im in sydney, out ctown way. oh and that reminds me, being a pretty "rough" area (its not really but has a bad rep) i thought id put my two cents in on the police detection debate. we have regular (2-3 times a week min) fly overs by the PolAir chopper because we live across the road from bush that seems to be a prefered shortcut for the areas criminals, but they range between high speed pursuits, low speed spotlight searches and hovering thermal detection (no spotlights). ive had the chopper sit directly above our house and blind me with the spotty, but it also often will just cruise around at night, like i watched it do again last night, with only a small set of flashing lights (these always make me laugh, like their ever gonna pull over another chopper mid air for an rbt!) obviously using the thermal detection and while they might be looking for someone or something in particular, if their screen lights up over someones back shed im fairly sure they would make a note of it to check it out. just a thought.Score! I Love Car-Boot salesWe hav 1 near us that I scored an awesome Air-Cooler from for a Fraction of the price..
Where bouts do u hail from Cat?
Hah! I knew it.. As soon as u said Boot Sale, i instantly pictured the little yard @ the top of the hill nestled between some run-down shops and a dodgy car in sydney, out ctown way. oh and that reminds me, being a pretty "rough" area (its not really but has a bad rep)
Yep.... I agree.......and I believe that with time they will come to their senses and" legalize it yeah yeah"
for the mere fact that they are missing out on LOADS of tax
I like to think if it was legalised then it would be a case of big enterprise growing gr8 weed and selling it to over 18's and paying taxes..Now that's an interesting topic...
So would you rather weed decriminalized or would you rather it made legal and taxed? Along the same lines, would you be happy if it was conrolled qnd taxed simply because it's so unlikely it will be simply decriminalized?
I like to think if it was legalised then it would be a case of big enterprise growing gr8 weed and selling it to over 18's and paying taxes..
and then you would have the people like us making home brews and being left in peace to do it..but we could sell our boutique product throu selected outlets if we chose and pay tax like any business people .....
how simple is that..? prob very simplistic and wishful but hey,, someones got to dream it before it manifests as part of our consensual reality