First Grow BB Blue Cheese, CH9 Aroma (Organic)


Active Member
F L O W E R I N G D A Y 2

Hi Fditty, welcome, welcome :) you are welcome to comment anytime. As a matter of fact I welcome anyone's comments and recommendations.

Yesterday after my spraying dried out I realized leaves were shinier and greener than before. Unexpected but welcomed change :) I was thinking about changing light to MH for next 30 days after reading some info on lights but then when I looked at Jorge's MJ Horticulture book I realized fall is the signal for flowering. Then I remembered during fall light temperature of sun drops to 2200k. So I decided not to change HPS and also keep giving 20 min max treatments of UVB (reptile light) to simulate sun's rays. We will see how the result will be. As far as I read there are some valid claims giving some UVB increases the quality. I welcome any comments on this issue.


Active Member
Man my grow space smells soo good to me. I keep the door closed... if I hadn't done that my whole house would smell most likely. I put in air freshener which is spraying in ever 30 minutes but it looks like I will need to reduce that to 15 min intervals. Imagine if they smell like this now how they would smell when flowers start to ripen. Aroma's odor is stronger than Blue Cheese's...

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
how about getting a carbon scrubber?
mj in flowering stink. really stink.
if you want to hide the fact your growing mj, don't take the smell issue lightly.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. If this us stealth ur gonna need somethin different. I use a Ona bucket. Works fine, u just gotta make sure u have extra Ona and a back up fan, just in case.


Active Member

Plants are stretching but not a big deal for now. They usually stretch for 2 weeks, no? Tomorrow is watering+nutes day.

About odor, I have air cleaner/ionizer and it has Carbon Filter. I will be trying that one to see how it is gonna be.


Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
plants in flowering need humidity around 40%. misting them is a bad idea.
now your plants will start to bulk up and so they will need more venting and less humidity to prevent mold.

usually it takes a week or so to notice the starting of the streching.
each strain strech differently.
With Indicas its usually 3-4 weeks of streching.

A proper Ionizer is the best way to prevent smell as it kills it inside the room. with a carbon filter it still smells when you open the door.


Active Member
I stopped misting. Currently relative humidity is 42% so I guess it is ok. I bought a dehumidifier (using tablets) but I guess I won't be needing that one for now. Maybe I would use it after harvest (if everything goes well) while drying buds. Currently fan is working 12 hours with lights on timer, but when I see flowers form up it will be on 24 hrs.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
i give the 24 hours with a fan on since they sprout. nothing wrong with it.
when you shut down your fan humidity builds up, and as buds appearing you really don't want that.

dehumidifier should be used if your humidity goes over 50%, but if you run around 40% all day you don't really need it yet. when you get to the advanced flowering part that might be helpful.

have a great day :D


Active Member

Their thirst is increasing it seems. I watered them on Monday but when I checked today soil was close to dry so I prepared my special molasses-water mix (high P, K and micro nutes molasses) and watered them throughly since I will be out of town for 5 days


Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
if you know they will need a lot of water just water twice in 30 minutes intervals.
When I need to get away for a few days I water until the cathing trays are full, then after 30 minuts the trays are empty and I water again.

have fun where-ever you are going.


Well-Known Member
Mine get a gallon a piece every other day. I use 3 diffent 5 gallon gatorade jugs and mix my nutes by the batch. I also have a 20gal bucket i use to empty my dehumidifier water into. It a full time job, completely worth it!


Well-Known Member
Mine get a gallon a piece every other day. I use 3 diffent 5 gallon gatorade jugs and mix my nutes by the batch. I also have a 20gal bucket i use to empty my dehumidifier water into. It a full time job, completely worth it!
They make gatorade in 5 gallon jugs? Never seen that..