (many people use fox farm) so we'll use this as an example, they put their plants in the foxfarm, and then all they have to do is water for the first 3 weeks because the plant is using the nutes in the soil. After those 3 weeks the plant shows that it has used all the nutes in the soil, and you begin adding your own.. Well at that point, your soil is
just a media, why wouldn't you have it in a media with more air? Roots love air, the more air you give your roots the more nutes they will take up. Simple as that, so why even start in soil?

COCO coir holds around ONE THOUSAND times more air than soil. I'm not making that up, even when COCO is FULLY saturated it still retains near 25% air, this is a HUGE benefit, not to mention you have a run-off of ZERO when you start, so you know exactly what goes in, and exactly what will come out.

Thank you and gnight

nice work my man, kool aid bud.. some people just dont understand science.... i heard if you feed a chicken snickers it will taste like snickers lmao...... like the same thing that dude said... absolutely outrageous
Got any pics of those sticky plants in veg you are speaking of captain?
A pic to really show how sticky was would be great. LOL
as I posted on shrubs wall. I do not live in a medical friendly state. I wont post until I find my self in a med friendly state. Also I dont have a time machine so I cant go back and get some pics. They were sticky would they have been worth smoking , no. Were they stinky enough to get me busted if i hadn't taken care of the smell, YES. Were they trees, no they, were ukrainian hash mutts they were under 30" tall but they were probably 3' ish sorry I didnt feel the need to measure it .

Shrubs: Yes plants produce different things in different parts of the life cycle, and any sticky viscous oil based goo produced by a plant is in my opinion resin, like pine trees produce resin, dont want to smoke that.

Months... it was easily past 7 weeks probably 9-11 weeks, I must admit I try not to keep details written down(fatman7475's story) and yes I was trying to emphasize time. It is like when I say I have TONS of porn. My porn is all digital how much does a megabyte weigh? The conclusion shouldn't be I must not have any porn as there is no way digital files could weigh even 1/1000000th of that, and therefore I must be a crack pot.

MY POINT WAS, YES you can grow dank plants hydro with out trying too hard. I am sorry I didn't realize I was dealing with magic pixies and needed to post verified/verifiable data.
I had 2 lil hydro seedlings that were maybe 6-8 inches that were so resinous and stinky i had to go make a carbon filter months before I was ready to flower.

6-8" or 30"? the smell in veg is strong, but like skunks, not the smell of fresh buds and the stickiness....look at it under a 30x loupe, its not trichomes, the stems stalk and leaves have a little texture and friction... but not trichomes... wanna test this? make some hash with your sticky veg plant and see how much you get........ but this isnt what the thread topic is... me personally i enjoy the taste of my hydro buds, and the potency is there, but the dirt plants of the same strain smell better... im sure it varies by grower
What the hell is a ukrainian hash mutt? Don't try an sell me on a some
ukrainian strain which decides on its own when to produce "resin," different
plants have "different cycles," not if the plant is in the same genus as another,
than they will both have the same cycle, you're trying to convince people
of things we know could not happen.... Besides you said "they were 6-8 inches
tall and stinky and resinous" and then you tell me that they were resinous and
stinky after 1 1/2 months of VEG, are you telling me that they were only 6-8 inches
after 1 1/2 months of veg?
Well I just finished reading through the whole thread and all I could think about was my mother telling me, "that's why they make chocolate AND vanilla".

I'm a dirt guy myself but I admit hydro does interest me, maybe one day down the road just for shits and giggles. To say one way is better than another, is pure opinion. This is not a competition for me, it's pleasure, and I get my pleasure from mixing my nutes, ph,ing my water and trying different things. I have bought books, read a ton on here, gone from fluros to cfl's to t-5's and finally to hid lighting. Why would I want to veg with a light that costs hundreds of dollars when I can use a t-5 that cost me a hundred? I'm not trying to grow a tree, I don't want my plants getting much over three feet.

To each their own, that's why they make chocolate and vanilla.
Well I just finished reading through the whole thread and all I could think about was my mother telling me, "that's why they make chocolate AND vanilla".

I'm a dirt guy myself but I admit hydro does interest me, maybe one day down the road just for shits and giggles. To say one way is better than another, is pure opinion. This is not a competition for me, it's pleasure, and I get my pleasure from mixing my nutes, ph,ing my water and trying different things. I have bought books, read a ton on here, gone from fluros to cfl's to t-5's and finally to hid lighting. Why would I want to veg with a light that costs hundreds of dollars when I can use a t-5 that cost me a hundred? I'm not trying to grow a tree, I don't want my plants getting much over three feet.

To each their own, that's why they make chocolate and vanilla.

Thank you sir. A voice of reason. We all need to learn to respect each other. It's like a bunch of boys on the playground fighting over a girl.

I grow hydro for my reasons. You grow soil for yours. I hope all of us have the best results we can.
i believe soil is best just cause im an old hippy but with propper nuts. and flushing hydro can be just as good i like the super natural line great for taste and yield stay away from junk like GH alright if your not keeping the stuff but your lungs will thank you for spending the extra money