Drugs and Religion

And when was this that the 1st men 'appeared'? What evidence is there of this 'oldest version of the bible'.Where is this temple of eden? I only ask so you can provide us with evidence that these things are real, until then they can hold no weight.

Please don't tell me that it was 6000 years ago that the 1st men appeared on earth and received/wrote the bible (as you say you know of), if that is so I will then know what you say are fallacies that you have either fallen for, made up or been indoctrinated to. It is thought man (homo sapiens) has been around 300,000 years, that is as much as the evidence shows us so far. This can only be proven to a certain degree and 300,000 is a rough estimate, as are most things when we talk time lines in the hundreds of thousands. But regardless of not being able to prove exactly how long we have been about it can be taken as an absolute certainty that we have been here a damed sight longer than 6000 years.

The mayans are said to be the first civilization on earth. the mayan theory of when inteligent life began was a lil over 6000 years ago if im not mistaken. ill try 2 find the link for the garden of eden.
The mayans are said to be the first civilization on earth. the mayan theory of when inteligent life began was a lil over 6000 years ago if im not mistaken. ill try 2 find the link for the garden of eden.

i mean temple of eden
I've never run into someone who said they believed in the garden of eden AND evolution/dinosaurs in the same conversation.

So while everything in the world has been evolving over millions of years, man just appeared in a special garden one day?

whose 2 say it was rele that long ago? maybe the timeline is screwed. maybe the force of the great flood made the earth seem older. who rele knows. its just a theory that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. so that explanation isnt any more accepted than any other theory scientific or religious.
It is clear he is just here for the attention. He doesn't really believe this stuff, if he was a believer I am sure he would take check of that stuff, or maybe just an eight year old fool heartedly defending baseless OVEREXAGGERATED claims, with neither fact nor consistent sourcing.


theres many philosophies of the bible. whose 2 say my interpretation is any less accepted than the christian churches?
so that explanation isnt any more accepted than any other theory scientific or religious.

You're talking utter nonsense. Completely making shit up as you go.

Theories are based on analysis of evidence. The bible is not built on evidence, but decree.

There are specific constants in physics and chemistry which can be applied to geology, biology, paleontology, and anthropology to accurately date samples taken from all over the world. Where we might have been off by factors of 10 one hundred years ago, due to the limits of technology at the time, the accuracy of instrumentation and the knowledge garnered from various fields makes for dating samples with great precision now.

Which makes more sense? Dating through radioactive decay, carbon-14, iridium in rock strata due to meteorite impact and post impact sedimentation, geological timelines established from placement of increasingly complex organisms, OR chapter one of the Old Testament.

You could dismiss the increasing knowledge of hundreds of years of science in favor of a book written by a bunch of ignorant desert tribes, but that would just be plain stupid.

The "Great Flood"? Didn't happen. The oral histories of Native American and Australian Aboriginals go back farther than either the Old or New Testaments. And they didn't happen to run into Moses or a worldwide flood. There isn't any geological evidence in support of a worldwide flood.

The Mayans were not the first civilization. They existed in loose settlements from 10,000 BC on and became a cohesive civilization around 2000 BC, and lasted until 700 to 900 AD.
The Sumerian civilization existed from from the mid 6th millienium BC to around 2000 BC with the rise of Babylonia.

It's interesting that the first four result pages on Google for "Temple of Eden" have zero historical or anthropological articles, nor any links to academic institutions. Sounds like more biblical twaddle. When the number one hit on a subject is "The Daily Mail", which is one step above "The Enquirer" in reporting standards, you're hurting for reference material.
thats not very nice. hes welcome 2 his beliefs.
I agree he is welcome to his beliefs, but he calls me a fool for not believing his way then wants to say a prayer for me, thats imposing his faith on me, I don't want anyone to pray for me.
The mayans are said to be the first civilization on earth. the mayan theory of when inteligent life began was a lil over 6000 years ago if im not mistaken. ill try 2 find the link for the garden of eden.
I have to thank morgentaler for his responce earlier, saved me writing it all out, which has shown blaznb to lack anything that equates to adequate research on the matter. It seems you have grasped onto the very limited and very sparse 'evidence' to back up you claim blaznb but I'm afraid most of it holds no water. You hold on to parts of the bible which have been proven wrong, open your eyes and your mind to the evidence out there and don't just deny the evidence because it doesn't follow the bible as that way of thinking is very close minded.

I would have +rep morgen but I havn't spread it around enough yet. Will do later when I can.
Some thoughts....

Religion is a drug. Opiate of the people, remember?

I have more trust that the Big Bang model is accurate than I believe the sun and moon stood still in the sky for a full day to give god's chosen people a better opportunity to slay their enemies. (Joshua 10:13)

There were no such thing as prehistoric Christians. :-P
You have to belief in the proof for it 2 be real to you. unless your the smartest man in the world they could just make fake evidence and develope theories upon that..
every bit of knowledge comes from faith.

You're talking utter nonsense. Completely making shit up as you go.

Theories are based on analysis of evidence. The bible is not built on evidence, but decree.

There are specific constants in physics and chemistry which can be applied to geology, biology, paleontology, and anthropology to accurately date samples taken from all over the world. Where we might have been off by factors of 10 one hundred years ago, due to the limits of technology at the time, the accuracy of instrumentation and the knowledge garnered from various fields makes for dating samples with great precision now.

Which makes more sense? Dating through radioactive decay, carbon-14, iridium in rock strata due to meteorite impact and post impact sedimentation, geological timelines established from placement of increasingly complex organisms, OR chapter one of the Old Testament.

You could dismiss the increasing knowledge of hundreds of years of science in favor of a book written by a bunch of ignorant desert tribes, but that would just be plain stupid.

The "Great Flood"? Didn't happen. The oral histories of Native American and Australian Aboriginals go back farther than either the Old or New Testaments. And they didn't happen to run into Moses or a worldwide flood. There isn't any geological evidence in support of a worldwide flood.

The Mayans were not the first civilization. They existed in loose settlements from 10,000 BC on and became a cohesive civilization around 2000 BC, and lasted until 700 to 900 AD.
The Sumerian civilization existed from from the mid 6th millienium BC to around 2000 BC with the rise of Babylonia.

It's interesting that the first four result pages on Google for "Temple of Eden" have zero historical or anthropological articles, nor any links to academic institutions. Sounds like more biblical twaddle. When the number one hit on a subject is "The Daily Mail", which is one step above "The Enquirer" in reporting standards, you're hurting for reference material.
No. He prays for you because he feels you are lost.
We pray for those who we think need JAH's help.
I don't expect you to believe in god, but i will pray that you find your way (if there is a god, which i believe there is).

I agree he is welcome to his beliefs, but he calls me a fool for not believing his way then wants to say a prayer for me, thats imposing his faith on me, I don't want anyone to pray for me.
I do not deny just because its not the biblical way. I deny it because i do not believe it.

I have to thank morgentaler for his responce earlier, saved me writing it all out, which has shown blaznb to lack anything that equates to adequate research on the matter. It seems you have grasped onto the very limited and very sparse 'evidence' to back up you claim blaznb but I'm afraid most of it holds no water. You hold on to parts of the bible which have been proven wrong, open your eyes and your mind to the evidence out there and don't just deny the evidence because it doesn't follow the bible as that way of thinking is very close minded.

I would have +rep morgen but I havn't spread it around enough yet. Will do later when I can.
That is but your mere opinion. It hasn't been proven, so it's no more credible than religion.

Some thoughts....

Religion is a drug. Opiate of the people, remember?

I have more trust that the Big Bang model is accurate than I believe the sun and moon stood still in the sky for a full day to give god's chosen people a better opportunity to slay their enemies. (Joshua 10:13)

There were no such thing as prehistoric Christians. :-P
That is but your mere opinion. It hasn't been proven, so it's no more credible than religion.
Not exactly sure which of my points you are dismissing as mere opinion, but it is funny as hell that it took you over half a year to cook up a response.

I suppose the addictive and destructive aspects of religion being compared to the effect of illicit drugs is a matter of opinion, but only as far as the definition of a 'drug' is concerned.

The Big Bang model is proven, even expanded, every time a new telescope is constructed. More evidence accrues all the time. When a particular theory within the model is incorrect, the theory is adjusted in accordance to the new scientific findings. There is no such intellectual honesty in Religion. If the evidence does not meet belief - said evidence is demonized, ignored, persecuted out of existence, or simply denied; until faced with undeniable evidence.

Q: How long did it take the Church to admit the error of the Ptolemaic Model?

A: A long motherfucking time.

Christ arrived on the scene after the written word. Hence no prehistoric Christians. That is not my opinion, that is a hard fact.