Iran Update...


Well-Known Member
I've been to the WTC before it was demolished Building #7 was a fortress. It had a special underground bunker for the mayor. That building was very obviously demolished.


Well-Known Member
Here is yet another example of the miraculous influence of that hope and change strategy.

Maybe Obama will write a really nasty threatening letter...yup that will work!
And this time he really means it!

Iran Will Reportedly Build 10 Uranium Enrichment Plants

Sunday, November 29, 2009

TEHRAN, Iran — The Iranian government approved a plan Sunday to build 10 industrial scale uranium enrichment facilities, a dramatic expansion of the program in defiance of U.N. demands it halt enrichment.
The decision comes only days after the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency censured Iran over its program and demanded it halt the construction of a newly revealed enrichment facility.
Iran's state news agency IRNA says the government ordered the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran to begin construction of five uranium enrichment sites that have already been studied and propose five other sites for future construction.
The decision was made during a Cabinet meeting headed by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Sunday evening, IRNA said


New Member
I hardly think zeal is the appropriate term. More like loathing, they'd rather not be put in this position, but the big nations are acting like children.

Yes Wavels, we can all see how fearful Iran is of UN resolutions. All of their nuclear capabilities are already in violation of a treaty they themselves signed! No matter, they now laugh at Obama and the USA.

Russia and China went along on this last vote because they already know it's too late, but the opportunity to cleanse themselves politically was too good to pass up.


Well-Known Member
Playing both Obama and the UN like a violin. We are very quickly losing respect around the world.
don't blame it on obama...

it was bush who led the u.s. to pointless wars, based on faulty evidence....

the US lost respect around the world long before obama was elected....


Well-Known Member
don't blame it on obama...

it was bush who led the u.s. to pointless wars, based on faulty evidence....

the US lost respect around the world long before obama was elected....
It's funny how you turn this into a it's Bush's fault response. People think that if we just acted nicer to these people and had negotiations with them, everything will turn around. That's not the case. They don't give a damn about a treaty, and acting like little girls and not doing anything will result in them having nuclear weapons. They hate America, and a weak president isn't going to change that. It's just going to allow them to follow through with their plans more quickly.


It's funny how you turn this into a it's Bush's fault response. People think that if we just acted nicer to these people and had negotiations with them, everything will turn around. That's not the case. They don't give a damn about a treaty, and acting like little girls and not doing anything will result in them having nuclear weapons. They hate America, and a weak president isn't going to change that. It's just going to allow them to follow through with their plans more quickly.

No I totally agree, keeping them completely oppressed to the point of thousands starving everyday because of American policy is the way to earn the hearts and minds of these people! :confused:

America! FUCK YEAH!



Well-Known Member
No I totally agree, keeping them completely oppressed to the point of thousands starving everyday because of American policy is the way to earn the hearts and minds of these people! :confused:

America! FUCK YEAH!
Is it just America that doesn't want these people to gain nuclear weapons? I guess we should just comply, and let them become capable of destroying the world. It's not like they have admitted their goal was the death of the zionists and the west.kiss-ass
It's funny how you turn this into a it's Bush's fault response. People think that if we just acted nicer to these people and had negotiations with them, everything will turn around. That's not the case. They don't give a damn about a treaty, and acting like little girls and not doing anything will result in them having nuclear weapons. They hate America, and a weak president isn't going to change that. It's just going to allow them to follow through with their plans more quickly.
Well, is it Bush's fault?


New Member
If anyone is suffering in Iran, it is because of the Iranian govt., not the USA.

Clinton gave us war, not Bush.

Projecting weakness abroad encourages terrorists, not the other way around.


New Member
Once the violence is upon you, it is too late. you have to fight ur way through it. That's what the Bush Presidency did.

Took the mess that clinton left and cleaned it up. He left Obama with a clear victory in Iraq (one Obama can't admit to .. noob).. He left him with a strong foothold in Afghanistan and Obama has done nothing but hedge and talk.

The world is tiring of his talk and no ACTION. The Arab world still hates us. Obama hasn't improved one thing globally in the year he's been in office. He has managed to hamstring us financially though ... that's something, right?


Well-Known Member
Once the violence is upon you, it is too late. you have to fight ur way through it. That's what the Bush Presidency did.

Took the mess that clinton left and cleaned it up. He left Obama with a clear victory in Iraq (one Obama can't admit to .. noob).. He left him with a strong foothold in Afghanistan and Obama has done nothing but hedge and talk.

The world is tiring of his talk and no ACTION. The Arab world still hates us. Obama hasn't improved one thing globally in the year he's been in office. He has managed to hamstring us financially though ... that's something, right?
no they don't. they hate people like you, who walk around spreading hate, lies, and bigotry. they hate people who think that if it's not their way it's the highway.

that statement alone has made me loose all credibility you could've once had in my mind.

i guess IllegalSmile was right: you can't fix stupid.....


Once the violence is upon you, it is too late. you have to fight ur way through it. That's what the Bush Presidency did.

Took the mess that clinton left and cleaned it up. He left Obama with a clear victory in Iraq (one Obama can't admit to .. noob).. He left him with a strong foothold in Afghanistan and Obama has done nothing but hedge and talk.

The world is tiring of his talk and no ACTION. The Arab world still hates us. Obama hasn't improved one thing globally in the year he's been in office. He has managed to hamstring us financially though ... that's something, right?

Cracker, explain yourself.

How did he leave Obama with a clear victory in Iraq when no goal has even ever been outlined? What is victory?

The Bush administration put Afghanistan on the back burner to Iraq the last 2 years Bush was in office. That was one of Obamas main positions during the campaign, focus the fight more towards Afghanistan.


Well-Known Member
we have to leave afganistan already. that's a loosing battle. they topple empires.

there have been countless instances when the World Power at the moment, with the most state of the art military, and the most skilled commanders have been held back and expunged from that shithole...

we are not gonna win, no matter what CJ says....


Well-Known Member
we have to leave afganistan already. that's a loosing battle. they topple empires.

there have been countless instances when the World Power at the moment, with the most state of the art military, and the most skilled commanders have been held back and expunged from that shithole...

we are not gonna win, no matter what CJ says....
Wow. It's as if you're channeling Michael Moore.

But even a twelve sandwich-eating anti-capitalist gazillionaire lardass like him gets it right on occasion.

We should leave Afghanistan. Apparently we missed an opportunity to seize OBL in 2001. It is now time to flee and shore up defenses here.

Obama's a lover not a fighter.