1000W Seedsman Afghani #1 Grow Tent

I would discard the runts, and keep the best 14. I wouldn't flower them all at once, maybe 7 at time if possible. 14 is a lot of plants under a single kWatter. I have like 21 under 2kWatts and its crammed.. absolutely couldn't fit another one under if i tried. If your intentions are a big yield, you will harvest the same amount.... whether 7 plants or 14. You'd have 7 larger plants, rather than 14 smaller. That's actually something I'm going to do differently next time. I'm thinking of running only 12 next time, 6 under each. Less work, same yield.
yeah.. im just gonna flower 14 for sexing . and then remove the 7 males 2 weeks in


Well-Known Member
oh... who says there is gonna be 1:1 of females though? But good decision, you'll be happier with the results

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
I would discard the runts, and keep the best 14. I wouldn't flower them all at once, maybe 7 at time if possible. 14 is a lot of plants under a single kWatter. I have like 21 under 2kWatts and its crammed.. absolutely couldn't fit another one under if i tried. If your intentions are a big yield, you will harvest the same amount.... whether 7 plants or 14. You'd have 7 larger plants, rather than 14 smaller. That's actually something I'm going to do differently next time. I'm thinking of running only 12 next time, 6 under each. Less work, same yield.

Your "less work same yield" is almost correct, because in order to get the same yield as more plants you would have to vegetate longer.. meaning more work more nutes, more light, more time... More plants less time is easier in my opinion, you keep them small and have more harvests in a shorter span of time. my 16 plants under 1200 watts seem to love it..


Well-Known Member
.. How does vegging require more work, more nutes, and more light???? Yes, you would have to veg a little longer, but that's the only factor... If anything, "more work, more nutes, and more light" is required when you have more plants..... rather than performing less work and less nutes on a smaller number of plants....


Well-Known Member
and my 21 under 2000 love it..... but just cause they love it, and its enough light for them all to grow, doesn't mean they are growing to their full potential..

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
More amount of time spent in veg time, means more TIME spend in veg time, and more NUTES used in veg time, and more LIGHT used in veg time therefore more MONEY and TIME. Its not a pissing contest, its been provin time and time again that Sea of Green is more efficient than filling the same space with larger and less plants

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
If i do 8 plants in a 5x5 area veged for three weeks I could yield the same amount with 16 plants with NO VEG.. Meaning I just cut off 3 weeks of nutes and light, and STILL yielded the same amount, plus I'm starting another cycle when you are halfway through flowering.. Where is my downside? Also because the plants and pots are smaller I would be feeding the 16 plants the same amount as you would be feeding your 8 when they are fully grown.


Well-Known Member
More amount of time spent in veg time, means more TIME spend in veg time, and more NUTES used in veg time, and more LIGHT used in veg time therefore more MONEY and TIME. Its not a pissing contest, its been provin time and time again that Sea of Green is more efficient than filling the same space with larger and less plants
besides the first part of that making no sense.... idk what you're talking about... SoG is proven "time and time again to be more efficient" when using over 100 plants... not comparing using 10 or 20..... and Idk about you..... but flowering nutes are consumed a lot faster then veg nutes.... so more MONEY and TIME at the hydro store.... AND veg nutes aren't needed till week 3 anyway, so you could cut out veg nutes entirely if you were to "veg for 3 weeks" like you stated....

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
besides the first part of that making no sense.... idk what you're talking about... SoG is proven "time and time again to be more efficient" when using over 100 plants... not comparing using 10 or 20..... and Idk about you..... but flowering nutes are consumed a lot faster then veg nutes.... so more MONEY and TIME at the hydro store.... AND veg nutes aren't needed till week 3 anyway, so you could cut out veg nutes entirely if you were to "veg for 3 weeks" like you stated....
It makes perfect sense, time is money, you will learn that... And I dont grow soil, its pointless so I would be giving nutes for 3 weeks of veg.... And scale it down, its more efficient using 10 or 20, It doesnt change because of numbers, it changes with space, if I wanted I could do 48 plants in a 16 square foot area (4 plants per square foot) bump out as much as ANY amount of veg time with as few plants as you want in the same space and come out with yields faster and for less money

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
take this smalller example.... 3 foot by 3 foot = 9 square feet, you would veg 3-4 weeks, meaning you could fit 4 plants in there, and yield 3-4 ounces each plant, making it 3/4's of a pound to a pound of harvest after 3 months... I would do 9 plants with no and be yielding roughly 1 to 2 ounces per plant (we'll say 1 1/2 average) in two months meaning almost 15 ounces with one month less time? whats there to laugh at. Time is money. BTW sorry to original poster for changing the subject of your Journal, had to go back to school
Here's todays pictures after repotting.

Since this is my first grow, im going large to see the beauty of some big ass christmas tree buds.

But in the future probably SOG.

And i totally agree about the space issue. 14 plants in my space (as you can see from the photo) is insane. So we're going to cull the males and any extra females that wont fit will be put back into vege in an additional tent under a weaker light (400w) in order to give clones. I'm expecting at least 50:50 female to male since we kept the temps real low and used a highly nitrogen rich soil, and there was very little stress.

Here's the pics after transplanting!!
Our timetable has expanded a tiny bit. We're gonna vege for about another 10 days.

Fertilized today with 1/3 strength Age Old Grow and 1 drop of Superthrive. not sure if that was enough .. we may need to water more than 250ml with the bigger pots .

Enough pondering! Here are the pics!


Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Here's todays pictures after repotting.

Fertilized today with 1/3 strength Age Old Grow and 1 drop of Superthrive. not sure if that was enough .. we may need to water more than 250ml with the bigger pots .

Enough pondering! Here are the pics!

I always do that same thing with the superthrive, who the hells knows if its actually doing anything, I mean a drop per gallon?:shock: But I'm confident... I got a buddy who does 6 drops per gallon in his ebb and flow in rockwool.. I think thats in like week 6 of budding though, when they are really big and can take some extra oomf.. hah

BTW the ladies look great, couldnt look any better
I always do that same thing with the superthrive, who the hells knows if its actually doing anything, I mean a drop per gallon?:shock: But I'm confident... I got a buddy who does 6 drops per gallon in his ebb and flow in rockwool.. I think thats in like week 6 of budding though, when they are really big and can take some extra oomf.. hah

BTW the ladies look great, couldnt look any better
Yeah i was talking about a gallon of mix, from which we take about 200-250 from to each plant. But tonight i added an extra 200 since we're dealing with much more soil.

My transplanting method was to build dirt around the original pots, inside of the new pot, then remove the old pot to leave a "mold" ie frame the shape of the old pot. Then, just plop the dirt (ie the plant and its roots) that is shaped exactly like the old pot inside its hole that is perfectly shaped for it!!
The one in front looks a little over watered?
Damn i shouldnt have added any extra water. But the top of the soil was just so dry, it was crumbly! Also 400ml in 4.5 gallons of soil is practically nothing

Am i in bad trouble from overwatering? looking now a lot seem to be wilting.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
The one in front looks a little over watered?
Cosign on that - let that one in the front right dry out a little - the roots are suffocating from all the water.

And for what it's worth, SOG is without a doubt less "effort" ("effort" being a combination of money, time, and work).

I'm doing 30 under a 1K for this run and am bumping it up to 64-70 under a 1K for next - the only reason I wouldn't do even more is because of the 100 plant rule.

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Cosign on that - let that one in the front right dry out a little - the roots are suffocating from all the water.

And for what it's worth, SOG is without a doubt less "effort" ("effort" being a combination of money, time, and work).

I'm doing 30 under a 1K for this run and am bumping it up to 64-70 under a 1K for next - the only reason I wouldn't do even more is because of the 100 plant rule.
god damn feds ;)

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Your roots just need more air, if you are watering too much with that small of plant in that large of container, the roots arent big enough to suck up all that water all over the container, you must picture your roots as being roughly the same size as your plant.. only beneath the soil, that should give you an idea on the area of space your roots are taking up. Roots love air, thats why hydro works so well, the more you let your soil dry out with out allowing the plant to wilt from over dryness, the better...

as per your question, if you keep suffocating them it will lower your productivity, wait a good 3-4 days for your next watering
4 Days after transplanting. Some of the leaves have turned brown and died, others are drooping. However 11/14 are okay. Any ideas?

Are these plants going to die soon? We did give them one quarter to one half strength AOG when we transplanted. Also the roots may have gotten cold due to putting them into cold ish dirt.

What can we do ?!?!

