First Grow BB Blue Cheese, CH9 Aroma (Organic)


Active Member
Night Claptoman thank you for useful info you provided :) All who is reading my journal enjoy till I post some more pics :)

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EDIT: I forgot to add... I have neem seeds (those are used for making neem oil, perfect anfungi :)). I will be preparing homemade fungicide which is very easy. Oh it is also a good nute. I got the recipe from agricultural engineer friend of mine


Active Member
D A Y 15

Today I added yeast sugar water mix in a bottle to my growth corner. I have my doubts about how much this method helps plants but still it wouldn't hurt to try I guess, no? :)

I used FIM method on Blue Cheese today after I took the pictures. Hopefully I did it right. I guess I will see in couple days. I decided to wait 3 weeks instead of 2 weeks to put them in flowering. Now, I read in some journals that some people leave plants in 24 hrs darkness before going for 12/12. To me it seems unnatural but I wanted to ask to those experienced growers who are reading this journal to let me know if it is better than going for 12/12 straight.

Have a great weekend y'all :bigjoint:



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D A Y 17

I am happy that things are going well so far. On weekend during the dark hour I added worm castings to soil by opening holes on the sides and putting castings in and mixing. Today I will be adding humic acid/fulvic acid mix to my water to promote beneficial bacteria and Mycorrhiza.



Active Member
I was waiting for dark period to end so I add some water. I watered with above-mentioned mix till approximately 20% came out. pH of the mix was 6 and pH of the soil was 7.5 after watering I checked the pH of the soil and saw that it was very close to 7 which was good :)

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
your aim should be 6.7.
its normal for the soil to get under that PH before watering as salts build up normally and lower the PH.
You should water with 6.7PH and get a runoff of around 7.

next time you should ph to 6.6-6.8 PH and your good :D


Active Member
D A Y 19

After watering yesterday I noticed the leaves and nodes dropped. Since it is the sign of overwatering I opened small holes in the soil down to the bottom and left the lights and fan on. When I checked in the morning noticed things got pretty much normal so after completion of the 24 hr light period I will return to 18/6 schedule.

Lesson learned: don't give more than 200 ml of water till they get big enuff... Well at least now there are more beneficial bacteria and Mycorrhiza in the soil to help plant get nutes.

P.S: pH down is basically phosphoric acid. I have phosphoric acid but I wanna use that as last resort since I don't want any non-organic chemicals in my soil.



Active Member
D A Y 20

Today when I checked my babies I saw one brown spot on one of the leaves on Blue cheese. I am guessing it might be due to pH being close to 8. It is not 8 but it is higher than 7.5. Interesting thing is that Aroma doesn't have any brown spot. I don't want to interfere much but I either will be changing the soil or go for 10 lt pot instead of 14 lt pot they are in. I cannot water yet since I already watered on monday.



Active Member
Well, I decided to change the soil and downsize the pots. I got two 9 lt pot and a better peat premixed with perlite and planted my babies in their new homes. Unfortunately during plantation some of the roots of Blue Cheese torn and stayed in old pot and to my surprise the roots of Aroma was not as well developed as Blue Cheese's so they were not harmed. Good thing is that the pH of the new peat-perlite premix is 6.5, it has humus and nutes premixed (N-P-K values are way better than the old one) and the mix is already moist so I didn't add water. When I checked the old soil I noticed bottom part was mudlike. I guess I saved my babies just in time. I hope Blue cheese wouldn't be effected severely because of torn roots. Well I guess time will tell. Crossed my fingers.


Active Member
D A Y 21

Okay, it is official now. I fracked up Blue Cheese. Some of her leaves are shriveled and losing color. I am guessing it is due to that torn root. Some of the leaves are still green as you could see but she is in major stress I can feel it. Any recommendations? I gave a little water to moist the top of the soil. I arrange 6.5 pH water. Well, all this is a good experience to me and anyone who reads to this journal I guess if you look at itsy bitsy bright side.

Aroma... Well aroma is thriving at the moment. She is doing better than before. I also add a bit of water to moist the top of her soil.

Soil pH is way better than old soil at the moment. Dial of the pHmeter is between 6 and 7 so all is good. I just hope Blue Cheese recover from my mistake. She might go hermaphrodite or not who knows, only time will tell.



Well-Known Member
That is not because of a torn root man
The spots on the bottom leaves make it look like nute burn


Active Member
That is not because of a torn root man
The spots on the bottom leaves make it look like nute burn
Hmm what should I do? Soil is new and it has premixed nutes. Would it because of the new soil or the old soil. There was one brown spot on one of the leaves before I change the soil. There is nothing on aroma... at least for now. Soil has good enough moisture itself. Right now I am at a loss. Maybe I should leave things to their natural course at this point...