First Grow BB Blue Cheese, CH9 Aroma (Organic)


Active Member
Rasclot thanks for the link I will be reading thru your grow. Tom, that link is full of very useful info :) thanks...


Well-Known Member
If height is a problem look into LST or low stress training
It really helps to keep the height down and will allow you to veg for the time you want


Active Member
D A Y 5

Light Schedule: 20 hours light, 4 hours dark period under 250 Watt MH

Today when I checked I realized top of the soil was mostly kinda dry so I sprinkled some distilled water to get top wet. My babies are coming along nicely as you would see from the pictures. One thing I notice is that BB Blue cheese leaves are bigger. I guess I will have big fan leaves on Blue Cheese and comparably smaller fan leaves on CH9 Aroma.

I put in my ionizer/air purifier in the room. It uses UV light, active carbon filter and ozone generator to clean air. Also it is ionizer. I believe it will help rising humidity as well as dissipating the warmth MH lamp puts out. What do you guys think?

First picture is CH9 Aroma, second one is Big Buddha Blue Cheese.

Ah, I almost forgot, I am thinking about playing some classical music to them. I read somewhere that some tests were performed on tomatoes and growth in those who grew up with classical music was more vigorous than the rest... interesting huh :)



Well-Known Member
D A Y 5

Light Schedule: 20 hours light, 4 hours dark period under 250 Watt MH

Today when I checked I realized top of the soil was mostly kinda dry so I sprinkled some distilled water to get top wet. My babies are coming along nicely as you would see from the pictures. One thing I notice is that BB Blue cheese leaves are bigger. I guess I will have big fan leaves on Blue Cheese and comparably smaller fan leaves on CH9 Aroma.

I put in my ionizer/air purifier in the room. It uses UV light, active carbon filter and ozone generator to clean air. Also it is ionizer. I believe it will help rising humidity as well as dissipating the warmth MH lamp puts out. What do you guys think?

First picture is CH9 Aroma, second one is Big Buddha Blue Cheese.

Ah, I almost forgot, I am thinking about playing some classical music to them. I read somewhere that some tests were performed on tomatoes and growth in those who grew up with classical music was more vigorous than the rest... interesting huh :)
lookin good so far mate this is wot my best pheno looked like

down the stem




Active Member
Well these pics are from a few minutes ago. Blue Cheese is growing faster than CH9 Aroma as far as I could see.


Well-Known Member
Ahh that soil looks so much better with the perlite in there, your plant is thanking you
Looking good dude


Active Member
they must thank you too for warning :) My Aroma looks small, I wonder if I stunted her somehow? on pick and mix website flowering is done in 7-8 weeks for Aroma and 10 weeks for Blue Cheese. Then wouldn't it be right to assume Aroma would grow faster than Blue Cheese?


Well-Known Member
No it wouldn't be right to assume that based on flowering times
Just because the flowering time is longer doesn't mean it will grow slower
My thai super skunk grew much faster than my church plant and the tss is supposed to go for 14 weeks while the church for 9


Active Member
D A Y 6

Ionizer/air purifier/fan (all in one) I put in seems to work nicely. For now, I raise it to the level of lamp so it dissipates the heat put out by MH lamp. My babies are coming along nicely :) I checked the water levels with my measurement device and although the surface looks dry it is moist below the surface so no watering today :)

I had a wild idea last night... putting 3 worms to each pot. That way they would air the soil and produce the fertilizer in an endless cycle. But it is just an idea....



Active Member
D A Y 7

Well, so far so good :) However I need to drop the ph of my soil. When I checked today the dial was between 7 and 8 so I assume pH of the soil is 7.5... I guess I need to use Sulphur or need to buy one of those pH down solutions but the thing is no one has that pH down thingie where I live... I wonder if there are any other ways...



Active Member
Well, I bought organic humic-fulvic acid mix today and mix 5 ml with 500 ml. water and gave each plant 250 ml of this mix. I couldn't give more water cause only top 1/3 part is almost dry down 1/3 is moist and bottom part is kinda wet. I am hoping it will help adjust the ph of the soil. From what I read they help adjusting the pH of the soil along with many other advantages. I am hoping this will help CH9 Aroma to grow like Blue Cheese.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
peat\perlite 50\50 mix is a pretty bad idea.
it will hold a LOT of water and would be too easy to overwater.

I love the store bought mixes, called potting soil, with added perlite depending on the mix.

You would like to get some sand, some wormcastings and some coco in it. Sand and coco will help drainage and wormcasting is a slow release fertilizer to help you at the start as it comes to feeding.

your plant looks fine however.


Active Member
Hi, thanks for your recommendations :) Overwatering is the exact reason I bought soil moisture/pH meter. Since this is my first grow I guessed I would overcare my plants so I bought the equipment not out of necessity but to limit myself :) I got wormcastings but I haven't decided how I should use them yet. I might make tea out of it or put it in soil and let it do its thing. However the second option is a bit hard work since I already potted in 14 litre pots. If the info on soil pack correct I have 2 more weeks to go before start feeding nutes. I have different type of molasses made out of carob with pretty darn good K and P values (as well as minor nutes). I am gonna use that one in every two weeks with humic-fulvic acid mix during flowering period.

I haven't watered my plants since friday. I read somewhere to water the edges of pot so the roots of the plant stretch. I think the roots are stretching towards the bottom and sides right now looking for water pockets which is good. That way my plants would stay relatively small I guess. At least it is what I am hoping. I read a lot about LST but since this is my first grow I am kinda hesitant to apply that... maybe as I gain more experience. I might try tying bottom branches to make them shoot upwards. Would tying bottom branches do that effect?

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
Hi, thanks for your recommendations :) Overwatering is the exact reason I bought soil moisture/pH meter. Since this is my first grow I guessed I would overcare my plants so I bought the equipment not out of necessity but to limit myself :)
Its good that you have that meter, but there are some problems beside overwatering that heavy soil gets:
1. root. when water sits still they promote bacterias that will rot your roots.
2. bugs. comes from the same reasons.
3. less air for times. as it drains less the less air the roots get - which is bad.

I would suggest digging up some of the outer part of the soil and replacing it with potting soil.

I got wormcastings but I haven't decided how I should use them yet. I might make tea out of it or put it in soil and let it do its thing
If you replace the OUTER PART of the soil, add some wormcasting in it. lets say 10%.
If you replace anything that have roots in it DON'T ADD WORMCASTINGS to it.
instead dig a few holes on the outer diameter and fill em with wormcasting, then water on them.

. However the second option is a bit hard work since I already potted in 14 litre pots. If the info on soil pack correct I have 2 more weeks to go before start feeding nutes.
The label is right, if you grow something avarage feeded, like basil.
Weed eats a LOT.

I have different type of molasses made out of carob with pretty darn good K and P values (as well as minor nutes). I am gonna use that one in every two weeks with humic-fulvic acid mix during flowering period.
No clue about that, sorry.

I haven't watered my plants since friday. I read somewhere to water the edges of pot so the roots of the plant stretch. I think the roots are stretching towards the bottom and sides right now looking for water pockets which is good. That way my plants would stay relatively small I guess. At least it is what I am hoping
Thats sounds just about right.
Remember that with such a heavy soil you will need to water without filling up the soil with all its water holding capacity.
Less water - more air, and roots needs both.

. I read a lot about LST but since this is my first grow I am kinda hesitant to apply that... maybe as I gain more experience. I might try tying bottom branches to make them shoot upwards. Would tying bottom branches do that effect?
the idea of LST is simple - tie down the high parts to let lower parts get more light.
tying the lower branches makes no sense.
Its nothing to worry about, just don't put too much presure at first.