

Well-Known Member

Another update to the Rapture predictions.
Fun stuff. It's like having a Babs and Green Cross tamagotchi.

Now the guy is setting conditions on his predictions, since the last bunch of Rapture predictions didn't pan out.
But don't worry! If at first you don't predict the end of the world via the zombie son of an invisible woman hating, gay bashing, genocidal asshole, try, try again.

The most humorous part is that his ravings are no less and no more valid than any other Christian blather. And he even has the fucked up capitalization and page formatting to fit right in.

naked gardener

Active Member
hey crackerjax, I was already going to hell for consuming so much of the devil weed, anyway.

johnnyorganic...Your Venn Diagram is frick'n hilarious--and scary bc of it's accuracy!!!

dude above said 'religion is ignorance'....and isn't ignorance bliss?......And isn't feeling bliss from an artificial source typically related to drug use? Do religious zealots need rehabilitation? huh.
(really tho, I do not judge others for their beliefs--but i will judge their behaviors based on those beliefs--patient, kind, charitable Christians (or any religious people) who use their belief for positive deeds still have my respect...those who use it for self-righteousness, judgement, an excuse for alienation, and want to push that onto others (and into legislation) are the ones who, imo, could use some re-examining of their self and the world around them.)


Well-Known Member
Wow... just... WOW! :shock: Want a forum thread that's endless and filled with mudslinging? Just start talking about religion, or lack thereof, and watch civility crash all around you. :lol:

George Carlin said it best...

"Do you believe in God?"
*BOOM* ... Dead!

"Do you believe in God?"
"Do you believe in my God?"
*BOOM* ... Dead!

"My God has a bigger dick than your God!!!" :evil:


Active Member
Wow... just... WOW! :shock: Want a forum thread that's endless and filled with mudslinging? Just start talking about religion, or lack thereof, and watch civility crash all around you. :lol:

George Carlin said it best...

"Do you believe in God?"
*BOOM* ... Dead!

"Do you believe in God?"
"Do you believe in my God?"
*BOOM* ... Dead!

"My God has a bigger dick than your God!!!" :evil:
Awesomeness; George Carlin is the man R.I.P


Well-Known Member
One of the biggest regrets I have in life is not going to see him live any of the countless times his tours went through my town. :cry: I always took for granted that he'd be back in town (no pun intended, lol) soon, so I'd tell myself I could just go next time. Apparently his visible aging wasn't indicator enough to me that "next time" would eventually turn into "last" time. :lol:


New Member
God can't love YOU if he doesn't exist for YOU.

Don't be hatin' on others because you don't feel the love.

What I really love is when my making love center is manipulated.

If you manipulate it

I will cum.

Are there women-dominated Religions?

if not

How about women-dominated Myths?

naked gardener

Active Member
Hey Twiz,

Lookin again at the thread and see I ALMOST TOTALLY REPEATED YOU!!("religion is ignorance...") HAHA--SORRY, NOT INTENTIONAL--but the similarity in flow of thought is kinda eerie!! cheers.


Well-Known Member
If cookies were religion:

atheism: I do not have a cookie.

agnostic deism: I'm not sure if I have a cookie.

gnostic deism: I'm sure I have a cookie.

agnostic theism: I not sure if I have a delicious cookie, but if I do please tell me how I should go about eating it so I fulfill all cookie eating requirements.

gnostic theism: I'm sure I have a cookie, and this man who says he is in direct contact with the bakery says I must eat the cookie this way or suffer eternal indigestion. Because I am sure I have a cookie the man must be right about how to eat the cookie. Because I am sure I have a cookie.


Active Member
Hey Twiz,

Lookin again at the thread and see I ALMOST TOTALLY REPEATED YOU!!("religion is ignorance...") HAHA--SORRY, NOT INTENTIONAL--but the similarity in flow of thought is kinda eerie!! cheers.
Ha ha word, it's all good; Great minds think alike


Dawkins interviews crazy retarded creationist bitch Wendy Wright. I'm amazed by his composure the whole time. Your typical shit they always bring... never looking at the evidence (or denying it all together, which she shows time after time after time, even after he repeatedly brings up multiple examples... fuck!), the old bullshit arguments Dawkins has defeated thousands of times before, evolution spreads death!!! Hitler was an evolutionist! Fuck she's stupid! Claims of Christian persecution, even after Dawkins reminds her fundies have had the white house and both houses for decades... why do they always bring the exact same bullshit tot he party? Are we going to be refuting this shit for eternity?! No wonder the man has just given the fuck up with idiots like this for the most part, they just don't get it, they REFUSE to get it. This bitch is the shining example.

Enjoy anyway...

[youtube]Wj34lYwoDrg&feature=related [/youtube]


She doesn't seem to grasp the concept of "facts are not debatable" - at one point I think she said something like "well, you look at the information available and come to your conclusion, and we'll look at the information and come to our own conclusion..." - uhh, no bitch, science don't work like that. Howbout you go choose not to believe the law of gravity too...

She seriously makes AN ASS OF HERSELF in this video, omg I'm embarrassed for her stupidity...


Well-Known Member
I've been watching during breaks while laying down floorboards.
Her brain appears to be made of harder wood than the stuff going across the joists.

She keeps babbling about the lack of evidence, and then seconds later invoking the creator. It takes a special kind of mindset to say there is insufficient evidence for evolution yet still believe in an invisible being who hears your every thought and demands obedience.

As sickening as it is I'll watch it right to the end. And then file her away with the other creatards.


New Member
Creationists don't understand evolution,

those that do, have their own interpretation of their holy book and loose faith in the literal interpretations of their fathers.

If you only understand squares,

how do you pick between two equally misunderstood solutions to the question, "why am I here"?

Do you know why you picked your flavor of solution?


Active Member
"Look we found something they can't explain that must mean 'god' did it"

Dawkins is the man, he has a lot of patience too; I woulda put a bullet between her eyes after part 2